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Stage Quotes

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So it’s really nice after about a year and a half to get back on stage and flex those old muscles.  (Stage Quotes) I certainly did plays in high school and community theater, and I want to get back on the stage  (Stage Quotes) There’s nothing more romantic after not seeing your husband for four months than to have our first night back together, on a Broadway stage, with 12 million people watching.  (Stage Quotes) You worry about whether you are match-fit, coming back to the stand-up stage  (Stage Quotes) My background is in psychology and I’m also a stage actor. That’s my background.  (Stage Quotes) In the opening stage of most careers any attention is what you want, any attention is good attention, even if it’s bad attention.  (Stage Quotes) Many people associate stage fright with a fear of looking ridiculous, making a bad impression. For me, it’s like a kind of fever.  (Stage Quotes) The thing is, any time anyone invades anyone on stage, the invader always looks really bad no matter what point they’re proving - obviously that applies to myself too.  (Stage Quotes) Never apologize on stage. Most people never notice when you make a mistake or if you are having a bad show.  (Stage Quotes) I loved to make people laugh in high school, and then I found I loved being on stage in front of people. I’m sure that’s some kind of ego trip or a way to overcome shyness. I was very kind of shy and reserved, so there’s a way to be on stage and be performing and balance your life out.  (Stage Quotes) I dreamt of becoming a ballet dancer. I studied with the Royal Academy of London for 11 years, and that did not pan out, but my love for being on stage was born there. And then, I actually went to drama school in Paris, France. That’s where it first started.  (Stage Quotes) In swimming at my level it’s about control of the small movements. A good ballet dancer floats across the stage, the best sprinters virtually abolish gravity. All motion occurs in the right direction.  (Stage Quotes) The guys in my band are good friends on and off the stage. The band members that I have now is probably the best band that I have ever had.  (Stage Quotes) For me, it’s always this constant battle and search when I’m out on stage as to where and when do I really open myself up to the people that are there. How do I let myself feel present in the space, and how do I allow myself to get into the music and interact with the band members.  (Stage Quotes) I think we’re in the take-the-money-and-run stage of the economy. So the banks may go under, but the bankers, who make the policy, clean up.  (Stage Quotes) I’m the star of stage, screen, and television now, but I’m also available for children’s parties and bar mitzvahs.  (Stage Quotes) What I wear is everything - from how I carry my hair to what I’m wearing on my feet. I have to feel comfortable on stage, so I like to wear things that have room. My mood changes a lot, so sometimes I wear 6-inch heels, and other times I’ll perform in bare feet.  (Stage Quotes) It seems women are expected to be so much more than men, which means we have to work that much harder. We’re the ones under the microscope. We’re expected to sound perfect. We’re expected to look perfect all the time. We’re expected to be style-setters, whereas the boys roll onto the stage in their jeans, T-shirts and baseball caps.  (Stage Quotes) Humbled by the fact that never in a million years would I ever thought that I would be on the same stage with all these great Hall of Famers and enshrined to the National Baseball Hall of Fame.  (Stage Quotes) No marketplace, free or otherwise, is good when it fails to consider the basic human state of needs at every stage of life.  (Stage Quotes) Morality is standing by your friends, standing by people when it’s not popular. It’s sacrificing things on a big international stage, and sometimes it’s sacrificing your basic comforts.  (Stage Quotes) I’ve accomplished everything a person can accomplish on a basketball court, but I never thought about the future when I was younger. I never made plans for the next stage in my life.  (Stage Quotes) My name is on the thing, but the reality of it is, when I get up there on stage, I’m part of a band. I’m part of a unit. It’s like a basketball team.  (Stage Quotes) I was in bands, but they were punk bands, and you plug in the guitars, you turn them up really loud, you’ve got four or five other people on stage with you, you’ve got some protection from when they throw lighters. You can always hide behind the lead singer or the bass player.  (Stage Quotes) In many ways, ‘William Shakespeare’s Star Wars’ is modeled on Shakespeare’s Henry V, which relied on a chorus to explain in words the battles of Harfleur and Agincourt that could never be captured on the Elizabethan stage.  (Stage Quotes) I was a very good girl for a long time, that’s what really drew me to acting. The stage was the perfect place to be outrageous, to be sad, to be angry, to be all these different things.  (Stage Quotes) Infancy is a vulnerable stage of development, therefore, it’s not enough that babies receive good care, the care must be excellent.  (Stage Quotes) When you go on the stage before thousands of people, you can be excited and nervous, but it’s not fear.  (Stage Quotes) The stage is a place where I can be wholly myself. Even though you’re in front of people almost to be judged, it is a place without judgement.  (Stage Quotes) You come across quite ordinary, nondescript people in daily life, and I don’t see why you should be subjected to them on the stage, too.  (Stage Quotes)
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