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Stage Quotes

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There are so many huge roles in the theatre: if you’ve got the option to play Hedda Gabler on stage, why wouldn’t you choose that over a three-line part in a Hollywood film as somebody’s maid or somebody’s wife or somebody’s best friend?  (Stage Quotes) I become a better actor after I step on a stage in front of, like, 500 people when it’s just me, a microphone and my guitar. You don’t get as nervous walking into a room in front of 3 or 4 people and to do a scene or to walk on a set. You gain confidence.  (Stage Quotes) The actor must be full of passion. If he’s too cool he’s better off as the manager of a company, not someone who appears on the stage.  (Stage Quotes) I feel like in a lot of ways I’ve gotten kind of soft as an actor, not doing stage stuff. In terms of being a better actor, it’s really important.  (Stage Quotes) Maybe I’m just a psycho, and the stage is a better place to go than either the loony bin or somewhere else.  (Stage Quotes) You can’t skip any stage of your life, it’s all part of the molding process into a better you  (Stage Quotes) At this stage of my life I would rather try and have some small impact within a company and suffer through those things than make such a big stink that nobody can trust to work with you. It’s very important in an environment of a big institution that people don’t feel threatened that you’re going to expose them in any way.  (Stage Quotes) It’s nice to have a band that can adapt to whatever show we’re in, so we can play on a big stage or a house show.  (Stage Quotes) There are lots of big books that have gay characters - or, more commonly, a gay character - in secondary roles, but seldom are their lives, and especially their sexual lives, on center stage.  (Stage Quotes) People talk about the difference between working on stage and working on film. I think you could say that there are as many differences between working on low budget films and working on big budget films. You really are doing the same thing, but at the same time you’re doing something vastly different as well.  (Stage Quotes) The very first role I ever played was as a 17-year old South African girl who dreamed of being a star and left home to meet her mother in the big city so that she could pursue that dream. I left South Africa and met my mother in Vancouver and not long after that was given the opportunity to perform on the stage and have people chant my name.  (Stage Quotes) Even though people involved in racing think that it has a big sporting stage, it is a minority sport compared to some of the other high-profile events: football, Formula One or golf.  (Stage Quotes) My show ‘The Big House’ was picked up; they flew me to New York. I’m about to step on stage to announce Kevin Hart’s ‘The Big House.’ And a hand grabs my shoulder, ‘Kevin no, they just decided to cancel it.’ It’s a serious smack-in-the-face business, and either you can take it, or you can’t.  (Stage Quotes) I became a councillor back in 1971, so if by this stage in politics I’m making lots of big mistakes, then I shouldn’t be here.  (Stage Quotes) I’m like a big 10-year-old when I’m on stage. I just go up there and do whatever I think is cool at the moment.  (Stage Quotes) There’s an old Fred Astaire movie where the stage becomes bigger and deeper and more complex. Moments like that really did impact on me and influence me.  (Stage Quotes) From the stage, I can reach a large audience, and you learn from being on stage how much a song reaches, what extent of the crowd a song can reach. I write in a way that can reach most of the audience, but I also wanted to have truly intimate moments as well, many intimate moments, more so than the big moments.  (Stage Quotes) I love stage actors. The pool of world class actors that have done theater [is big], there’s a higher opportunity of grabbing somebody from that pool.  (Stage Quotes) When I’m not on stage, I’m kind of shy. If you see me and I don’t say much, don’t think I’m not taking in what you have to say. I’m just not a big talker.  (Stage Quotes) When you challenge other people’s ideas of who or how you should be, they may try to diminish and disgrace you. It can happen in small ways in hidden places, or in big ways on a world stage. You can spend a lifetime resenting the tests, angry about the slights and the injustices. Or, you can rise above it.  (Stage Quotes) The stage for our whole show is actually really interesting and a lot of fun. There’s always something going on so we figure even the people who come up and don’t know Big Time Rush love the show because there’s always something going on, so that’s what we love about it.  (Stage Quotes) My biggest musical dream is to keep playing all my life. There’s nothing bigger than that and that’s very challenging because you have to satisfy yourself at every stage.  (Stage Quotes) I loved Billie Holiday more than any other person other than myself on the stage. Yeah, I do.  (Stage Quotes) I went to a rare live Van Dyke show and met him there. And then he came to a show of mine and we spoke back stage. The third time was at Brian Wilson’s birthday party.  (Stage Quotes) I’m in a difficult position in the sense that, preposterous as this might sound, I don’t like being the centre of attention. I get up on stage every night and play songs, but I almost feel the songs are the centre of attention. I don’t like opening my birthday presents in front of people, either.  (Stage Quotes) I’m a ‘never say never’ girl. Frank Sinatra retired four times. He kept coming back. But there are people in our business who want to die on stage. Literally. I don’t want to do that.  (Stage Quotes) The minute I’m off that stage, I try to get as ‘me’ as possible. I do that by piling on my black eyeliner, and I put on my ripped tights. Dressing like myself again helps.  (Stage Quotes) Your haters may stage fake games that they know you cannot win so that you may fail and put that blame on you and in turn doubt yourself.  (Stage Quotes) I guess I was an early method actress. I would go to a quiet part of the sound stage with my mother. I wouldn’t think of anything sad, I would just make my mind a blank. In a minute I could cry.  (Stage Quotes) Creativity is always a leap of faith. You’re faced with a blank page, blank easel, or an empty stage.  (Stage Quotes)
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