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Stage Quotes

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I don t wanna see old people on a rock and roll stage  (Stage Quotes) I’m terrified of saying the wrong thing on stage with bell hooks  (Stage Quotes) The great thing about stage is that you have a live audience  (Stage Quotes) There’s no such thing as an easy stage  (Stage Quotes) A unique, personal music that lights up the stage with its joy and enthusiasm  (Stage Quotes) I suffer a lot with nerves and stage fright  (Stage Quotes) Stage time, stage time, stage time  (Stage Quotes) I definitely get stage fright  (Stage Quotes) Prancing around on stage is not the entire purpose of my life  (Stage Quotes) I don’t really feel any different when I get up on stage  (Stage Quotes) All that matters on the stage is good art  (Stage Quotes) I finally felt that I came into my own when I went on the stage  (Stage Quotes) I have awards right now that I do not remember walking on stage to get  (Stage Quotes) The period of childhood is a stage on which time and space become entangled  (Stage Quotes) The stage calls my name  (Stage Quotes) I’m not a big raised stage fan  (Stage Quotes) Most bands, if something goes wrong, they cower and walk off stage and fire people  (Stage Quotes) If I had my druthers, I would do only stage work  (Stage Quotes) When people feel that something really special is happening on the stage, things change  (Stage Quotes) I started on the stage when I was 13 and I consider the stage my home  (Stage Quotes) When I’m on stage, all is right with the world  (Stage Quotes) Being on stage a lot is quite physical  (Stage Quotes) My awkward stage extended well into high school  (Stage Quotes) I play in a band, I write songs, I sing, you know, perform on stage  (Stage Quotes) I’m a stage actor, and we never get to see our performances  (Stage Quotes) When I was growing up, I was always on stage but I loved other things  (Stage Quotes) I’ve found acting on stage much more challenging than on screen  (Stage Quotes) The stage is my first love  (Stage Quotes) I can take any empty space and call it a bare stage  (Stage Quotes) People think I am the crazy person on stage, but I know how to relax  (Stage Quotes)
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