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Stage Quotes

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What I do, basically, is look at things from different angles. That is what I do on stage comedically, and that is what I do in art. I was always fascinated by the structure of things, why things work this way and not that way. So I like to see how things behave if you change the point of view.  (Stage Quotes) I chose not to go home and struggle with the New York scene. My size sort of locked me out. I was too short for the stage. I would have been doing character roles, so I went to Los Angeles. There is a lot more happening out there. I also felt it was important to break away from my family.  (Stage Quotes) I loved being on stage with heroes of mine, like Gregg Edelman and Jimmy Walton, and the lovely Chita Rivera and Stephanie J. Block.  (Stage Quotes) Values are most important. Democratic values have to be instilled from childhood and the child sees at an early stage in life in every situation in society.  (Stage Quotes) There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding, which constitutes a new hope and a new responsibility for all.  (Stage Quotes) When I perform on stage I become those male bullies, those dominators from my childhood. That’s probably why it’s so scary, because they scared me.  (Stage Quotes) If I could perform on stage with any musical act or performer, it would be Sugar Ray, just to fulfill my childhood dream of singing with Mark McGrath.  (Stage Quotes) I find myself drawn to that period where children are about to leave childhood behind. When you’re 12 years old, you still have one foot in childhood; the other is poised to enter a completely new stage of life. Your innocent understanding of the world moves towards something messier and more complicated, and once it does you can never go back.  (Stage Quotes) The aim of the Revolution is, so far as the interests of China herself are concerned, the restoration of her original frontiers and, in regard to the rest of the world, a gradual advance of all nations from the stage of equality to that of an ideal unity.  (Stage Quotes) The words we use have weight. Whether it’s in a conversation with a friend or something said publicly on stage or broadcast. And as performers, we know that because that’s why we choose the words we use - that’s the whole point of comedy.  (Stage Quotes) When you act in a film, you’re inevitably surrounded by people you didn’t choose, right down to the set painter. I like being able to pick the family I’m waking up to in the morning that’s going to make this group effort to tell a story that applies to what’s interesting to me at that stage in my life.  (Stage Quotes) Seeing the road show of ‘A Chorus Line’ in 1977 at the Orpheum Theater in downtown Memphis was a life-changing event for me: there were gay people, on the stage, and they all lived in New York.  (Stage Quotes) When you get off stage, the audience should know a little bit about you. Not where you are from, but how you see the world. And that’s the difference between like a Chris Rock joke, and like an open-miker.  (Stage Quotes) I learned from the guys before me - Bill Cosby, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Richard Pryor, just to name a few. These are guys that let it all hang out. What they lived is what they took to the stage.  (Stage Quotes) There’s something about doing theatre in London - it sinks a little bit deeper into your soul as an actor. It’s something about the tradition of theatre, about performing on the West End stage.  (Stage Quotes) Every woman I’ve had a relationship with has found this maddening; the fact that I will talk about anything on the stage, and reveal all this stuff, and yet when I’m at home, I clam up and won’t discuss anything intimate or personal.  (Stage Quotes) I don’t put a girl in a box and clap my hands three times, and she’s gone. I get in the box, and I vanish, and I reappear at the other side of the stage. That way, people don’t think, ‘That’s a great illusion.’ They think, ‘Doug’s a great magician.’  (Stage Quotes) I was always the Class Clown and over time became very good at it. I started doing comedy on stage at the Dallas Comedy Corner where I honed my skills by watching guys like Garry Shandling, Robin Williams, Jay Lena and more.  (Stage Quotes) One time, I came off stage and a guy named Roman Decare, God rest his soul, he was a comic. ‘Louie, if you do that family stuff, and you’re a clean comic on stage, you’ll become famous.’ And, for some reason, a switch clicked, and I started doing the family stuff, and it became a giant part of my life.  (Stage Quotes) I certainly enjoy going on stage and lecturing and talking to Congress. That’s a personality explanation. And given government proposals, I thought I had a clear view that they were antagonistic to human freedom.  (Stage Quotes) A sitcom is the closest thing for me to doing stage because you work in front of an audience, and if it’s well written it can be very satisfying.  (Stage Quotes) I came from the stage so it was a different kind of acting, or a different arena of acting, and I just loved to do it as a kid. It’s really gratifying to get to create these different characters and to get to create different voices and to get to wear different clothes.  (Stage Quotes) I’ve always had rock star envy. Unfortunately, writing is a pedestrian, tame occupation done while sitting in coffee-stained pajamas in front of a computer rather than prowling around a huge stage in sweaty leather pants, so I have to get my kicks vicariously.  (Stage Quotes) One of the things about working on stage - actually, about working in show business, that is - is that it’s such a collaborative effort. I suppose that everything in life is - every endeavor where people are able to be successful.  (Stage Quotes) I had no inclination to perform as a kid. I was a shy child - I always had my nose in a library book. I didn’t start acting until I went to college. Once I started, it seemed to fit like a glove. I felt completely at home on stage. It was the perfect way for me to express myself, even better than writing.  (Stage Quotes) I don’t know if I’d ever want to show my college life in the films I make. I think I’ve passed that stage long ago.  (Stage Quotes) That stage in life when older people assume that just because you’ve graduated college you know who you are, or what you’re doing, and in fact most people don’t.  (Stage Quotes) I’m so scared of doing theater. I’ve got stage fright, although they keep asking me to come back.  (Stage Quotes) The first night you walk down to a comedy club, at least for me, I had my voice, and then I went on stage and I lost it.  (Stage Quotes) I’ve done a lot of work other than sci-fi, and between half-hour comedy, stage, and various movie roles, I’ve really tried to avoid being typecast.  (Stage Quotes)
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