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Stage Quotes

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I’ve realized that my... let me call it ‘destiny’ or some force that has pushed me to identify looking for your comfort zone as a kind of limitation. And everybody has a tendency to fall into the comfort zone. I did that in the early stage of my career.  (Stage Quotes) That’s the most comfortable place for me. In the beginning, yes, I was nervous going on stage. I was not a natural performer. I really had to acquire that skill.  (Stage Quotes) The stage is the place I feel comfortable - it’s almost as if real life is where I feel most nervous. Conversations are a lot more nerve-wracking.  (Stage Quotes) I don’t think Africa gets as much credit as it should have on the world stage. People tend to think of us as coming from The Dark Continent, where nothing good goes on. That’s not true. A huge amount of, as I say, entrepreneurship goes on.  (Stage Quotes) A guitar for me is pretty much strictly in the context of writing songs for my band, coming up with ideas with my band, and then being able to perform those songs as best as I can on stage - that’s what the guitar for me has always been.  (Stage Quotes) You go through that stage where you’re coming up with the concept, ideas and all that you need to make a record. It always feels like hard labor.  (Stage Quotes) Michelle and Barack [Obama] epitomize what my father set the stage for - they epitomize global community organizing. I’m a global child, I was raised a global child, and he’s a global child.  (Stage Quotes) I prefer the competitive atmosphere of a classroom setting, like yoga or Pilates. That keeps me going. Although performing on stage is great exercise!  (Stage Quotes) Fencing is a funny sport. Competitive fencing is not really very applicable to the stage world unless you’re fighting with a rapier during the Renaissance, you know?  (Stage Quotes) Diversity really means becoming complete as human beings - all of us. We learn from each other. If you’re missing on that stage, we learn less. We all need to be on that stage.  (Stage Quotes) I think we have arrived at the stage where we are making it too complicated. I know guys who can’t play two rounds before running to their teachers.  (Stage Quotes) At some stage in the process, most mainstream pop records are being manipulated and possibly completely rebuilt on a computer, with a visual program.  (Stage Quotes) I always had an eye toward the stage for the story of Hamilton’s life, but I began with the idea of a concept album, the way Andrew Lloyd Webber’s ‘Evita’ and ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ were albums before they were musicals.  (Stage Quotes) Carly Simon abandoned the stage for seven years after collapsing from nerves before a concert in Pittsburgh in 1981. When she resumed performing, she would sometimes ask members of her band to spank her before she went onstage, to distract her from her anxiety.  (Stage Quotes) At his heart, Shakespeare was a YA author. So many of his plays are set with high school-aged characters. He understood the passion, the confusion and drama that marks that life stage.  (Stage Quotes) If you had to point to anything, it’s when you’ve had as much success as we’ve had and are so close to winning a Super Bowl, at some stage you have an opportunity to think the next move, even if it’s not consistent with all your previous moves, will be the one that gives you the chance to win the Lombardi Trophy.  (Stage Quotes) What is that song that Willie Nelson sang? ‘Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few.’ I think of that. No big deal. I’ve reached a stage in my life where I am content.  (Stage Quotes) I love the stage. It’s terrifying in a way that film and television is not. When you’re about to go out, and you’re adrenaline just gets out of control, and that can be really daunting.  (Stage Quotes) When you see a comedian on stage, the best comedians make it feel like a conversation. But it’s not. We have very little interest in what an audience has to say during a performance. Being a stand-up comedian, you’re an egomaniac to some degree. Everyone wants to hear what you have to say, apparently. That’s not how real relationships work.  (Stage Quotes) I love the Warner Brothers lot. There is so much history there. They’ve done such a smart thing. They have signs outside of each stage which tell you what movies and TV shows were shot inside. So cool... you can almost feel the ghosts of actors past.  (Stage Quotes) I’m at that stage of life where I don’t even care of people like me anymore. If you like me, Cool. If you don’t, Okay!  (Stage Quotes) I’m at that stage of life where I don’t even care whether people like me anymore. If you like me, Cool. If you don’t, Okay!  (Stage Quotes) I have been tested. I have beaten breast cancer. I have buried a child. I started as a secretary. I fought my way to the top of corporate America while being called every B word in the book. I fought my way into this election and on to this debate stage while all the political insiders and the pundits told, it couldn’t be done.  (Stage Quotes) I got the chance to argue my first case in Supreme Court, a criminal case arising in Alabama that involved the right of a defendant to counsel at a critical stage in a capital case before a trial.  (Stage Quotes) I only did karaoke once in my life. It was with Courtney Love and it was a total disaster. She pulled me on stage in front of 500 people at a wedding. I’d never done karaoke before.  (Stage Quotes) Most designers and creative agencies, no matter their industry niche, will do some nonprofit or cause-related work at some stage of their career. This work helps us create a sense of purpose that is bigger than us. It connects us to our community, helps us leave a legacy and be part of something bigger than our own work.  (Stage Quotes) Once I go on stage, the atmosphere is totally theatrical. The greater the illusion, the greater the intensity of the excitement it creates.  (Stage Quotes) It’s a wonderful thing to have life and to look at all this creation and say thank you. I even say it on stage.  (Stage Quotes) I have been fully involved in designing my stage shows; it’s important to me to do something really unique and almost off-the-wall to bring the music and the visuals together. I love design and actually went to school for a bit for graphic design, so it isn’t so much ‘pressure’ for me; it’s a way to be creative, and I really enjoy it.  (Stage Quotes) I’ve always known actors because my parents are actors on stage and so I lived in a very creative environment when I was a kid. All my life.  (Stage Quotes)
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