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Stage Quotes

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With ‘Tron,’ we had so many crew members around and a stage full of special effects people that know exactly what has to be done in the situations. You’re on a stage in sets the whole time.  (Stage Quotes) When life attains a crisis, man’s focus narrows. [¦] The world becomes a stage of immediate concern, swept free of illusion.  (Stage Quotes) For years I used to try to straighten my hair, but I’ve reached a stage where I think, ‘I’ve got red curly hair, and it’s actually really great.’  (Stage Quotes) And what is a stage dad, or a stage mom? It’s someone who’s protective. That’s all.  (Stage Quotes) My dad tells me that he took us to a pantomime when I was very, very small - panto being a sort of English phenomenon. There’s traditionally a part of the show where they’ll invite kids up on the stage to interact with the show. I was too young to remember this, but my dad says that I was running up onstage before they even asked us.  (Stage Quotes) We are not what we seem. We are more than what we seem. The actor knows that. And because the actor knows that hidden inside himself there’s a wizard and a king, he also knows that when he’s playing himself in his daily life, he’s playing a part, he’s performing, just as he’s performing when he plays a part on stage.  (Stage Quotes) Growing up as a dancer, the stage is really where I love to be performance wise  (Stage Quotes) My first mentor and inspiration was my Irish Dancing teacher Patricia Mulholland. She created her own form of dance known as Irish ballet and created stage productions of old Irish myths and legends. They were my first experiences on stage. She told my mum I was destined for the stage, and I took that as my cue.  (Stage Quotes) That’s my dream: one day, I want to standing on the stage on Broadway. I sing; my dancing is terrible, but I can be trained. That’s my dream. That’s something I really want to work on.  (Stage Quotes) I tell people ‘America’s Got Talent’ is the best summer job you could have - you get to watch people strive for their dreams all summer long. So when you see me rooting for these people or dancing on the side of the stage, that’s what I’d be doing if I was watching this show at home!  (Stage Quotes) They did ask me to do ‘Dancing With The Stars;’ I said I can do one show, but on that show you have to come up with a new number every week, and I told them that I think I’m a little past that stage.  (Stage Quotes) I’m not going to be dancing with the stars at this stage in my life. But I want to dance and bop around, and I did, and I can.  (Stage Quotes) Going to the theater or having the honor of performing in theater reminds you of your humanity in a very different way. It’s a real release and an incredible challenge. But the stage is a dangerous place. You gotta be trained. Plus, crowds like when things go wrong. I think that’s part of the thrill. Anything can happen.  (Stage Quotes) I put my life in danger every time I do some of these demonstrations, whether it’s in the audience hanging upside down or on the stage. We now have a lot of dangerous stunts where anything can go wrong. In fact, I have fallen two stories and landed on the stage, so I am well aware of the dangers.  (Stage Quotes) It’s dangerous to get calm. You need some nerves to work from, it’s good energy. It’s not good to have no nerves. You’d fall asleep on stage.  (Stage Quotes) I know I can get to the stage where I’m drinking a lot. I tend to be rotten and groggy all day and hanging out for the next drink and five o’clock, ping! I have to just stop.  (Stage Quotes) One of the things I took from my wartime experiences was that reality was a stage set... the comfortable day-to-day life, school, the home where one lives and all the rest of it... could be dismantled overnight.  (Stage Quotes) People ask me if I have stage fright. I say, God, no, I’m completely comfortable there. I have rest-of-the-day fright.  (Stage Quotes) There were a lot more girls at the shows early on. I’d get off stage and there would be options. Those days are long gone, thank God.  (Stage Quotes) If what you do is being threatened as a profession, that could be scary. But that’s the same reason why I walked out on stage many times after receiving death threats. I couldn’t live without doing what I wanted to do. So at the same time I have to be willing to die for it.  (Stage Quotes) An improv team would have eight guys and one woman; that was still pretty standard. If you were a woman improviser, it was actually kind of an advantage because, if you were halfway decent, you’d get a lot more stage time.  (Stage Quotes) The absolute contingency of the encounter takes on the appearance of destiny. The declaration of love marks the transition from chance to destiny and that’s why it is so perilous and so burdened with a kind of horrifying stage fright.  (Stage Quotes) For Sarah Palin, the least experienced on the world stage, the stress of maintaining the fiction that she was qualified to be vice president sent her over the deep end almost immediately. She went off on a ferocious spending spree that might have killed a lesser woman. Katie Couric’s straightforward questions unraveled her.  (Stage Quotes) I still start to get panicky each morning before I go on television. I’ll say, ‘I’m in awful shape, something is wrong,’ and if I start to look like I’m going off the deep end, Jimmy Straka, the stage manager, will say, ‘You’re all right. Calm down.’ Then Bryant Gumbel will grab me by the leg or something.  (Stage Quotes) And you know what - and I don’t mean this in tongue in cheek way - but it’s like deja vu. When I walked in to WCW they were producing wrestling on a little teeny sound stage at Disney, okay? I’m walking into TNA and they’re producing wrestling in a little teeny sound stage at Universal.  (Stage Quotes) I think that the government of [Nicolas] Maduro has argued to stage a coup in Venezuela, that this is obviously a coup against the country’s democratic institutions.  (Stage Quotes) I never wanted to design clothes. I never wanted to work for the fashion industry. Shoes sort of belong to the fashion industry, which is why I’m part of the fashion industry. But that’s never been my thought. My thought since I was a child was really to design those shoes for girls on stage.  (Stage Quotes) When I began to choreograph and find my way pulling other artists’ dreams out and changing music in a visual way, there was still a part of me that had something more to say. There was still a desire to rock a stage and ultimately perform the eight count of my dream, but there was a lot of insecurity there.  (Stage Quotes) Love is the dance of the spirit on a stage called heart with the songs of mind to satisfy our eternal desires to belong.  (Stage Quotes) The pretentiousness of literature really annoys me; the way a writer is held as this sort of magical person to be revered on the stage. Everything I do on tour is to try and destroy that pretense.  (Stage Quotes)
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