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China is at a different stage of development, human rights are violated here much more often. And still, we see improvements even here.  (Stage Quotes) I am just trying to die on the stage just as simple as that. I just like going in man. Just give it my all and enjoy it.  (Stage Quotes) Good diet and exercise are key, but abject fear has its own rewards. And arriving on the first day for rehearsals for ‘Spamalot’ and seeing all these much younger, much fitter people, who I was going to be on stage with, became a catalyst for cutting out the more unhealthy aspects of my life.  (Stage Quotes) We need to reach that happy stage of our development when differences and diversity are not seen as sources of division and distrust, but of strength and inspiration.  (Stage Quotes) I’m always happy and most at home on the stage. I love film and television, but I love live performance... your immediacy with the audience, it makes all the difference in the world.  (Stage Quotes) Sting I’ve seen a few times, and he really inspired me in the sense that he breaks the songs down a lot and will take a different approach. He’ll take an acoustic approach to them; he’ll rearrange them for the live stage.  (Stage Quotes) There are a lot of different facets to my personality that I don’t use all the time in my house, or in everyday life, that I can experience and share when I’m on a stage.  (Stage Quotes) It’s quite different, the kind of love you get in a smaller club and the kind of love you get on a big proscenium stage. It’s quite different. I like both of them, but I’m in love with the smaller, intimate club.  (Stage Quotes) When I’m acting, I’m in a different place, singing is the last thing on my mind, and when I’m on stage, there’s no acting at all involved, not even presentation, it’s just who I am.  (Stage Quotes) All Boston songs are fairly difficult to translate to the stage. None of them are especially easy to play or sing. A lot of them, of course, have very involved arrangements with lots of different sounds and sections that are difficult to play and sing. The prospect of doing any Boston song live is always an endeavor in itself.  (Stage Quotes) I still love hockey. It’s just I’m at a different stage of my life and I think I’m just ready to grow in other ways outside of just being a hockey player.  (Stage Quotes) Performing live on stage is such a community, whether it’s my musicians or a cast of a show that I’m in. And then when you’re in the studio or on set, it’s a much more solitary experience. Both can serve me at different times in my life. And when I go back and forth from one to the other, it helps me appreciate all of them much better.  (Stage Quotes) It is very gratifying to see the music from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy find a new life on the concert stage as it is performed by different orchestras and choruses throughout the world.  (Stage Quotes) Ordinarily during the stage of your life when you’re going through your adolescence and you’re completely awkward and uncomfortable, the rest of the world isn’t watching you with bated breath. It’s different when you’re an actor and you choose to work your way through that period because it only makes it worse.  (Stage Quotes) You have to understand that teaching online is different, just like movies are different from the stage and TV is different from radio.  (Stage Quotes) I have had a very difficult time with stage fright; it undermines your well-being and peace of mind, and it can also threaten your livelihood.  (Stage Quotes) When actors encounter a mishap during a stage performance,they transform it for good purpose by employing a technique called,use the difficulty.How can you use the difficultyin your life?  (Stage Quotes) My personality just steps away, and I’m in direct connection when I’m on stage  (Stage Quotes) Of course the thinking mind must sooner or later be controlled, developed, and supplied with the force of will for a break-through to non-thinking, a direct experience of non-duality. But at what stage?  (Stage Quotes) I know who I am. I don’t have to brag. I know what I contributed. I know what I did. You think you can do it better? Hey, go right ahead. The stage is yours.  (Stage Quotes) You have got to give children respect from the earliest stage. You should be proud of whatever you do. If you’re not, you really shouldn’t be doing it at all.  (Stage Quotes) At the end of every stage performance, the audience all applaud me for doing my job, but I have friends who work in offices who don’t get that.  (Stage Quotes) I exercise. I go to the gym every day. It’s about respecting what you’re doing. You’re going on stage. You have to sleep. You have to be prepared.  (Stage Quotes) My name is Ella; that’s who I am at school, hanging out with friends, while I’m doing homework. But when I’m up on stage, ‘Lorde’ is a character.  (Stage Quotes) The less people that are on the stage, there’s more drama. You start living the music with each individual. When you see a band with ten people on stage, just a huge ensemble, you don’t know who’s doing what.  (Stage Quotes) I’m most in my element on tour, with a gig that day, like today. I’m on the road where I am supposed to be. I will be where I’m supposed to be at nighttime, on stage, in front of people, doing my thing.  (Stage Quotes) When it comes to sermon writing, generally there are two problems. Some preachers love the research stage but hate the writing, and they start writing too late. Others don’t like doing research, so they move way too fast to the writing part.  (Stage Quotes) We must progress to the stage of doing all the right things for all the right reasons instead of doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons.  (Stage Quotes) I think if I just do what I do every day, on the extraordinary Olympic stage, I could be a podium contender.  (Stage Quotes) You gotta know when it’s time to hang up. But when I finally go, let me go out on stage, my perfect ending. Don’t let me go when I’m sick or asleep. Let me be in motion.  (Stage Quotes)
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