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Stage Quotes

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My most embarrassing moment was probably when I was on tour and I would throw the mic out of my hand and catch it but one time I dropped it and I felt so stupid. My most exhilarating moment is every time I step on stage to perform.  (Stage Quotes) I have great emotion every time I go on stage. Nothing in life gives me the same satisfaction that my profession gives me.  (Stage Quotes) I have always used emotion as a writing tool. That goes back to me being on the stage  (Stage Quotes) In the old days, variety turns like me learned how to cope with failure - we all had nights when we ‘died’ on stage - but today’s youngsters simply don’t have that experience. For them, it really is instant make or break time - hence, all the tears and, hence, all the potential emotional damage.  (Stage Quotes) The fact is that great musical pieces take and hold the stage because they provide great emotional experiences.  (Stage Quotes) I don’t feel I’m fighting to reach this huge audience; it just happens. I go on stage before the audience arrives and look out to this vast empty house. There’s something therapeutic about taking in the ring where you’ll perform.  (Stage Quotes) I’ve seen people who stink, but the film editor shows them just where they didn’t stink. But if you’re empty and manipulative on stage, it’s clear.  (Stage Quotes) There is an endless range of parts I have not played. I would love to do a whole slew of period pieces. I also used to do a lot of stage work, and I would like to go back to that from time to time.  (Stage Quotes) Kids don’t see me as an oldies person when I go out on stage. They see me as an energy force.  (Stage Quotes) I never really had stage nerves but I did have had trouble getting up to the right energy level. For a long time I drank. I drank up until 1982 and then I gave up alcohol.  (Stage Quotes) I think there’s a, you know, certain kind of freedom for me when I get on stage. Maybe it’s because I’ve held it back for so long that it’s made me a little bit of angst inside. It’s kind of like this energy needs to come out. And there’s a certain sense, you know, of freedom when I get on that stage.  (Stage Quotes) I think if a 30-year-old Bill Cosby sat on stage with a 72-year-old Bill Cosby, they would enjoy each other.  (Stage Quotes) I don’t like kids that are pushed into things by stage mums, but when I can see they are having a good time, they’re excited and enjoying the process, then I think it’s wrong to discriminate.  (Stage Quotes) So you don’t have to take us too seriously; I mean, we’re already intimidating enough on stage.  (Stage Quotes) Storyless is not abstract. Two dancers on the stage are enough material for a story; for me, they are already a story in themselves  (Stage Quotes) I knew already when I was seven years old, that I wanted to be on stage and entertain people. I sell laughs. Here, you got one for free!  (Stage Quotes) I was always the lead role in plays. I like entertaining people. I like when you’re on stage doing crazy stuff and the audience gets it.  (Stage Quotes) I need that on stage. I need a burst of life. That’s entertainment for me.  (Stage Quotes) One of the things I’m always reminded of when I’m back on stage is how much you have to be aware of and in control of. There is no tight shot. There is no ‘we’re only shoulders-up this time.’ No, from the top of your head to your pinky toe, you’re telegraphing part of the story the entire time you’re up there.  (Stage Quotes) The first one I remember singing on stage was ‘Somewhere Out There’ from ‘An American Tail.’ I was around 7, and my choir teacher at school asked me if I would sing it. My parents told me that I needed to move around the stage, so for the entire time I just walked back and forth from side to side while I was singing - there’s videotape of it.  (Stage Quotes) While the lab plays an enormous role, research is also influenced by inner peace of mind and one’s family environment, depending on what stage of one’s life and career a scientist is at.  (Stage Quotes) Stage is the ultimate test; I like watching established screen actors on stage to see if they can really do it. But it’s great to have a healthy mixture of the two. Film is so technical: there’s something very particular about the relationship between you and the camera. It took a long time for me to get good on film.  (Stage Quotes) When I run on stage now, a thousand people don’t even see you, they’re in their phone  (Stage Quotes) It is something we have always excelled at and prided ourselves at - the excellences of our stage performance.  (Stage Quotes) I think theater will always be my first love. I’ve been doing it since I was nine, and there’s nothing quite like being on stage, having the immediate intake of energy and exchange of ideas.  (Stage Quotes) I’m at the transition place myself, still playing high school girls but moving to a stage when I’m playing older roles and going to the places of stillness and wisdom and knowledge and weight. It’s exciting and scary.  (Stage Quotes) At some stage in most people’s lives, things turn upside down, and nothing is as you expected it to be.  (Stage Quotes) When you were on stage, you could be absolutely open about your emotions and indulge them and express yourself in a way that - in real life - I wasn’t doing.  (Stage Quotes) I was probably 14 or 15 when I was first on stage at school doing ‘Measure for Measure.’ I immediately felt it was a great way of expressing oneself at a moment when I didn’t think I could express myself, really. I suddenly had access to this range of emotions and thoughts and feelings that were there in me. I was surprised by that.  (Stage Quotes) My biggest ambition when I was younger was to appear on stage at what was then Nimrod, which is the theatre where my father used to take me on Sunday afternoons to see matinees. The most extraordinary things used to occur on that stage.  (Stage Quotes)
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