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Stage Quotes

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I’ve got to be comfortable when I’m on stage  (Stage Quotes) I’ve learnt to hide my tears on stage. They make people uncomfortable  (Stage Quotes) I feel energized walking off stage  (Stage Quotes) The stock actor is a stage calamity  (Stage Quotes) In the second stage we stop thought for limited periods of time  (Stage Quotes) The third stage is no thought  (Stage Quotes) I never experienced getting nervous on stage. I think I was most comfortable there  (Stage Quotes) I’ve been on the stage my entire life as an actor  (Stage Quotes) Predilection, n. The preparatory stage of disillusion  (Stage Quotes) You cannot achieve happiness. Happiness happens and is a transitory stage  (Stage Quotes) Hospitals are only an intermediate stage of civilization  (Stage Quotes) Being on stage is about self esteem and self confidence  (Stage Quotes) There is no final stage in nirvana. Nirvana is beyond definition. It is not quantifiable  (Stage Quotes) A stage setting is not a background; it is an environment  (Stage Quotes) A new power is emerging on the world stage born of love not fear  (Stage Quotes) Many an actor does the stage more ham than good  (Stage Quotes) I learned by standing in the wings and watching established acts on stage  (Stage Quotes) All the world’s not a stage  (Stage Quotes) The most important stage of any enterprise is the beginning  (Stage Quotes) A humankind abandoned in its earlier formative stage becomes its own greatest threat to survival  (Stage Quotes) Magicians are the people who began to use film as an illusion on stage  (Stage Quotes) There is nothing like being on stage  (Stage Quotes) On the stage you try to act real. On the screen you try to be real  (Stage Quotes) No country can reach a high stage of civilization without a leisure class  (Stage Quotes) People never talked about my music. They just counted how many knickers were on stage  (Stage Quotes) Most of my comedy writing happens through improvisation on stage; doing it in the moment  (Stage Quotes) The first lecture of each new year renews for most people a light stage fright  (Stage Quotes) Film is limitless, but some stage presentations on film can look too theatrical  (Stage Quotes) All human life at every stage of its development is worthy of protection  (Stage Quotes) I love creating moments that feel bigger than just like an artist on stage  (Stage Quotes)
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