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Stage Quotes

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I can’t see. I used to wear glasses off stage. Now I’m thinking of getting a pair of contract lenses.  (Stage Quotes) I’ve lived out many of the dreams I had as a little girl, back when I was riding my pony, mucking stalls, feeding cows, aspiring to finally become a professional jockey and racing in stakes races on a worldwide stage.  (Stage Quotes) Once on stage, I was thinking of something else, and I forgot my line. I became so frightened. The girl I was playing with also became so frightened, she couldn’t give me the next line. I just walked off stage.  (Stage Quotes) I’m not an actor who appears on the stage and gives people advice on how to live or what to do and entertains them. It is not my specialty.  (Stage Quotes) I think with the live shows it’s giving you that opportunity to do something on stage that you don’t normally do.  (Stage Quotes) I think ultimately I make people happy: Whether I’m doing the stage show, giving somebody a makeover, or designing clothing, the end goal is to make people smile.  (Stage Quotes) Whether you do stand-up comedy or write a story, you have a duty to deliver. As a comedian, you walk out on stage, and you have a minute to hook them, or they’ll start booing. As a writer, it’s very similar. A reader doesn’t have time to say, ‘I’ll give him 50 pages, as it’s not very good yet, but I hope it’ll get better.’  (Stage Quotes) If anyone has seen success and failure on a global stage, it’s my friend Steve Forbes  (Stage Quotes) When I’m on stage, I’m trying to do one thing: bring people joy. Just like church does. People don’t go to church to find trouble, they go there to lose it.  (Stage Quotes) God bless Dad, he came to every one of my shows. I was bad, and I had horrible stage fright. My dad was so relieved - he’d say, ‘You were terrible; this kid is not going to be an actor.’ Finally, I did a play and he said, ‘Son - you were really good.’  (Stage Quotes) I go on stage with what God gave me - and that’s a natural high. I don’t need nothing to perk me up. The audience picks me up enough. That’s the total God’s truth.  (Stage Quotes) The lens is the actor’s best critic... showing his mind more clearly than on the stage. You can get wonderful cooperation out of the lens if you are true, but God help you if you are not.  (Stage Quotes) On stage you can get away with a lot more in the sense of emotion and truthfulness. But the camera is the eye of God. It sees everything.  (Stage Quotes) On stage I’m basically spiritually feeding all of these people in the audience, and making sure they’re encouraged to connect with God.  (Stage Quotes) What I enjoy most about going out on stage is seeing all my fans react to my music  (Stage Quotes) I haven’t appeared on stage in quite a long time and I don’t have any immediate plans to do so, but I’m always interested in going back.  (Stage Quotes) You’ve got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing.  (Stage Quotes) I think movie making can sometimes make you lazy in your approach. Occasionally you’ll be shooting a scene and it’s not even your coverage but you’ll catch yourself slipping away and you’ll see your mind going somewhere else. But you just can’t afford to do that on stage.  (Stage Quotes) Most of my career has been about standing on a stage performing music to an audience, and once the show is over, they go home and I go on to the next show.  (Stage Quotes) We put on shows at Golden Gate Park with the Dead and Jefferson Airplane, and the groups were part of the community they emerged out of, not some superstars. We had multiple stages, diversions, communal entertainment. There is something slightly fascistic about sitting in a huge auditorium focusing all the energy on one group far away on stage.  (Stage Quotes) I want my music to jump off the stage and out of the speakers. When we do ‘Rain Is A Good Thing’ paired back to back with ‘Country Girl,’ it just feels like the roof is fixin’ to come off the place.  (Stage Quotes) The Middle East is a very difficult stage to play upon. Without doubt, it is a good drama. And on occasion, there are situations so unimaginable, if not ludicrous, as to make them almost comic. But the cast is constantly changing, the audience is often disengaged, and it seems at times that no one is actually running the show.  (Stage Quotes) I always feel like if someone has stage fright, I really try and say, Listen, these people want you to succeed, they want to have a good evening. They want to see something really great. They don’t want to see something crappy. They don’t. They want to be at something really special.  (Stage Quotes) I started off on stage because it was the only work I could get. I haven’t been back for 11 years. I think any stage experience is good experience, as far as being an actor is concerned.  (Stage Quotes) But for us Democrats, Obamacare is a badge of honor. Because no matter who you are, what stage of life you’re in, this law is a good thing.  (Stage Quotes) People know I have a good time on stage. I love my life. I love my job.  (Stage Quotes) My life has been many examples of shortsighted goals that I thought would fix things. You know, if there’s something broken inside me, if there’s a hole in there, I thought: If I could just write a good song someday, then I’d be OK. You know, if I could just be on stage in front of people I’d never seen before and be validated by them.  (Stage Quotes) Life runs to death as its goal, and we should go towards that next stage of experience either carelessly as to what must be, or with a good, honest curiosity as to what may be.  (Stage Quotes) Sometimes when I’m directing, the stage manager will have a good idea and that’s okay with me.  (Stage Quotes) I could show you a picture right now where I look like something from The Hills Have Eyes. Talk about an awkward stage. Puberty was not good at all.  (Stage Quotes)
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