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Americans must outgrow the unbecoming arrogance that leads us to assert that America somehow owns a monopoly on goodness and truth - a belief that leads some to view the world as but a stage on which to play out the great historical drama: the United States of America versus the Powers of Evil.  (Stage Quotes) The character and fight against fascism moved centre stage when, in 1936, Franco attempted to overthrow by force the Popular Front Government of Republican Spain.  (Stage Quotes) For a short time I was an assistant to a professional photographer, and I felt that my soul was not there. That is the stage when I decided to stay in London and do a graduate degree.  (Stage Quotes) Tennis players are very fortunate that unlike some disciplines of sport, in mega-sporting events like the Grand Slams, they have a huge platform to showcase their talents on the world stage once every few months.  (Stage Quotes) It’s fun to be loose. Just like on stage, all of your great ideas come from looseness.  (Stage Quotes) I can drink on the job if I want to. I can go on stage with a beer and it’s OK. I can say whatever I want. It’s a great job to have.  (Stage Quotes) Comedians act every night on stage, so they have great performing chops. They especially know how to play themselves, which is how we set Teachers Lounge up.  (Stage Quotes) Whenever I’m waiting behind the stage, it’s kind of like my normal Jackie mode is me talking a lot, playing around, but superstar Jackie mode is me concentrating on making sure that this performance was going to be a great performance.  (Stage Quotes) I had this totally impossible dream of being an actress. Trust me, just because I’m lucky enough to be doing this doesn’t make any of this less of a pipe dream. And nothing gets my juices flowing like a really great performance. To see someone on stage, I get really excited.  (Stage Quotes) The arts can be a great way to bring people together. I don’t preach from the stage. I try to stay positive on solutions.  (Stage Quotes) I love fire. I just think it’s hypnotic and great, but I’ve got to tell you - on a sound stage, that stuff scares me.  (Stage Quotes) Regarding green screen, green screen is really like doing some stage work. You have to make believe that there is a window, make believe that something is there that is really not there and convince the audience. It’s part of acting.  (Stage Quotes) I love festivals in that people seem to let their hair down more. I love that people run from stage to stage. I love going as a performer because you get to see band that you wouldn’t necessarily go see.  (Stage Quotes) Some people grab my hair and pull it out. People write on my jeans when I’m on stage. They write on my boots - their phone number, name or whatever.  (Stage Quotes) The theatre starts every night at half past seven, and I like the rhythm of going to the theatre, parking the car, going to the stage door; I’ve grown up with all of that. I’d love to do more theatre - I mean, I shouldn’t be telling the world that I can’t remember lines any more, but I find it more and more difficult, so I don’t know.  (Stage Quotes) If reality had a stage door I’d hang around there to see what comes out after the show  (Stage Quotes) You think about people like Hank Williams, who stood on that spot of wood, and Mr. Acuff, and, of course, George Jones. And just about anybody you can think of who has made country music has been on that stage. That’s what makes you so nervous - to think about the historical part of the Opry and how it’s played such a part in country music.  (Stage Quotes) You get those couples who are very fearful of bringing children into the mix because they feel like somehow that link between them as a couple is going to somehow dissolve or become less powerful or whatever. And that somehow the child is going to disrupt their happy stage.  (Stage Quotes) In my own mind, we are a much happier and much more functional family and a much more well balanced group of individual s both off and on the stage - in the current incarnation.  (Stage Quotes) Whenever I sing ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart,’ the way people sing along with me still excites me. It’s one of the songs that audiences know all the lyrics to, and they sing along with me, and it makes me so happy. People also know my songs ‘Holding out for a Hero’ and ‘Lost in France,’ and this gives me so much joy on stage.  (Stage Quotes) When I’m recording something (especially because I produce my own music) I might consider how hard it would be to replicate a song on stage.  (Stage Quotes) I have always maintained that if you work hard, it won’t go waste, as recognition will come to you at some stage, whether in studies or sports. You need to have good intentions and intent to move ahead in life as well as in sports.  (Stage Quotes) I’m very honest in my music and I’m often asked to explain the lyrics; as an introvert, I find that quite hard. And I always wear high heels on stage, which can be painful.  (Stage Quotes) I just want to live on the road. I can’t understand artists that don’t want to perform and, like, get on stage and do their songs for all their fans every night. If I’m not performing every night, I get totally depressed. I know that sounds really weird, but I hate sitting at home and not having a 1 A.M. performance now. It kills me.  (Stage Quotes) I really don’t have no regrets. I think that where I am in the stage of my career and in my life made me who I am today.  (Stage Quotes) A comic, you have to be looking down at him. My favorite rooms, the audience is above the stage, stadium-style.  (Stage Quotes) I don’t know how to play the guitar, so having to be on stage in front of people doing something you don’t really know how to do, it’s terrifying.  (Stage Quotes) I would love to do more on the stage; having actual contact with the audience is great. You can give them a good seeing to!  (Stage Quotes) I’m a very loyal person and I allowed myself to be defined as somebody who was doing Gordon’s bidding. I should have fought back harder to define myself at an earlier stage.  (Stage Quotes) I’m at the stage of my career when it’s not only about winning and developing players, it’s about having fun. That’s a void in your life right now, but it’s something you’re going to have here.  (Stage Quotes)
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