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Stage Quotes

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Well, as you know, I’m really only happy when I’m on stage  (Stage Quotes) I’ve finally reached a stage in my career where I can do what I want  (Stage Quotes) Who I am on stage is very, very different to who I am in real life  (Stage Quotes) When I’m on stage, that’s me. It’s blown up, but that’s me  (Stage Quotes) I lived to be on stage, and I’m terrified. Terrified before every show  (Stage Quotes) The two things you cannot do effectively on stage are pray and copulate  (Stage Quotes) Perhaps we had at last reached that stage of intimacy that destroys intimacy  (Stage Quotes) At every stage of spiritual growth, the greatest ally you have is your body  (Stage Quotes) Art, especially the stage, is an area where it is impossible to walk without stumbling  (Stage Quotes) When I came back to power, georgia was completely isolated on the international stage  (Stage Quotes) The band we have now on stage is the band I always wanted to be in  (Stage Quotes) No drama, however great, is entirely independent of the stage on which it is given  (Stage Quotes) Fitness is just a stage you pass through on the way to becoming a racer  (Stage Quotes) I’m definitely not drawn to shooting on a stage, I’m just not  (Stage Quotes) I always loved performing and being on stage  (Stage Quotes) The goal is to divide my time between stage and film  (Stage Quotes) There’s no better feeling than being on a Broadway stage for me  (Stage Quotes) SDC has a great reputation for putting live music on stage  (Stage Quotes) To begin with, I don’t have any stage fright  (Stage Quotes) I sang on Church Street, every place that had a stage  (Stage Quotes) America must always lead on the world stage  (Stage Quotes) Everyone has to call ‘time’ at some stage  (Stage Quotes) I don’t go out much to see bands. I prefer to be on stage  (Stage Quotes) I drink wine on stage to sort of loosen my grip on reality a little  (Stage Quotes) I feel naked when I’m by myself on stage. I feel as honest as I can  (Stage Quotes) I don’t live for the stage. I don’t live for an audience  (Stage Quotes) Adolescence: A stage between infancy and adultery  (Stage Quotes) Where they do agree on the stage, their unanimity is wonderful  (Stage Quotes) You have to open up on stage  (Stage Quotes) I’m most comfortable on stage  (Stage Quotes)
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