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Staging Quotes

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Home staging is no longer optional in this real estate market, it is a must!  (Staging Quotes) Time is like an enterprising manager always bent on staging some new and surprising production, without knowing very well what it will be  (Staging Quotes) High society is a poor play, a bad, boring opera, made slightly better by its staging, costumes and scenery  (Staging Quotes) I have a way of filming things and staging them and designing sets. There were times when I thought I should change my approach, but in fact, this is what I like to do. It’s sort of like my handwriting as a movie director. And somewhere along the way, I think I’ve made the decision: I’m going to write in my own handwriting  (Staging Quotes) I enjoyed doing the gag covers better than the story ones because they were usually simpler. A cover based on an incident in the plot took a great deal of staging to tell a little story that was still part of the book. And it had to make sense on its own  (Staging Quotes) Home staging used to be optional. Today, it’s a necessity in selling a house  (Staging Quotes) When you are confronted with an opera, you have to keep an eye on everything: the musicians, the chorus, the ballet, the singers, the staging  (Staging Quotes) There are some sequences in films that I think work filmicly, that stand out to me, but thats much more to do with the staging and the cutting and the mood of the thing as a sequence, the way everything comes together  (Staging Quotes) There is no definitive list of the duties of a stage manager that is applicable to all theaters and staging environments. Regardless of specific duties, however, the stage manager is the individual who accepts responsibility for the smooth running of rehearsals and performances, on stage and backstage  (Staging Quotes) I had, early in life, a love for staging, but it is fast dying out. Nine hours over a rough road are enough to root out the most passionate love of that kind  (Staging Quotes) I’d really been interested in opera when I was about 16, and I really like staging them  (Staging Quotes) I’m just a guy that grew up in a total fun-loving environment. I try to create that everywhere I go. Basically what I’m doing is a reflection of me as an individual, me naturally. I’m not staging or putting on anything. I think my approach to the game is an all-out approach, whatever it takes to win. I’ve always been that way  (Staging Quotes) I’m interested in the acting and staging of specific emotions, and so I work with actors. It’s a small proportion of what I do, but it’s always what people seem to focus on  (Staging Quotes) I love staging action and wide-shots, not necessarily going to close-ups  (Staging Quotes)