Stakes Quotes

Text Quotes
The times call for courage. The times call for hard work. But if the demands are high, it is because the stakes are even higher. They are nothing less than the future of human liberty, which means the future of civilization (Stakes Quotes)
If stakes and garlic were the top two things that could kill a vampire, ninth grade gym was a close third (Stakes Quotes)
Every congresswoman surely endures the same strains that drive some of her male colleagues to have affairs: lots of travel, families far away, heady work that makes a domestic routine seem distant and boring. But the stakes are much higher for women, because they are still judged by a different standard (Stakes Quotes)
I’m still fighting really hard to get any role I get. If it’s comedy, I go for the laughs. And if it’s drama, I try to tell the truth, and try to play the real stakes of whatever scenario the character’s in (Stakes Quotes)
When a sports movie really works, it gets you on all levels, because the stakes are high. It’s black and white. It’s win or lose (Stakes Quotes)
You are a powerhouse of creativity; you were born magnificently expressive, available and aware. Before you had the words for it, you had an intrinsic sense of urgency because you knew down in your bones that the stakes are high (Stakes Quotes)
There’s a game out there, and the stakes are high. And the guy who runs it figures the averages all day long and all night long. Once in a while he lets you steal a pot. But if you stay in the game long enough, you’ve got to lose. And once you’ve lost there’s no way back, no way at all (Stakes Quotes)
Love is tested in so many ways. How do I articulate this? Two people are together. There are stakes, strife, struggles, all these things that make us fall for someone, love someone even more, leave someone (Stakes Quotes)
It doesn’t work if the bad guys kill his mother’s uncle’s friend’s neighbor’s pet dog. You’ve got to make the stakes high (Stakes Quotes)
An adversarial family law system raises the stakes unnecessarily high, exacerbates the antagonism of the couples concerned, and is directly responsible for making it impossible for couples who would otherwise have reconciled to do so (Stakes Quotes)
Life on a lifeboat isn't much of a life. It is like an end game in chess, a game with few pieces. The elements couldn't be more simple, nor the stakes higher (Stakes Quotes)
Though bachelors be the strongest stakes, married men are the best binders, in the hedge of the commonwealth (Stakes Quotes)
Business is a game, played for fantastic stakes, and you're in competition with experts. If you want to win, you have to learn to be a master of the game (Stakes Quotes)
Our circumstance is abject, indefensible, and terrifying. It would be hilarious if the stakes were not so high (Stakes Quotes)
You know, nothing is more important than education, because nowhere are our stakes higher; our future depends on the quality of education of our children today (Stakes Quotes)
In an archery contest, when the stakes are earthenware tiles a contestant shoots with skill. When the stakes are belt buckles he becomes hesitant, and if the stakes are pure gold he becomes nervous and confused. There is no difference as to his skil (Stakes Quotes)
That’s the thing: We didn’t really care. A world without love is also a world without stakes (Stakes Quotes)
My history is long, and not much of it is good. I can’t erase it, but I’m determined not to make another mistake. Not when the stakes are high, not when it comes to you (Stakes Quotes)
I did not design this game; I did not name the stakes. I just happen to like apples; and I am not afraid of snakes (Stakes Quotes)
Romance was a game, like bridge, in which you said things instead of playing cards. Like bridge you had to pretend you were playing for money or playing for some stakes (Stakes Quotes)
If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: The rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time (Stakes Quotes)
When you’re dealing with the world of dreams, the psyche, and potential of a human mind, there has to be emotional stakes. You have to deal with issues of memory and desire (Stakes Quotes)
Politics can be an ugly game, and in a national election the stakes get higher while the tactics get lower (Stakes Quotes)
I’ve always read suspense, so raising the stakes to life and death situations in my romance plots seemed natural (Stakes Quotes)
If a betting game among a certain number of participants I played long enough, eventually one player will have all the money. If there is any skill involved, it will accelerate the process of concentrating all the stakes in a few hands. Something like this happens in the market. There is a persistent overall tendency for equity to flow from the many to the few. In the long run, the majority loses. The implication for the trader is that to win you have to act like the minority. If you bring normal human habits and tendencies to trading, you’ll gravitate toward the majority and inevitably lose (Stakes Quotes)
The fundamentalist violence is, so is it, an attempt to increase the stakes, i.e. to discourage the potential desertions by showing that defection will cost them dear, that those who adopt other values will be persecuted or even killed (Stakes Quotes)
Raise the stakes! Always push your luck because no one else would push it for you (Stakes Quotes)
I like to approach comedy from character, to have the stakes for the individuals in the story be very high (Stakes Quotes)
I think the perception of wealth and power is that things just become easier and easier when in reality as you raise the stakes things become more stressful (Stakes Quotes)
If you individualize an audience, it helps up the stakes of your responsibility to that audience (Stakes Quotes)