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Stand Quotes

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It’s not always easy to stand aside and be unable to do anything except record the sufferings around one  (Stand Quotes) I think it’s the end of progress if you stand still and think of what you’ve done in the past. I keep on  (Stand Quotes) Everybody in my band is married, pretty much, and have lives at home, and I don’t want them to be away from their families so long that they just start to feel psychotic. You have to go home and stand around in your bathrobe doing your dishes to feel like a normal person sometimes  (Stand Quotes) My verses stand gawping a bit. I never get used to this. They’ve lived here long enough  (Stand Quotes) I never could stand losing. Second place didn’t interest me. I had a fire in my belly  (Stand Quotes) I can’t bear to see myself even in movies. The feeling is complex. I can’t stand the sight of myself  (Stand Quotes) Playing safe is probably the most unsafe thing in the world. You cannot stand still. You must go forward  (Stand Quotes) It’s really important to stand up for yourself and not always agree with what people say if indeed you don’t feel that that’s true  (Stand Quotes) Agnosticism has nothing to impart. Its sermons are the exhortations of one who convinces you he stands on nothing and urges you to stand there too  (Stand Quotes) And if you don’t believe the sun will rise, stand alone and greet the coming night in the last remaining light  (Stand Quotes) I stand up for what I believe. I don’t know if it’s always paid off for me, because I’ve been ridiculed and humiliated  (Stand Quotes) We stand our best chance of leaving a legacy to those who want to learn, our children, by standing firm. In matters of style, hey, swing with the stream. But in matters of principle, you need to stand like a rock  (Stand Quotes) The enemy fought with savage fury, and met death with all its horrors, without shrinking or complaining: not one asked to be spared, but fought as long as they could stand or sit  (Stand Quotes) He wanted me to learn to stand on my own feet, and to make it impossible for me to thank him  (Stand Quotes) It takes people to move crowds in the right direction, crowds by themselves just stand around and mutter  (Stand Quotes) Then come the wild weather, come sleet or come snow, we will stand by each other, however it blow  (Stand Quotes) First of all, you have to understand that I’m like anybody else. When I hear my voice on a record I absolutely loathe my voice. I cannot stand my voice  (Stand Quotes) Love is as strict as acting. If you want to love somebody, stand there and do it. If you don’t, don’t. There are no other choices  (Stand Quotes) Who am I that I have to sing under an umbrella? These people are my fans, and if they can stand in the rain to hear me sing, I can stand in the rain  (Stand Quotes) I’ve always wanted to be my own person and stand by the things I believe in and I thought I might lose that independence if I ran for political office  (Stand Quotes) Even if I would have left on a good note, there is still going to be people who don’t like you, who don’t like what you stand for. I can’t worry about that  (Stand Quotes) I hardly ever watch my own work. I just end up picking myself apart! I can’t even stand to hear myself on voicemail. the sound of my own voice is like nails on a chalkboard. The same goes for my records  (Stand Quotes) It’s important that athletes can compete on a level playing field. And youngsters coming into the sport can know that if they are working hard and training hard, they’ll see a true reflection of where they stand and what they can achieve worldwide and not be swayed by people who are cheating  (Stand Quotes) I think clothes should make you feel safe. I like clothes you want to go to sleep in. I sometimes stand in front of a mirror and change a million times because I know I really want to wear my nightgown  (Stand Quotes) Neither of my parents would ever stand in the way of any of their children speaking their minds  (Stand Quotes) You can have music and it will stand alone by itself, but you can’t have a movie without it  (Stand Quotes) When you stand alone and sell yourself, you can’t please everyone. But when you’re different, you can last  (Stand Quotes) It kills me to lose. If I’m a troublemaker, and I don’t think that my temper makes me one, then it’s because I can’t stand losing. That’s the way I am about winning, all I ever wanted to do was finish first  (Stand Quotes) I know I’m on a small cable reality show. I’m realistic where I stand in the scheme of things  (Stand Quotes) Whenever a female takes a strong stand for herself, the majority of the time they have to really, really narrow it down to being feminine and wearing dresses and just being lipstick chic  (Stand Quotes)
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