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Stand Quotes

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I say to my colleagues that I sit alongside them in committee, in the bars and in the tea room, and I queue alongside them in the division lobby. But when it comes to marriage, they are asking me to stand apart and to join a separate queue. I ask my colleagues, if I am equal in this house, to give me every opportunity to be equal  (Stand Quotes) Maturity is not equated with independence though it includes a certain capacity for independence... The independence of the mature person is simply that he does not collapse when he has to stand alone. It is not an independence of needs for other persons with whom to have relationship: that would not be desired by the mature  (Stand Quotes) To be true to one’s self is the ultimate test in life. To have courage and the sensitivity to follow your hidden dreams and stand tall against the odds that are bound to fall in your path. Life is too short and precious to be dealt with in any other fashion. This thought I hold dear to my heart and I always try to be true to myself and others that I encounter along the way  (Stand Quotes) It was you that led me to the musical that’s everything to me. You held my hands so that I can enter the world that I could only watch. When I fell, you helped me stand up. When the path was closed, you opened it up. You’re that kind of person to me  (Stand Quotes) ... with a cat you stand on much the same footing that you stand with a fine and dignified friend; if you forfeit his respect and confidence the relationship suffers. The cat, it is well to remember, remains the friend of man because it pleases him to do so and not because he must  (Stand Quotes) A great teacher never strives to explain his vision. He simply invites you to stand beside him and see for yourself  (Stand Quotes) We stand for a use of color free from the imitation of things as colored objects. We stand for an aerial vision in which the material of color is expressed in all of the manifold possibilities our subjectivity can create  (Stand Quotes) I remain detached and distant, but it is under my eyes and my orders that the work of art must create itself. Then, when the creation starts, I stand there, present at the ceremony, immaculate, calm, relaxed... ready to welcome the work of art that is coming into existence in the tangible world  (Stand Quotes) For me, businesses are like buses. You stand on a corner and you don’t like where the first bus is going? Wait ten minutes and take another. Don’t like that one? They’ll just keep coming. There’s no end to buses or businesses  (Stand Quotes) Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die  (Stand Quotes) What is true is already so. Owning up to it doesn’t make it worse. Not being open about it doesn’t make it go away. And because it’s true, it is what is there to be interacted with. Anything untrue isn’t there to be lived. People can stand what is true, for they are already enduring it  (Stand Quotes) The world is not the most pleasant place. Eventually your parents leave you and nobody is going to go out of their way to protect you unconditionally. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and what you believe and sometimes, pardon my language, kick some ass  (Stand Quotes) Our business is to stand strongly for principles, but never to attack persons, about whose lives we can know but little  (Stand Quotes) Failure is a part of success. There is no such thing as a bed of roses all your life. But failure will never stand in the way of success if you learn from it  (Stand Quotes) When your commitment is to be loving regardless of the circumstances, there is no room for harsh words. You assert yourself not from a desire to control but from a desire to stand for who you are  (Stand Quotes) Stand up for what you think is right. That might be very different from what I am saying today, but you are allowed to differ from me just as I am allowed to differ from you. That is part of our strength as a country that we can differ from each other  (Stand Quotes) Mankind has always drawn from outside sources of energy. This island was the first to harness coal and steam. But our present sources stand in the ratio of a million to one, compared with any previous sources. The release of atomic energy will change the whole structure of society  (Stand Quotes) My father taught me to be independent and cocky and free thinking, but he could not stand it if I disagreed with him  (Stand Quotes) I am tired of the superficial smiles that adorn the many ghouls among us. I am tired of the righteous indignation that hides beneath those visages that feign our best interest and deign to think we cannot and will not stand for ourselves  (Stand Quotes) I mean come on. Do you know how easy it is to be famous these days? Do you have any idea? The web has made it plausible to have your very own platform to stand and spew nonsense from on an hourly basis. There’s an old saying: when everyone is special, no one will be. These days, everybody thinks they’re special, so no one really does anything to be special anymore  (Stand Quotes) If there is any method in the way I take pictures, I believe it lies in this: See the subject first. Do not try to force it to be a picture of this, that or the other thing. Stand apart from it. Then something will happen. The subject will reveal itself  (Stand Quotes) Images of people, cities, and landscapes from the air tell a unique story about our personal space and how we relate to one another. I’ve always aimed to address the bigger picture and later trends. In many ways, what a photographer does is give others a chance to step back and look at their world and gain perspective on where we stand, and what that means  (Stand Quotes) I try to hold both history and wilderness in mind, that my poems may the true measure of things and stand against the unbalance and ignorance of our times  (Stand Quotes) I am pleased that I am able to stand here today and say with a pure heart and meaningful heart that I am against the death penalty. There is no purpose that it serves except to further the damage that death has already done  (Stand Quotes) The addability of the happiness of different subjects is a postulum without which all political reasonings are at a stand  (Stand Quotes) Before you can really start setting financial goals, you need to determine where you stand financially  (Stand Quotes) Much we learn only to forget it again, to stand by the goal, we must traverse all the way to it  (Stand Quotes) Mortality is, in reality, a very, very short period. It is literally a snap of the fingers compared to an eternity. It is so short that we can do it. We can prevail. Why, you can stand your foot in a vise for a while if you know it’s going to be released soon. Yes, earthly probation is short compared to eternity, but so very much is riding on how we handle the trials and temptations of the flesh  (Stand Quotes) Destiny is something people invented... because they can’t stand the fact that everything that happens is the result of their choice  (Stand Quotes) The reality is that if we in this rich, lucky quarter of the planet cannot make a stand for the 30 million other species we share this planet with, let alone our own species, then who can?  (Stand Quotes)
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