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Stand Quotes

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All those songs are totally timeless. They’ll always stand up because they came from a real place. They weren’t crafted songs. They were written from the heart  (Stand Quotes) The bass is the link between harmony and rhythm. It is the foundation of a band. It is what all the other instruments stand upon, but it is rarely recognized as that  (Stand Quotes) There exists a mountain of circumstantial evidence that consciousness survives bodily death. This is the kind of evidence that would stand up in a court of law. Some people believe that science needs better tools to quantify what consciousness is. Perhaps when we discover what consciousness is we will be on the road to providing absolute scientific evidence that there is life after death  (Stand Quotes) Sometimes it’s better to let people handle their own problems. Sometimes just believing in someone is the best way to stand up for them  (Stand Quotes) A man can stand almost any hardship by day, and be none the worse for it, provided he gets a comfortable nights rest; but without sound sleep he will soon go to pieces, no matter how gritty he may be  (Stand Quotes) I want to encourage young women to stand up for each other and speak up when they see others in a tough situation  (Stand Quotes) A true champion is not judged by how much he or she is admired, but by how well they can stand at the face of adversity  (Stand Quotes) Gosh, if I’m gonna take a big stand on something I would hope it would be for more than flip flops!  (Stand Quotes) I guess it all depends on your nature. Some people can’t stand being alone. I love solitude and silence. But when I come out of it, I’m a regular talking machine. It’s all or nothing for me  (Stand Quotes) I wanna hear it, I wanna hear it from each and every one of you. I wanna hear it from the kids, the men, the women. I wanna hear it from every single person in this arena. I want you to stand up out of your seat, I want you to get up and do what you should have done a long time ago! I want you to admit that you were wrong! All of you! You all were wrong! Each and every single one of you! I made it!  (Stand Quotes) The funny thing about our act is that dad gets the worst of it, although I’m the one who apparently receives the bruises... the secret is in landing limp and breaking the fall with a foot or a hand. It’s a knack. I started so young that landing right is second nature with me. Several times I’d have been killed if I hadn’t been able to land like a cat. Imitators of our act don’t last long, because they can’t stand the treatment  (Stand Quotes) Sometimes the future changes quickly and completely, and we’re left with only the choice of what to do next. We can choose to be afraid of it, to stand there trembling not moving, assuming the worst that can happen or we step forward into the unknown and assume it will be brilliant  (Stand Quotes) Mum would have a panic attack if she had to stand up and give a speech around a table  (Stand Quotes) Reality, as you currently experience it, is something like a waking dream. It is disguising deeper and more intensified levels of being and knowing. For those who are ready and willing, the doors to those other levels now stand open  (Stand Quotes) I guess my feeling is that if you’re going to make a joke, that’s fine, but you should also sort of stand behind it, you know? A joke should be more than a joke, it should be a point that you’re trying to make  (Stand Quotes) When you’re young, whatever you do that makes you stand out is a frightening thing. You learn later that that’s what you want to do, stand out  (Stand Quotes) I listen to people talking sometimes, that great river that is language, with all its undercurrents of grammar and nuance, and I wonder how we all learn so quickly to speak it, given that we begin when we are barely old enough to stand upright. I have no memory of finding it hard. Indeed, I have no memory of it at all  (Stand Quotes) Just live that life. It doesn’t matter whether it is life or hell, life of the hungry ghost, life of the animal, it’s okay; just live that life, see. And as a matter of fact no other way. Where you stand, where you are, that’s what your life is right there, regardless of how painful it is or how enjoyable it is. That’s what it is  (Stand Quotes) I couldn’t stand in front of any camera, and I couldn’t go to places where there were a lot of people. I thought people would criticize me if I smiled, or even if I just stayed still  (Stand Quotes) I had that hunger, that desire, to be successful and I wasn’t going to let anything stand in my way  (Stand Quotes) As a producer, youre pretty much creating a body of work that an artist has to stand behind  (Stand Quotes) Stand for something or you will fall for anything. Today’s mighty oak is yesterday’s nut that held its ground  (Stand Quotes) Girls need to be strong and know how to stand up for themselves. Definitely having friends is a big part of it, so that they can help you through that, and a strong family  (Stand Quotes) Now’s the time to take a chance, come on we’ve gotta make a stand. What do we have to lose the choice is in our hands  (Stand Quotes) A true man does not only stand up for himself, he stands up for those that do not have the ability to  (Stand Quotes) I stand before you to proclaim tonight: America is the land where dreams can come true for all of us  (Stand Quotes) Courage is the ability to conquer fear or despair, to be brave or have a quality of mind or temperament that enables you to stand fast in the face of opposition, hardship or danger  (Stand Quotes) Every life has a death, and every light a shadow. Be content to stand in the light, and let the shadow fall where it will  (Stand Quotes) Drink, eat, jump and dance as much as you can stand tonight, but not too much, because you are fifty now  (Stand Quotes) It is always the first and last steps that are the hardest to take. We walk away and try not to turn back, or we stand just outside the gates, terrified to find what’s waiting for us now that we’ve returned. In between, we stumble blindly from one place and life to the next. We try to do the best we can. There are moments like this, however, when we are neither coming nor going, and all we have to do is sit and look back on the life we have made  (Stand Quotes)
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