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Stand Quotes

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I can’t stand rap... people who can’t sing do rap... you can sing rebellion as well as talk it... Hitler would have been in a rap band  (Stand Quotes) I think I stand as much chance of dying in front of a firing squad or in a gas chamber as you do being killed on a plane flight home. Let’s hope you don’t  (Stand Quotes) If those guys with better genes trained as hard and intense as me, I wouldn’t stand a chance!  (Stand Quotes) The nature of a breakthrough is for you to stand on what you’ve gotten, what you’ve loved, what’s been important to you, what’s touched you, what’s inspired you, what’s turned your life on; to stand on the value you’ve already created for yourself and look out at the possibility for being alive that opens up, like a freedom, in front of you  (Stand Quotes) The culture precedes positive results. It doesn’t get tacked on as an afterthought on your way to the victory stand. Champions behave like champions before they’re champions: they have a winning standard of performance before they are winners  (Stand Quotes) Helplessness is such a rotten feeling. There’s nothing you can do about it. Being helpless is like being paralyzed. It’s sickness. The cure calls for a monumental effort to stand up and start walking somewhere, anywhere. But that takes some doing  (Stand Quotes) There is a still place, a gap between the worlds, spoken by the tribal knowings of thousands of years. In it are silent flyings that stand aside from human struggles and the designs of our own makings. At times, when we are silent enough, still enough, we take a step into such mystery, the place of spirit, and mystery, we must remember, by its very nature does not wish to be known  (Stand Quotes) A life truly lived constantly burns away veils of illusion, burns away what is no longer relevant, gradually reveals our essence, until, at last, we are strong enough to stand in our naked truth  (Stand Quotes) The threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind  (Stand Quotes) Even now, when I go over to my mother’s house and dig out the old tracksuit tops I wore, it makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. I like to think I am part of a special family. I am no longer connected with the club on a daily basis, but I’m delighted with every win and sad about every defeat  (Stand Quotes) To do anything truly worth doing, I must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in with gusto and scramble through as well as I can  (Stand Quotes) I became a physician in order to help save lives. I am at once a physician, a citizen, and a woman, and I am not willing to stand aside and allow the concept of expendable human lives to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to live  (Stand Quotes) You must stand as guard at the door of your own mind and choose to be positive  (Stand Quotes) A very good case can be made, on moral as well as economic grounds, for a system in which the individual is required to stand on his own feet, not to lean on the state for handouts. Character, resourcefulness, capacity are formed and developed in struggle with obstacles, not in waiting passively for benefits from outside  (Stand Quotes) These children that come at you with knives, they are your children. You taught them. I didn’t teach them. I just tried to help them stand up  (Stand Quotes) I’m trying to set out the passion and complexity of this sport. Many people think it’s a dumb activity: stand on the gas and turn left. In fact, it’s probably one of the most complex sports in existence  (Stand Quotes) I believe we have a profound fundamental need for areas of the earth where we stand without our mechanisms that make us immediate masters over our environment  (Stand Quotes) People don’t always have the vision, and the secret for the person with the vision is to stand up. It takes a lot of courage  (Stand Quotes) If, in the present chaotic and shameful struggle for existence, when organized society offers a premium on greed, cruelty, and deceit, men can be found who stand aloof and almost alone in their determination to work for good rather than gold  (Stand Quotes) I can’t stand by and allow tens of thousands of innocent people to be slaughtered for lies  (Stand Quotes) I had a dual goal in my running that was to win and to achieve excellence, so I was never happy with a slow tactical time. If the race were slow I would get in front and pull it up again. I couldn’t stand a slow race. A lot of people seem to get screwed up on tactics. There is only one tactic in a race and that is to always be in a position where you can win it  (Stand Quotes) You need to know exactly where you stand in a business at all times. Measure everything, because everything that is measured and watched improves  (Stand Quotes) The best thing you can do is to be a woman and stand before the world and speak your heart  (Stand Quotes) To be alive is to be addicted, and to be alive and addicted is to stand in need of grace  (Stand Quotes) When you stand at the bottom of the mountain and look up at the mountaintop, the path looks hard and stony, and the top is obscured by clouds. But when you reach the top and you look down, you realize that there are a thousand paths that could have brought you to that place  (Stand Quotes) Who we listen to determines what we hear. Where we stand determines what we see. What we do determines who we are  (Stand Quotes) How do you plan a rebirth? I’m not sure you do. You just stand in the darkness until you can’t endure it any long, and then you move forward until you’re standing in the light  (Stand Quotes) If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s not being noticed  (Stand Quotes) I believe when you’re stuck in one spot for too long it’s best to throw a grenade where you stand, and jump…and pray  (Stand Quotes) Food is one issue that cannot be solved person by person. We have to stand together  (Stand Quotes)
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