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Stand Quotes

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I don’t think I have nerves of steel, far from it, but I can certainly stand up to things. I am not afraid to look suffering straight in the eyes  (Stand Quotes) I want the cabinet to stand up and have a spine and a backbone and take responsibility  (Stand Quotes) Somebody has to stand when other people are sitting. Somebody has to speak when other people are quiet  (Stand Quotes) I pray you never stand at any crossroads in your own lives, but if you do, if the darkness seems so total, if you think there is no way out, remember, never ever give up. The darker the night, the brighter the dawn, and when it gets really, really dark, this is when one sees the true brilliance of the stars  (Stand Quotes) We have to stand up for what we believe in, even when we might not be popular for it. Honesty starts with being ourselves, authentic and true to who we are and what we believe in, and that may not always be popular, but it will always let you follow your dreams and your heart  (Stand Quotes) When you die, i.e., when your physical body is finished with this earth... and your astral entity goes on to the astral world... it has to stand alone and answer for successes and failures  (Stand Quotes) Sometimes it was easier to swim with the current rather than fight against it. There was always a shallow pool somewhere ahead. Memories are like battles, and battles can go one way or the other. You can stand and fight, no matter what pains run from you wounds; or you can turn tail and run, knowing then that the enemy will follow and without mercy hunt you down. We had so many dreams as children. Where do they all go when we grow? Are they swallowed up by the mundane things of everyday life? Or do we lose them, leave them behind us in the dust, for new children to find and take up?  (Stand Quotes) I was born to stand out. I don’t care whether or not people will find me attractive on screen. That’s not why I became an actor. I know that more and more with each new role  (Stand Quotes) My stylist coached me on how to stand for photos. Always put one leg forward and a hand on your hip  (Stand Quotes) Without an observer at a twenty three degree angle to the light being reflected off a cloud of spherical droplets, there is no rainbow. The whole universe is like that. Our spirits stand at a twenty three degree angle to the universe. There is some new thing created at the contact of photon and retina, some space created between rock and mind  (Stand Quotes) A young songwriter shouldn’t think he or she doesn’t stand a chance because someone has big corporate people behind him. Never look at it like that  (Stand Quotes) If any feel that as psychiatrists directing a hospital for alcoholics we appear somewhat sentimental, let them stand with us a while on the firing line, see the tragedies, the despairing wives, the little children; let the solving of these problems become a part of their daily work, and even of their sleeping moments, and the most cynical will not wonder that we have accepted and encouraged this movement. We feel, after years of experience, that we have found nothing which has contributed more to the rehabilitation of these men than the altruistic movement now growing up among them  (Stand Quotes) I love stand up and it keeps me grounded, to say the stuff I have been thinking without anyone changing it  (Stand Quotes) When the world shoves you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It’s not like somebody’s gonna save you if you start babbling excuses  (Stand Quotes) Imagine a wall that’s green on one side and red on the other. You stand on one side and only see green. I stand on the other side and only see red. We’ll both be right about the color we see, even though we disagree on what color the wall is. Being able to realize that the other person has a valid point, even if you disagree with it, that’s maturity  (Stand Quotes) It’s better to dance like a fool, than to stand around like an idiot  (Stand Quotes) ... Your company... will send drugs to all the underdeveloped countries of the world, and since they do not have any standards, we will fool them all and can make a great big profit and never tell the doctors that there is a risk... You will meet the standards of the country in which you are advertising, not the... proper standard... I would think that you would not sleep at night... I do not think this country will not stand for it  (Stand Quotes) We’re in fact on plan. And where we stand today is not, in my view, only acceptable but truly remarkable  (Stand Quotes) We had a majority in 1990, 1994, 1996, we lost it every time. You know why? Because we compromised... We don’t need a majority. We need an irate, tireless minority. We need people who are just going to stand for the truth  (Stand Quotes) Some are wandering into forbidden paths because they are seeking popularity with their peers, even to the extent of doing things they know are wrong. They cannot stand criticism or ridicule and will not take a firm stand against wrongdoing  (Stand Quotes) Since the discovery of oxygen the civilised world has undergone a revolution in manners and customs. The knowledge of the composition of the atmosphere, of the solid crust of the earth, of water, and of their influence upon the life of plants and animals, was linked to that discovery. The successful pursuit of innumerable trades and manufactures, the profitable separation of metals from their ores, also stand in the closest connection therewith  (Stand Quotes) We wanted to do a crime that the world would have to stand up and take notice  (Stand Quotes) When you ask people what it is like being part of a great team, what is most striking is the meaningfulness of the experience. People talk about being part of something larger than themselves, of being connected, of being generative. It becomes quite clear that, for many, their experiences as part of truly great teams stand out as singular periods of life lived to the fullest  (Stand Quotes) I could stand to lose 10 or 15 pounds, but honestly, I’m happy the way I am. I feel comfortable with it. I’d rather have that extra 10, 15 pounds on me than live a lifestyle of trying to sustain this unattainable weight  (Stand Quotes) God taking from us and loving us at the same time by providing comforters was a kind of spiritual equanimity. It seemed a phenomenon of life how a death insinuates us into the debt of those who stand by us in trouble and console us  (Stand Quotes) The only problem that those people have anyway is that they don’t like new cars and hair sprays. That’s why they are put away. They make the other members of the society fearful. Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor souls who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane, plastic, television, and subdivisions  (Stand Quotes) Don’t just stand back and play the way you’re coached. A great player must rise to the occasion and turn the game around on his own  (Stand Quotes) Nobody black or white who really believes in democracy can stand aside now; everybody’s got to stand up and be counted  (Stand Quotes) I did not want to be mistreated, I did not want to be deprived of a seat that I had paid for. It was just time… there was opportunity for me to take a stand to express the way I felt about being treated in that manner. I had not planned to get arrested. I had plenty to do without having to end up in jail. But when I had to face that decision, I didn’t hesitate to do so because I felt that we had endured that too long. The more we gave in, the more we complied with that kind of treatment, the more oppressive it became  (Stand Quotes) The ground of fearlessness is fear. In order to be fearless, you have to stand in the middle of your fear  (Stand Quotes)
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