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Stand Quotes

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Leadership is the special quality which enables people to stand up and pull the rest of us over the horizon  (Stand Quotes) I can never stand still. I must explore and experiment. I am never satisfied with my work. I resent the limitations of my own imagination  (Stand Quotes) What seems today inconceivable will appear one day, from a higher stand point, quite simple and harmonious  (Stand Quotes) It is an agreeable and yet a painful sense of novelty to stand for the first time in the midst of a people whose language and manners are different from one’s own  (Stand Quotes) It took me years to learn that sentences in fiction must do much more than stand around and look pretty  (Stand Quotes) Each day that we live, we’re taking in new information, ideas, concepts, experiences, and sensations. We need to consciously stand guard at the doors of our minds to make sure that whatever we’re allowing to enter will cause our lives to be enriched, that the experiences we pursue will add to our stockpile of possibility  (Stand Quotes) You want to know my definition of gun control? Being able to stand there at 25 meters and put two rounds in the same hole. That’s gun control  (Stand Quotes) When you meditate you can stand back from your desire. When you silence the mind and there is stillness, only then can you tell if a desire is dharma  (Stand Quotes) Have you ever noticed how people who wear camouflage gear really stand out in a crowd?  (Stand Quotes) I should never stand alone in this desert world, but that manna would drop from heaven, if I would but rise with every rising sun to gather it  (Stand Quotes) People think modeling’s mindless, that you just stand there and pose, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I like to have a lot of input, I know how to wear a dress, whether it should be shot with me standing up or sitting down. And I’m not scared to say what I think  (Stand Quotes) The only thing I hate are photo shoots. I just hate them. I don’t know why I cannot stand them  (Stand Quotes) I’ve been around in public life for a long time. I think people know what I stand for. They know that I have strong convictions, committed principles and I’m prepared to stand up for them  (Stand Quotes) The older I get, the more I can’t stand violence and have a hard time with seeing people die in horrific ways. It gets harder and harder to watch and deal with that stuff  (Stand Quotes) This is the first lesson to learn: be determined not to curse anything outside, not to lay the blame upon anyone outside, but stand up, lay the blame on yourself. You will find that is always true. Get hold of yourself  (Stand Quotes) A whole generation of veteran composers has never taken a stand or provided an example and has produced in the music academies generations of docile workers for the music industry. What can you expect from downtrodden workers who see music as a type of profession, like stenography, and not an act of creation that by its nature is subversive?  (Stand Quotes) Twitter’s a funny one, I mean, it’s good in some respects but I can’t stand it in other respects. You know there are too many opinions, people get opinions mixed up and people get being rude mixed up with that’s my opinion  (Stand Quotes) There is a place to stand where you can see so many lights you forget you are one of them  (Stand Quotes) When love is our guiding light, we can break through barriers to be of loving service to the world. Gaining the courage and confidence to stand up for what you believe in is not always easy, but it’s fully within your reach  (Stand Quotes) It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard  (Stand Quotes) To a man, ornithologists are tall, slender, and bearded so that they can stand motionless for hours, imitating kindly trees, as they watch for birds  (Stand Quotes) Good art can come out of thieves, bootleggers, or horse swipes. People really are afraid to find out just how much hardship and poverty they can stand. They are afraid to find out how tough they are. Nothing can destroy the good writer. The only thing that can alter the good writer is death. Good ones don’t have time to bother with success or getting rich. Success is feminine and like a woman; if you cringe before her, she will override you. So the way to treat her is to show her the back of your hand. Then maybe she will do the crawling  (Stand Quotes) Those who stand for different causes during different generations often experience the same oppositions and the same difficulties as those of the previous and the next generations. That is the basis of history repeating itself  (Stand Quotes) The body stores the trauma of our lives in muscular rigidity, thereby keeping us stuck in the past. When we release the tension in the body and align ourselves with gravity, we take a new stand in life. This allows us to be at ease with ourselves and in harmony in our relationship to others and to our planet  (Stand Quotes) The sounds of many were unintelligible and undoubtedly many more called for their parents from whom they were parted by death or by accident. They grasped their tortured limbs, their tiny burning legs until they were no longer able to stand or run. And then they would crash to the ground where they would writhe in the bubbling tar until death released them from their physical misery  (Stand Quotes) One of the greatest gifts a caring teacher can contribute to children is to help them learn to sit when they feel like running, to raise their hand when they feel like talking, to be polite to their neighbor, to stand in line without pushing, and to do their homework when they feel like playing. By introducing procedures in the classroom, you are also introducing procedures as a way of living a happy and successful life  (Stand Quotes) What use do I put my soul to? It is a serviceable question this, and should frequently be put to oneself. How does my ruling part stand affected? And whose soul have I now? That of a child, or a young man, or a feeble woman, or of a tyrant, of cattle or wild beasts  (Stand Quotes) How very near us stand the two vast gulfs of time, the past and the future, in which all things disappear  (Stand Quotes) The test of an abstract picture, for me, is not my first reaction to it, but how long I can stand it hanging on the wall of a room where I am living  (Stand Quotes) I can’t stand when I walk into a room and everyone’s not talking to each other and just on their phones  (Stand Quotes)
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