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Stand Quotes

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I believe that the people who survive a cataclysm, rather than those who stand by and analyze it, are nearly always the more credible witnesses to their own history  (Stand Quotes) Letters remind us that when we write we can bring back the best of times, even make time stand still, if only for a few minutes  (Stand Quotes) Books should stand on their own feet... If they need shoring up by a preface here, an introduction there, they have no more right to exist than a table that needs a wad of paper under one leg in order to stand steady  (Stand Quotes) I believe that it is a great mistake not to stand up for people, even when you differ with them, if you feel that they are trying to do things that will help our country  (Stand Quotes) A jury is more apt to be unbiased and independent than a court, but they very seldom stand up against strong public clamor. Judges naturally believe the defendant is guilty  (Stand Quotes) We want our children to fit in and to stand out. We rarely address the conflict between these goals  (Stand Quotes) It’s still easier to take a blow from outside than it is to be disgusted with myself for not taking a stand. I don’t know how people can live and not fight back but apparently millions do. They must hate themselves  (Stand Quotes) You don’t get to choose what you get famous for and you don’t get to control which of your life’s many struggles gets to stand for you  (Stand Quotes) It’s a rare man who can stand being around an intelligent woman, let alone married to her  (Stand Quotes) There is a natural tribal hostility between the married and the unmarried. I cannot stand the shows so often quite instinctively put on by married people to insinuate that they are not only more fortunate but in some way more moral than you are  (Stand Quotes) I survived my childhood by birthing many separate identities to stand in for one another in times of great stress and fear  (Stand Quotes) The traditional metaphor for a spiritual investigation is that of the voyage or the journey. From this image I must dissociate myself. I do not consider myself a voyager, I have preferred to stand still  (Stand Quotes) Youth looks at its world and age looks through it; youth must get busy on problems whose outlines stand single and strenuous before it, while age can, with luck, achieve a cosmic private harmony unsuited for action as a rule  (Stand Quotes) What I cannot live with may not bother another man’s conscience. The result is that conscience will stand against conscience  (Stand Quotes) Error tills its own barren soil and buries itself in the ground, since ground and dust stand for nothingness  (Stand Quotes) I’ve always said it takes more courage to stand back there and throw a ball knowing you’re fixing to get drilled than anything I can think of in football  (Stand Quotes) I want to make a picture that could stand on its own, regardless of what it was a picture of. I’ve never been a bit interested in the fact that this was a picture of a blues musician or a street corner or something  (Stand Quotes) On spinach: I dislike it, and am happy to dislike it because if I liked it I would eat it, and I cannot stand it  (Stand Quotes) The soup, thin and dark and utterly savorless, tasted as if it had been drained out of the umbrella stand  (Stand Quotes) Mostly actors are progressive because we are accustomed to all the nuances of human life, whereas dictators just try to flatten it all out. So we usually try to stand up to dictators like, well, we won’t mention names  (Stand Quotes) You can’t stand to see your neighbor getting rich. You know you’re smarter than he is and he’s doing these things and he’s getting rich  (Stand Quotes) It’s difficult to exist as a woman, especially I think as a powerful woman. You want to stand strong and you want to be considered and equal  (Stand Quotes) If you see a theme that you might want to take a photo of, you sort of stand there for an hour waiting for it to resolve, waiting for the geometry of a theme to be exactly what you want them to be. That was my process to get photos  (Stand Quotes) It is the highest form of culture and craftmanship in art to use local materials. That way you stand a chance of adding to culture. The other way you are in danger of merely imitating it  (Stand Quotes) Male friends do not always face each other; they stand side by side, facing the world  (Stand Quotes) If I’ve learned any one lesson from life, it’s this: If you don’t stand for something, you will stand for anything  (Stand Quotes) I adore tradition. I cannot stand habit. Simply to repeat is nothing, also to destroy is nothing. Tradition is never interrupted, we are always evolving but never interrupted  (Stand Quotes) Let how you live your life stand for something, no matter how small and incidental it may seem  (Stand Quotes) I am generally ashamed to walk out in new clothes. And why am I ashamed? Is it because I don’t want to embarrass the others who don’t have new things? Or perhaps because a new coat makes you stand out, and you seem to be clothes and nothing else  (Stand Quotes) When you’re in your nineties and looking back, it’s not going to be how much money you made or how many awards you’ve won. It’s really what did you stand for. Did you make a positive difference for people?  (Stand Quotes)
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