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Stand Quotes

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I have been holding a dialogue with myself and girding myself to stand fast without running  (Stand Quotes) If so, then it was also here where I came to know I can survive what hurts. I believed in my capacity to stand back up and run into the waves again and again, no matter the risk  (Stand Quotes) The world cries for men who are strong; strong in conviction, strong to lead, to stand, to suffer  (Stand Quotes) Hills that stand soft and a sky that stands high and blue, and the sun setting behind a windmill, and always, always, hazy strings of mountains that fall and fall away on the horizon  (Stand Quotes) It all comes down to who is by your side and who is willing to stand up for love even when it seems impossible  (Stand Quotes) It doesn’t take skill to stand in a place were no bullets find you, or to fire into the dark and hit a man you didn’t see  (Stand Quotes) To understand the world at all, sometimes you could only focus on a tiny bit of it, look very hard at what was close to hand and make it stand in for the whole;  (Stand Quotes) I stand at the altar of murdered men, and, while I live, I fight their cause  (Stand Quotes) Reformers who are always compromising, have not yet grasped the idea that truth is the only safe ground to stand upon  (Stand Quotes) It is in the act of offering our hearts in faith that something in us transforms... proclaiming that we no longer stand on the sidelines but are leaping directly into the center of our lives, our truth, our full potential  (Stand Quotes) We stand with women by fighting for economic security, protecting access to health care and supporting women’s leadership across the country  (Stand Quotes) The community which does not protect its humblest and most hated member in the free utterance of his opinions, no matter how false or hateful, is only a gang of slaves. If there is anything in the universe that can’t stand discussion, let it crack  (Stand Quotes) Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death  (Stand Quotes) We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction. We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us  (Stand Quotes) Don’t do anything as an individual that will make you stand out from your teammates  (Stand Quotes) Courage gives a leader the ability to stand straight and not sway, no matter which way the wind blows  (Stand Quotes) Good taste is the first refuge of the non creative. It is the last ditch stand of the artist  (Stand Quotes) A door that seems to stand open must be of a man’s size, or it is not the door that providence means for him  (Stand Quotes) We are like children, who stand in need of masters to enlighten us and direct us; God has provided for this, by appointing his angels to be our teachers and guides  (Stand Quotes) You stand up for your teammates. Your loyalty is to them. You protect them through good and bad, because they’d do the same for you  (Stand Quotes) You see something scary, you should stand up and step toward it, not away from it. Instinctively, reflexively, in a raging fury  (Stand Quotes) Maybe you’re not meant to fit in. maybe you’re supposed to stand out  (Stand Quotes) ... neither is it possible to discover the more remote and deeper parts of any science, if you stand but upon the level of the same science, and ascend not to a higher science  (Stand Quotes) Making people believe the unbelievable is no trick; it’s work... Belief and reader absorption come in the details: An overturned tricycle in the gutter of an abandoned neighborhood can stand for everything  (Stand Quotes) It’s easier to stand on the sidelines, criticize, and say why you shouldn’t do something. The sidelines are crowded. Get in the game  (Stand Quotes) Even if we stand at the very summit of virtue, it is by mercy that we shall be saved  (Stand Quotes) If you wish me well, do not stand pitying me, but lend me some succour as fast as you can; for pity is but cold comfort when one is up to the chin in water, and within a hair's breadth of starving or drowning  (Stand Quotes) We stand against fate, as children stand up against the wall in their father's house, and notch their height from year to year. But when the boy grows to a man, and is master of the house, he pulls down that wall and builds it new and bigger  (Stand Quotes) One mustn’t criticize other people on grounds where he can’t stand perpendicular himself  (Stand Quotes) Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins. And it’s up to you to make that happen. Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world  (Stand Quotes)
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