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Stand Quotes

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Some people prefer the passenger role, because it imposes no real pressure to decide or stand accountable for their life results  (Stand Quotes) So please take a seat if you really can’t stand it, got success in my pocket and these rappers in a panic  (Stand Quotes) Enlightenment does not ask you to be perfect; it simply asks you to find perfection right where you stand  (Stand Quotes) It may be long before the law of love will be recognised in international affairs. The machineries of government stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another  (Stand Quotes) There is no greater crime than to stand between a man and his development; to take any law or institution and put it around him like a collar, and fasten it there, so that as he grows and enlarges, he presses against it till he suffocates and dies  (Stand Quotes) On the whole, I would bid you stand up to your work, whatever it may be, and not be afraid of it; not in sorrows or contradictions to yield, but to push on towards the goal  (Stand Quotes) She had only to stand in the orchard, to put her hand on a little crab tree and look up at the apples, to make you feel the goodness of planting and tending and harvesting at last  (Stand Quotes) Everybody need a partner to stand right by their side. Not only down for the good times. But also down through the bad times  (Stand Quotes) The goal of pacifism is possible only though a supranational organization. To stand unconditionally for this cause is the criterion of true pacifism  (Stand Quotes) What part of me was born with the courage to stand in front of strangers and risk rejection?  (Stand Quotes) The nights I don’t sleep it’s because there’s a higher calling telling me to stand guard  (Stand Quotes) To find real peace you have to let the armor go. Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory  (Stand Quotes) Life will knock us down, but we can choose whether or not to stand back up  (Stand Quotes) I am beneath or above no one. When I am independent of the good or bad opinion of others, I stand strong in my own divine power  (Stand Quotes) I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the way our world is made. No individual or nation can stand out boasting of being independent, we are interdependent  (Stand Quotes) Every time you stand up for an ideal, you send forth a tiny ripple of hope  (Stand Quotes) My own sex, I hope, will excuse me, if I treat them like rational creatures, instead of flattering their fascinating graces, and viewing them as if they were in a state of perpetual childhood, unable to stand alone  (Stand Quotes) I think people can stand to take themselves just a little less seriously. I’m fighting the war against pretension  (Stand Quotes) I don’t care much for facts, am not much interested in them, you can’t stand a fact up, you’ve got to prop it up, and when you move to one side a little and look at it from that angle, it’s not thick enough to cast a shadow in that direction  (Stand Quotes) It is praiseworthy to be brave and fearless, but sometimes it is better to be a coward. We often stand in the compound of a coward to point at the ruins where a brave man used to live  (Stand Quotes) He that is never on his knees on earth shall never stand upon his feet in heaven  (Stand Quotes) A thousand fearful images and dire suggestions glance along the mind when it is moody and discontented with itself. Command them to stand and show themselves, and you presently assert the power of reason over imagination  (Stand Quotes) I plan to stand by nonviolence, because I have found it to be a philosophy of life that regulates not only my dealings in the struggle for racial justice, but also my dealings with people, and with my own self  (Stand Quotes) The clever reader who is capable or reading between these lines what does not stand written in them but is nevertheless implied will be able to form some conception  (Stand Quotes) If some among you fear taking a stand because you are afraid of reprisals from customers, clients, or even government, recognize that you are just feeding the crocodile hoping he’ll eat you last  (Stand Quotes) As for those that carried out these attacks there are no adequate words of condemnation. Their barbarism will stand as their shame for all eternity  (Stand Quotes) When you stand with your two feet on the ground, you will always keep your balance  (Stand Quotes) Seriously, the world is changing so quickly that if you had any more than 80 years of change I don’t see how you could stand it psychologically  (Stand Quotes) Me? I stand for uncertainty, insecurity, bad taste, fun, and things that go boom in the night  (Stand Quotes) Men have been taught that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone  (Stand Quotes)
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