Standard Quotes

Text Quotes
The quad toms are a completely different animal than the standard drum set/trap kit. Playing wise and stylistically, they are two different beasts (Standard Quotes)
I see something that seems like standard fare, that I can imagine any number of actors playing, and I’m generally not interested (Standard Quotes)
I just want to make a classic. Classic is the standard. I’m just trying to make music that will last a lifetime (Standard Quotes)
After all, if you have the majority of customers, then what you do becomes the standard. Your competitors have little choice but to follow. If you are the leader, then having a nonstandard infrastructure is a bad idea. Ultimately, it leads to extinction (Standard Quotes)
Here is the beginning of philosophy: a recognition of the conflicts between men, a search for their cause, a condemnation of mere opinion... and the discovery of a standard of judgement (Standard Quotes)
Man can never come up to his ideal standard. It is the nature of the immortal spirit to raise that standard higher and higher as it goes from strength to strength, still upward and onward. The wisest and greatest men are ever the most modest (Standard Quotes)
To be sure an artist wishes to raise his standard intellectually as much as possible, but the man must remain in obscurity. Pleasure must be found in the studying (Standard Quotes)
It is generally recognized that creativity requires leisure, an absence of rush, time for the mind and imagination to float and wander and roam, time for the individual to descend into the depths of his or her psyche, to be available to barely audible signals rustling for attention. Long periods of time may pass in which nothing seems to be happening. But we know that kind of space must be created if the mind is to leap out of its accustomed ruts, to part from the mechanical, the known, the familiar, the standard, and generate a leap into the new (Standard Quotes)
The changing styles are the expression of a restless search for something which shall commend itself to our aesthetic sense; but as each innovation is subject to the selective action of the norm of conspicuous waste, the range within which innovation can take place is somewhat restricted. The innovation must not only be more beautiful, or perhaps oftener less offensive, than that which it displaces, but it must also come up to the accepted standard of expensiveness (Standard Quotes)
The poets are the standard bearers of language. Their work lives or dies word by word. When I write and can hear a clunky sentence, I try to write up to the poetry that I have recited beforehand (Standard Quotes)
Let the standard of everybody’s mind be raised to the heights of his own inner glory and then man will feel for himself the greatness of the higher values of life and would be tempted to bring them down into practical life and live them (Standard Quotes)
Extroversion is an enormously appealing personality style, but we’ve turned it into an oppressive standard to which most of us feel we must conform (Standard Quotes)
I think a portfolio standard should go beyond wind, solar and geothermal energy to include renewable energy like hydropower and clean alternatives such as coal gasification, clean coal, nuclear energy and, finally, credits for achieving new levels of efficiency and conservation (Standard Quotes)
The standard of living has risen along with the size of the world’s population since the beginning of recorded time. There is no convincing economic reason why these trends toward a better life should not continue indefinitely (Standard Quotes)
We compliment weight loss, monitor our appetites, and shrink ourselves to fit some kind of standard. I wish we could all be the size we actually are. One size doesn’t fit all because there are as many sizes as there are women. Let’s look closer at the size of our hearts, the width of our souls, and the length of our spirits (Standard Quotes)
Historians are apt to judge war ministers less by the victories achieved under their direction than by the political results which flowed from them. Judged by that standard, I am not sure that I shall be held to have done very well (Standard Quotes)
I think we should just tip the government if it does a good job. Fifteen percent is the standard tip, isn’t it? (Standard Quotes)
We are learning that a standard of social ethics is not attained by travelling a sequestered byway, but by mixing on the thronged and common road where all must turn out for one another, and at least see the size of one another’s burdens (Standard Quotes)
We hold that no person or set of persons can properly establish a standard of expression for others (Standard Quotes)
Since time immemorial, youth has set the universal standard of physical beauty, and the reason is simply that a shapely firm young face and body are more attractive sexually and aesthetically than bulges, sags and wrinkles (Standard Quotes)
It frequently happens that an element of the standard of living which set out with being primarily wasteful, ends with becoming, in the apprehension of the consumer, a necessary of life (Standard Quotes)
A standard of living is of the nature of acts almost solely to prevent recession from a scale of conspicuous expenditure that has once become habitual (Standard Quotes)
I’m shocked at the sexism and double standard coming out of the far right (Standard Quotes)
For a machine to run smoothly and predictably, its parts must be standard and hence replaceable, features which contribute, respectively, to modern depersonalization and anxiety (Standard Quotes)
I think you can just go out and try to be the best you can be, deal with people with respect, with honesty, with integrity, have a high moral standard. I’ve always really tried to exemplify that as an athlete. I’ll continue to try to do that (Standard Quotes)
Under the gold standard gold is money and money is gold. It is immaterial whether or not the laws assign legal tender quality only to gold coins minted by the government (Standard Quotes)
No formula in finance tells you that the moat is 28 feet wide and 16 feet deep. That’s what drives the academics crazy. They can compute standard deviations and betas, but they can’t understand moats (Standard Quotes)
Justice has nothing to do with expediency. Justice has nothing to do with any temporary standard whatever. It is rooted and grounded in the fundamental instincts of humanity (Standard Quotes)
My visions of the future are always pretty much standard issue. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and there are flying cars (Standard Quotes)
We have this mistaken notion that everybody in the world has to go to college. The colleges are already crowded with people who never in this world will absorb more than a rudimentary education, and we dilute everything to meet this low standard (Standard Quotes)