Standard Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s funny, our beauty standard has become harder and tougher because we live in a tough age. I don’t think anyone wants to walk down the street and feel vulnerable. You want to walk down the street and feel like you’re in control (Standard Quotes)
How could the adventure seeker of today find satisfaction with the level of performance that was a standard set more than 40 years ago? (Standard Quotes)
I would close down all those teenage magazines that encourage young girls to diet. Who says that to be pretty you have to be thin? Some people look better thin and some don’t. There is almost a standard being created where only thin is acceptable. The influence of those magazines on girls as young as 13 is horrific (Standard Quotes)
You become what you do. How and what you become depends on environmental influence so you become who you hang around. Raise the standard your peers must meet and you’ll raise your expectations of yourself. If your environment is not making you better, change it (Standard Quotes)
When fewer workers have unions, the standard of living falls for everyone and the gap between the rich and poor grows (Standard Quotes)
The achievement of great things though comes from the ability to manage yourselfvery, very, very well. Or at least well enough where you almost become compulsive about getting certain things done. You have to set a standard for yourself that’s.very, very, very high and you have to manage your thoughts to where they need to be allow yourself to be successful, at what your trying to do (Standard Quotes)
I believe in the gold standard. I like solid lumps of things. You can always melt them down (Standard Quotes)
People tell me I’m a perfectionist. They tell me I’m too extreme and that I work too hard. I tell them, that is all I know how to do. I was taught to give my best effort in everything I do and demand perfection and raise the standard of excellence to a whole new level (Standard Quotes)
We have a choice. We can love our lives trying to conform to some nebulous standard, or we can live our lives seeing how everything works. When we step back and look at it that way, it is obvious that the attitude of fascination is the only intelligent one to bring to anything (Standard Quotes)
Who is omnipotent or wise enough to decide each new standard of good taste? Or sensitivity? (Standard Quotes)
Believe the best about people. Pray for their short comings. You are not the standard. We all need grace (Standard Quotes)
We won’t win every battle. We won’t save every child. But together we can be the standard bearers of human dignity by being present in humility and in solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable individuals, families and communities (Standard Quotes)
... Your company... will send drugs to all the underdeveloped countries of the world, and since they do not have any standards, we will fool them all and can make a great big profit and never tell the doctors that there is a risk... You will meet the standards of the country in which you are advertising, not the... proper standard... I would think that you would not sleep at night... I do not think this country will not stand for it (Standard Quotes)
Go through detailed variations in your own time, think in a general way about the position in the opponent’s time and you will soon find that you get into time trouble less often, that your games have more content to them, and that their general standard rises (Standard Quotes)
I quickly convinced myself that the true key to material happiness lay in a modest standard of living which could be achieved with little difficulty under almost all economic conditions (Standard Quotes)
I hate to take compromises with a racing car. The more standard a car is, the more compromises you have to take (Standard Quotes)
Horror by definition is the emotion of pure revulsion. Terror of the same standard, is that of fearful anticipation (Standard Quotes)
I had set the standard for my style of relief pitching so high that when I came back to the rest of the pack, everybody said I was done (Standard Quotes)
Let’s face it: Engineering companies in general have more men than women. Google has tried really hard to recruit women. On the other hand, we have a standard. Google tries to recruit the best engineers (Standard Quotes)
You can have calmness of mind at all times by the practice of yoga. You can have restful sleep. You can have increased energy, vigour, vitality, longevity, and a high standard of health. You can turn out efficient work within a short space of time. You can have success in every walk of life (Standard Quotes)
We have been maintaining a standard of living by putting things on the debt of the next generation (Standard Quotes)
Whoever claims to understand another person completely, is either entirely ignorant of himself, or else has a nature so small that he can measure it easily, and supposes it to be the standard of every other nature (Standard Quotes)
If one avoids haughtiness to the utmost extent and is exceedingly humble, he is termed a saint, and this is the standard of saintliness (Standard Quotes)
Being able to provoke a different point of view to the standard current ideological or political perspective as played out in conventional newspaper or radio reportage is what a public intellectual does. But it’s not merely about being oppositional, because that’s too negative (Standard Quotes)
While civilization is more than a high material living standard it is nevertheless based on material abundance. It does not thrive on abject poverty or in an atmosphere of resignation and hopelessness. Therefore, the end objectives of solar system exploration are social objectives, in the sense that they relate to or are dictated by present and future human needs (Standard Quotes)
A gold standard doesn’t imply stability in the prices of the goods and services that people buy every day, it implies a stability in the price of gold itself (Standard Quotes)
People want to be liked by other people, so they adopt other people’s standards, but for me, my standard had always been true (Standard Quotes)
I always felt like there was a certain standard of music that I had to do from the beginning, even when I didn’t have the recognition that I have now (Standard Quotes)
I always had a standard of, back when I was doing the country music I always told people I would never record a song that I wouldn’t sit down and sing in front of my mom and dad (Standard Quotes)
Our work on light bulbs wasn’t an arbitrary mandate. We didn’t just pick a standard out of the air, or look for a catchy sounding standard like 25 by 2025 not based in science or feasibility. Instead, we worked with both industry and environmental groups to come up with a standard that made sense and was doable (Standard Quotes)