Standing Quotes

Text Quotes
Our forests are not for toilet paper. They are worth more standing than cut. That deserves to be defended, not only by native peoples but also by environmentalists (Standing Quotes)
I have spent the better part of my adult life standing up and fighting for working families (Standing Quotes)
I think actors who know their job know that’s how you do it. You don’t show up and make people miserable. That poor grip who’s standing there, he just wants to feed his family. He doesn’t need to hear about your psychosis on life and love and death (Standing Quotes)
Watching somebody else fail definitely makes you feel better with what you’ve accomplished and where your standing is in life (Standing Quotes)
How hard would it be to ask children what they see in their heads? How big should the house be in comparison to the family standing in front of it? What is it about the anatomy of the people that doesn’t look right? Then let them try it again. Teach them to learn how to see and ask questions (Standing Quotes)
Let us worship the spirit in spirit, standing on spirit. Let the foundation be spirit, the middle spirit, the culmination spirit (Standing Quotes)
Some people are pragmatists, taking things as they come and making the best of the choices available. Some people are idealists, standing for principle and refusing to compromise. And some people just act on any whim that enters their heads. I pragmatically turn my whims into principles (Standing Quotes)
If I set out to sculpt a standing man and it becomes a lying woman, I know I am making art (Standing Quotes)
Sometimes you have the feeling that some little imp is standing behind you and dictating to you, but he gives it to you slowly, drop by drop (Standing Quotes)
Think of me getting up before 6, I’m at work by 7 and I continue until 6.30 in the evening, standing up all the time, nine canvases. It’s murderous (Standing Quotes)
There seems to be a hypnotic quality to ambition and speed, so that you feel that you are standing still just because you want to go so fast. You might actually be getting close to your goal (Standing Quotes)
Freedom is dangerous. Possibly crawling on all fours might be safer than standing upright, but we like the view better up there (Standing Quotes)
Being a celebrity made me so uncomfortable that I would have preferred standing behind the amplifiers (Standing Quotes)
I think my greatest insecurity would just be standing in the middle of the room and having everyone watching me thinking that’s what I want. If I am interesting to you because of who I am, then that’s incredible. But if I’m interesting to you only because of what I am, then let’s not bother, you know? (Standing Quotes)
The press needs stories constantly. No need to bleed, just feed. Branding will keep you standing... Get press not stress (Standing Quotes)
There are good men and bad men of all nationalities, creeds and colors; and if this world of ours is ever to become what we hope some day it may become, it must be by the general recognition that the man’s heart and soul, the man’s worth and actions, determine his standing (Standing Quotes)
I try to deign golf courses that are individual in character and individual in their own standing (Standing Quotes)
It’s a good idea to be in the physical presence of the enlightened teacher because it’s not physical. You can hear the ocean from quite a ways away, but if you’re standing right in front of it, it’s easier (Standing Quotes)
I spot a little stranger standing across the room, my brain takes a vacation just to give my heart more room (Standing Quotes)
People think modeling’s mindless, that you just stand there and pose, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I like to have a lot of input, I know how to wear a dress, whether it should be shot with me standing up or sitting down. And I’m not scared to say what I think (Standing Quotes)
I’m not good at standing on platforms and persuading people to my political point of view. Nor would I seek to. My gift is completely different. It’s for presenting an imaginative version of the world which I hope people would recognize and be affected by (Standing Quotes)
People waiting for an elevator don’t know what to do, standing with strangers. There is nothing to do. Its an uneasy time. Some press the button repeatedly as though it would help (Standing Quotes)
I was a maid, so cleaning toilets wasn’t my favorite thing, but honestly, standing outside all day in the cold was worse (Standing Quotes)
There is always someone out there working harder than you, and you may be standing next to him or her in your next competition (Standing Quotes)
The potential savings in the national budgets from the elimination of police, criminal courts, standing armies, pollution control agencies, drug enforcement, and many poverty programs is almost beyond calculation (Standing Quotes)
You don’t see heroism, humanity and hope like you do in a horror story. Horror celebrates the kind of friendship that keeps you standing shoulder to shoulder with someone even when the world is falling apart around you (Standing Quotes)
Courage is the standing army of the soul which keeps it from conquest, pillage, and slavery (Standing Quotes)
I always say separate your abilities from your disabilities. You know, if I could play the violin, I don’t have to play it standing up. I can play it sitting down and so on (Standing Quotes)
I would like for this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she doesn’t fit in anywhere. You do. Stay weird. Stay different, and then when it’s your turn and you are standing on this stage please pass the same message along (Standing Quotes)
All dancing is now is standing in place and letting the devil of the music enter you (Standing Quotes)