Standing Quotes

Text Quotes
Ask Elizabeth is a community of voices, it’s not me standing on a podium telling people how to run their lives, it’s girls helping each other sharing their wisdom and advice and I create a space for them to do it (Standing Quotes)
It occurred to me that I was standing face to face with the hero of a love story nearly as dramatic as my own (Standing Quotes)
I can say I made a lot of mistakes, but I don’t regret things. Because at least I didn’t spend a life standing outside, wondering what living would be like (Standing Quotes)
We all want to do something to mitigate the pain of loss or to turn grief into something positive, to find a silver lining in the clouds. But I believe there is real value in just standing there, being still, being sad (Standing Quotes)
Through the damp fabric of my coverall, bundled in my blanket, I feel naked. Raw. He sees more than I want, more than I can bear. It’s like standing before him... while he stares at my scars, pitiless and unmoved (Standing Quotes)
It was unbelievable. She was standing there, staring at him like he was a real rock star (Standing Quotes)
Tell me, is the rose naked or is that her only dress? Why do trees conceal the splendor of their roots? Who hears the regrets of the thieving automobile? Is there anything in the world sadder than a train standing in the rain? (Standing Quotes)
He had the vague sense of standing on a threshold, the crossing of which would change everything (Standing Quotes)
You can’t really know the person standing before you, because always there is some missing piece (Standing Quotes)
Wendy: Why are you staring at me? Finn: Because you’re standing in front of me (Standing Quotes)
She answered by standing and kissing him first and held his cheeks and closed her eyes and felt sure as bones and deep as blood that she had found her place (Standing Quotes)
... we were like two people standing apart on separate mountain peaks, recklessly leaning forward to throw stones at one another, unaware of the dangerous chasm that separated us (Standing Quotes)
He sounded harassed more than anything else, like mass home invasion was just something standing between him and morning coffee (Standing Quotes)
War’s an auction where whoever can pay the most in damage and still be standing wins (Standing Quotes)
I looked up to find a slim blond figure standing in the doorway to the kitchen. For a frozen second, I looked at him and he looked at me, and then I screamed and threw my coffee, which hit him square in the groin (Standing Quotes)
It’s weird to think the place where we’re standing will only be a point in the sky (Standing Quotes)
This is what a memorial is: standing still, staring at something that isn’t ther (Standing Quotes)
Colin had always preferred baths; one of his general policies in life was never to do anything standing up that could just as easily be done lying down (Standing Quotes)
In my dreams you are standing right beside me, two hearts finally colliding, then I wake up and realise, realise, this is real life (Standing Quotes)
I cannot have chaos erupting around me until I am prepared for it. I am a collector. I am an observer. I don’t participate. My resources, and my standing, must be secure before I can allow the uncertainty of war to crash down upon us (Standing Quotes)
I am standing here in the shed, and I’m waiting to see if my seeds are going to poke out ofthe dirt. I don’t know if it’s too early to look for signs of life or if, this time, winter has claimed my family for good (Standing Quotes)
I’m standing here, holding a half a lemon in my hand. I’m speechless, I’m excited... I’m a wreck. Caleb wants to be where I am (Standing Quotes)
Even a good place gets to be a rut, especially if you’re standing in it alone... Alone and lonely have the same root (Standing Quotes)
There are two types of panicking: standing still and not saying a word, and leaping all over the place babbling anything that comes into your head (Standing Quotes)
So, while fitting in, she was like a wicked detail standing out against a placid background (Standing Quotes)
The only thing I know is this: I am full of wounds and still standing on my feet (Standing Quotes)
This was good, except that now I had two crazed, burning zombies standing between me and the exit, plus another one that wasn’t on fire. I had not thought this plan through at all (Standing Quotes)
I had to decide what I was going to do, and what I was going to be. I was standing there, waiting for someone to do something, till I realised the person I was waiting for was myself (Standing Quotes)
I don’t know how you’re standing here. Yet you haven’t broken. Not where it matters. Having come this far, I’m not sure you can be broken (Standing Quotes)
We were the ones on scene when everything went down. We weren’t better. We weren’t worse. We were just the ones standing in the blast radius (Standing Quotes)