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In the world of power, people will come looking for you. If you’re a movie star, you know what I am saying. People will come around you, little groupie types. They think that being around you they can get something  (Star Quotes) The team is never about the single player. It’s not about the injury that keeps a star out of a certain game, and it’s not about the coach. It’s about the strength, and the abilities of the sum  (Star Quotes) We all have to have our north star that we fix on and go to, but life is so much about the things that bump into you  (Star Quotes) You’re an original, an individual, a masterpiece. Celebrate that; don’t let your uniqueness make you shy. Don’t be someone other than the wonder you are. Every star is important to the sky  (Star Quotes) Everything is made up of the exact same thing, whether it’s your hand, the ocean, or a star  (Star Quotes) I felt like if I just gave my heart to what I was doing, I would automatically be a star  (Star Quotes) Now, however, I see the folly of attempting to hitch one’s wagon to a star with a harness that does not belong to it  (Star Quotes) On the outside one is a star. But in reality, one is completely alone, doubting everything. To experience this loneliness of soul is the hardest thing in the world  (Star Quotes) Acting is the developing of one’s own personality, too, you know. That’s what the public buys in a star, shall we say, the personality thing  (Star Quotes) I have a little piece of advice for all the single guys out there, this is a piece of gold so please write this down. If you have the opportunity to star in a movie, do it. Seriously, I find it’s a lot easier to meet girls  (Star Quotes) If I weren’t doing what I’m doing now, the actress thing, the star business, if you want to call it that, whatever it is, I’d be in an asylum. I’m sure of it  (Star Quotes) From the earliest age on, even as we toy with it, we instinctively know there is something mighty about the truth, that it is an immobile, looming star. We grow to crave it  (Star Quotes) Poetry is a way for me to explore a tingly feeling, to let it play itself out, and also to map it. I feel like I’m making little star maps when I write poems  (Star Quotes) The fact is that every atom that we’re made of is part of that first explosion of a nuclear star billions of years ago. We’re connected to the entire universe  (Star Quotes) I’m competitive with myself, not at the expense of everything around me. I never wanted to be a movie star. I just wanted to act  (Star Quotes) You may be married to a star, but that doesn’t mean they’ll treat you like one  (Star Quotes) I read, go for walks and I love to garden. My hands are such a mess. People think I should have movie star hands, but they’re just gardening ones. Always slightly grubby and with a bit of dirt under the fingernails  (Star Quotes) The truth is, ever since I was little, I’ve wanted to be an actor more than I ever wanted to be a movie star  (Star Quotes) What I really want is a commercial hit. If you’re in a hit, you’re suddenly a star, whether you acted well or not  (Star Quotes) I can’t even tell you how many different shows I would love to guest star on because there’s just too many  (Star Quotes) Architecture is a rare collective profession: it’s always exercised by groups. There is an essential modesty, which is a complete contradiction to the notion of a star  (Star Quotes) I was fanatically ambitious. All I ever wanted was to be a star. I didn’t want to be a singer. I didn’t want to be an actress. I wanted to be a star  (Star Quotes) There’s so much craziness that comes along with being a movie star that you can get so confused. Unless you’ve spent your whole life waiting to be the centre of attention, it’s pretty terrifying  (Star Quotes) My dream is to star in an animated movie and to have a toy made after me  (Star Quotes) When football stars disappear, so do the teams, and that is a very curious phenomenon. It is like in the theatre, in a play, where there is a great star. If the star is not well, the whole cast suffers  (Star Quotes) A film star is a kind of public monument, and everyone’s staring at them, and they’ve kind of got railings around them, and they’re rather miserable most of the time  (Star Quotes) When you’re working, nobody’s a star. We’re all just actors trying to figure it out  (Star Quotes) I’ve been lucky to have survived balloon trips, boating trips, you know, a lot of rather foolish things in my life, so I was definitely born under a lucky star  (Star Quotes) Guys have to look up to somebody. Everybody needs to have their own role and somebody has to be the star  (Star Quotes) Being a rock and roll star has become as legitimate a career option as being an astronaut or a policeman or a fireman  (Star Quotes)
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