Stars Quotes

Text Quotes
Many comedic stars have tried to a do a ‘Night at the Museum’ type film, in which an everyday Joe reacts to insane circumstances. Many flat out failed. (Stars Quotes)
Broadway producers are happy to have a big Hollywood name they can post on the marquee, but most of them assume that television and film stars really can’t handle stage work. Too often, they’re right. (Stars Quotes)
Pride makes us long for a solution to things ” a solution, a purpose, a final cause; but the better telescopes become, the more stars appear. (Stars Quotes)
Stars didn’t have to worry as they were on long term contracts and were able to enjoy their vacations without worrying about tomorrow. Few had financial worries due to large incomes and little taxes. (Stars Quotes)
One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it away. (Stars Quotes)
Stars wide of belt often cultivated a gentlemanly grandeur, a groomed refinement that filtered through their fingertips - the dainty fidgets of Hardy’s plump digits, Orson Welles performing magic tricks with nimble dexterity, Jackie Gleason lofting a teacup to his lips as if he were Lady Bracknell - or through a fine set of twinkle-toes. (Stars Quotes)
People aim for the stars, and they end up like goldfish in a bowl. I wonder if it wouldn’t be simpler just to teach children right from the start that life is absurd. (Stars Quotes)
Many of the books on my list are, in my opinion, amazing. Some I didn’t like. But I give them all five stars, because stars make people - including me -- happy. (Stars Quotes)
The bottom line is, like, one in five stars has at least one planet where life might spring up. That’s a fantastically large percentage. That means in our galaxy, there’s on the order of tens of billions of Earth-like worlds. (Stars Quotes)
I absolutely love what I do and thank my lucky stars for twenty-five years of full-time employment in this business. (Stars Quotes)
We see the people that have got stars in their eyes, but if you’ve really got what it takes, you can get from, say the beginnings, to the top in about five years. (Stars Quotes)
I’m getting paid to do what I got in trouble for in the 7th grade. I absolutely love what I do and thank my lucky stars for twenty-five years of full-time employment in this business. (Stars Quotes)
Musicians play music because you love... I loved to play drums since I was five. It’s all I ever wanted to do. Rock stars, or as we call them, posers, guys who want to just look great, dress great. They’re not musicians; they’re looking for the fame. (Stars Quotes)
There are many critics who invite me on their show, and I have told them that when my film releases, you will give it one-and-a-half star rating. That’s fine. There’s no issue because stars will matter when I’m planning to open a five star hotel. When I’m making films, I don’t need stars. (Stars Quotes)
When we show you all these various pieces of content on the site, how frequently do you take the one that we present? And of the one you took, how frequently do you completely watch the whole series? And do you rate it, one to five stars? So if we presented it to you, and you watched it, and you rated it, that’s a big win. (Stars Quotes)
When I began my career as a flight attendant, I was a 21-year-old with a B.A. in English and stars in her eyes. I wanted to see every city in the world. I wanted to have adventures that, I hoped, would fuel a writing career some day. (Stars Quotes)
I don’t feel so sad when somebody dies, Julio, because they fly away to explore the stars and planets. When it’s our turn we join them in exploring the universe. (Stars Quotes)
For aspiring actors out there, I would say stay focused and don’t let anyone pull you away from your goals. Shoot for the stars so that if you ever fall short you can land on the clouds. (Stars Quotes)
When you come upon a path that brings benefit and happiness to all, follow this course as the moon journeys through the stars. (Stars Quotes)
To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your path, and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest. Always do what you are afraid to do. (Stars Quotes)
If you think of feelings you have when you are awed by something - for example, knowing that elements in your body trace to exploded stars - I call that a spiritual reaction, speaking of awe and majesty, where words fail you. (Stars Quotes)
The same forces of nature which enable us to fly to the stars, enable us also to destroy our star (Stars Quotes)
It is not easy to see how the more extreme forms of nationalism can long survive when men have seen the Earth in its true perspective as a single small globe against the stars. (Stars Quotes)
England a fortune-telling host, As num’rous as the stars, could boast; Matrons, who toss the cup, and see The grounds of Fate in grounds of tea.... (Stars Quotes)
We look at distant exploding stars called supernovae, and we’ve developed techniques to measure how far away they are and how fast they’re moving away from us. (Stars Quotes)
Give me Pablo Neruda, picnic beneath a full moon and iridescent stars, black olives, cherries, dark things, canoe on a riverthat’s romance. (Stars Quotes)
86% of its audience was made up of people of color. That tells you that the full potential of many black stars won’t be realized until their audiences are fully integrated. (Stars Quotes)
I really have become convinced that nuclear fusion is our energy future. It’s so powerful. I mean, it is the power of the stars. If we could bring that down to the laboratory and to the power plant on Earth, that would be an incredible thing. (Stars Quotes)
I tried all my life to be a normal person. Stars are in the sky. I like cooking and gardening. (Stars Quotes)