Start Quotes

Text Quotes
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing (Start Quotes)
You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great (Start Quotes)
If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done (Start Quotes)
We all start as strangers (Start Quotes)
Dead last is greater than did not finish which trumps did not start (Start Quotes)
I need to find my way back to the start (Start Quotes)
Our road starts here (Start Quotes)
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can (Start Quotes)
Stop making resolutions and just start something (Start Quotes)
Let's start the journey (Start Quotes)
Start every day with a smile and get it over with (Start Quotes)
Stop wishing, start doing (Start Quotes)
It's time to start living (Start Quotes)
I wish you told me from the start that you were gonna break my heart (Start Quotes)
A year from now you will wish you had started today (Start Quotes)
To begin, begin (Start Quotes)
The start is what stops most people (Start Quotes)
You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one (Start Quotes)
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive about what could go right (Start Quotes)
There is no better day to start running than today! (Start Quotes)
A tiny step of courage is always a good place to start (Start Quotes)
Rise up. Start fresh. See the bright opportunity in each new day (Start Quotes)
I will start studying later (Start Quotes)
The scariest moment is always just before you start (Start Quotes)
Jackpot... Where does I start? (Start Quotes)
Just one more.. then I start my diet (Start Quotes)
Where the hell is the start of the tape??? (Start Quotes)
Go ahead. Get started, and as you go forward you'll get better (Start Quotes)
I'll be yours forever, just tell me when to start (Start Quotes)
The first step is always the hardest (Start Quotes)