Start Quotes

Text Quotes
I got in touch with my agent and told him I wanted to start going out on things again (Start Quotes)
I asked a couple of months ago if anyone would like to start picketing the gas stations (Start Quotes)
As soon as you get a certain amount of attention, then everybody kinda wants to start taking pot shots at you. All your old friends that supported you don’t support you any more (Start Quotes)
I am astonished about those people who are ordered to prepare their provisions, then the start of the journey is announced, however they remain unmindful in their vain discussions and fruitless deeds (Start Quotes)
I read a book twice as fast as anybody else. First, I read the beginning, and then I read the ending, and then I start in the middle and read toward whatever end I like best (Start Quotes)
When I start writing a poem, I don’t think about models or about what anybody else in the world has done (Start Quotes)
The good thing is that I have always had wonderful people around me. It’s dangerous when you start earning a lot of money and you become famous when you are too young (Start Quotes)
Make a drawing. Start it all over again, trace it. Start it and trace it again (Start Quotes)
If you want more effective programmers, you will discover that they should not waste their time debugging, they should not introduce the bugs to start with (Start Quotes)
To start writing about your life is, from one standpoint, to stop living it. You must avoid adventures today so as to make time for registering those of yesterday (Start Quotes)
There is nothing like a start, and being born, however pessimistic one may become in later years, is undeniably a start (Start Quotes)
Children, of course, don’t understand at first that they are being cheated. They come to school with a degree of faith and optimism, and they often seem to thrive during the first few years. It is sometimes not until the third grade that their teachers start to see the warning signs of failure. By the fourth grade many children see it too (Start Quotes)
We study ourselves three weeks, we love each other three months, we squabble three years, we tolerate each other thirty years, and then the children start all over again (Start Quotes)
When you feel that you have reached the end and that you cannot go one step further, when life seems to be drained of all purpose: What a wonderful opportunity to start all over again, to turn over a new page (Start Quotes)
When you’re playing poorly, you start thinking too much. That’s when you confuse yourself (Start Quotes)
We are not afraid to look under the bed, or to wash the sheets; we know that life is messy. We know that somebody has to clean it up, and that only if it is cleaned up can we hope to start over, and get better (Start Quotes)
Always surround yourself with people who are better than you. If you’re hanging around bad people, they’re going to start bringing you down... But, if you surround yourself with good people, they’re going to be pulling you up (Start Quotes)
The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start (Start Quotes)
I learned that, before you reach an objective, you must be ready with a new one, and you must start to communicate it to the organization. But it is not the goal itself that is important (Start Quotes)
The way a child discovers the world constantly replicates the way science began. You start to notice what’s around you, and you get very curious about how things work. How things interrelate. It’s as simple as seeing a bug that intrigues you. You want to know where it goes at night; who its friends are; what it eats (Start Quotes)
The exact sciences also start from the assumption that in the end it will always be possible to understand nature, even in every new field of experience, but that we may make no a priori assumptions about the meaning of the word understand (Start Quotes)
It’s what you do, unthinking, that makes the quick tear start; the tear may be forgotten... but the hurt stays in the heart (Start Quotes)
Many divorces are not really the result of irreparable injury but involve, instead, a desire on the part of the man or woman to shatter the setup, start out from scratch alone, and make life work for them all over again. They want the risk of disaster, want to touch bottom, see where bottom is, and, coming up, to breathe the air with relief and relish again (Start Quotes)
What needs to be discharged is the intolerable tenderness of the past, the past gone and grieved over and never made sense of. Music ransoms us from the past, declares an amnesty, brackets and sets aside the old puzzles. Sing a new song. Start a new life, get a girl, look into her shadowy eyes, smile (Start Quotes)
Have a dialogue between the two opposing parts and you will find that they always start out fighting each other until we come to an appreciation of difference (Start Quotes)
If you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don’t spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it (Start Quotes)
I recall that my workshop leaders were tactful in their ways of acquainting me with my shortcomings as a writer. So much so that I hardly realized they were doing it. I want always to keep that sort of thing in mind when I’m teaching. The way you get better in everything in this life is to make mistakes. Otherwise you’re probably doing it right by accident. But you have to do everything wrong before you can really start with some authority to do it right (Start Quotes)
As soon as you start making a record, things start getting lined up: the promotion, possibly even a tour (Start Quotes)
You won’t talk to anybody who breaks lyrics down more thoroughly. It’s just a complete deconstruction, and when you start to rebuild, nobody has the capacity to do it like me. Which is not to say I’m better, it’s just that there’s a unique quality to everyone (Start Quotes)
I was doing comedy in laundry mats in 1992, literally where I would bring a little gorilla amp and a lapel mike and just start performing (Start Quotes)