Starting Quotes

Text Quotes
To be a good artist / letterer / designer / guitar player it takes practice. A lot of it. More than you can even fathom when you’re starting out. (Starting Quotes)
The guardian and arbiter of superlative eating, with every meal an unforgettable experience in pleasure, starting with the soup, which he said, ‘must be the agent provocateur of a good dinner.’ (Starting Quotes)
I wouldn’t mind starting to ride some more if I had a really good horse to just work a little bit with every day. (Starting Quotes)
A good starting point [in the measurement of investment risk] is the preservation and enhancement of your purchasing power in real terms. (Starting Quotes)
Laugh often. Starting your day with a good laugh, or at least a big smile, is as beneficial to your health as it is to your mood. Scientific studies at Northwestern University and Fordham University concluded that laughter benefits the heart, lungs, stomach and other organs. It relaxes tensions, changes attitude, and increases the body’s natural painkillers. And it has no harmful side effects. (Starting Quotes)
I think, when I was a young lawyer starting out, I was so determined to prove that I was as good as the men and that I could be given the same opportunities as the men, and it wouldn’t make any difference at all that I was a woman. But actually, looking back on it now, I did do things that I wouldn’t recommend to other women at all. (Starting Quotes)
Shoes are a good starting point. I’ve become quite fussy about them! A patent pair of Sonia Rykiel oxfords have become invaluable. (Starting Quotes)
I’m open to starting restaurants anywhere as long as the produce that’s readily available is high quality. For example, I’m never doing a restaurant in Shanghai because I saw the produce available there, and it’s just not good. I won’t do a restaurant in Moscow for the same reason. (Starting Quotes)
Oh, good. You’re starting to talk about yourself in the third person. That’s not a sign of impending megalomania or anything. (Starting Quotes)
It’s always a good starting point to tell a story that has many layers (Starting Quotes)
In fact, a rather striking aspect of business propaganda in the United States is the demonization of government, starting after the Second World War. (Starting Quotes)
Governor Romney has said nothing about preschool. I think that giving the poorest kids in America wonderful preschool, and three years of it, starting when they are two-and-a-half, is absolutely crucial. (Starting Quotes)
You don’t go to school to become the best chef in the world right after you graduate. School is always a starting point so what people forget is that you go to school to build a foundation, and you want to build a foundation that’s not going to crumble. (Starting Quotes)
As a brand new graduate student starting in October 1956, my supervisor Michail Fischberg, a lecturer in the Department of Zoology at Oxford, suggested that I should try to make somatic cell nuclear transplantation work in the South African frog Xenopus laevis. (Starting Quotes)
At each level of gratitude our soul’s capacity deepens, starting with contentment to meaningfulness, and finally, to pure joy. (Starting Quotes)
Rocky is a warrior, we’ve had a lot of great battles starting from when I was 16. He’s a true team player, great fighter, and I have a ton of respect for him. (Starting Quotes)
I was always a great believer in starting at the top. I really think that focusing on a career and working your way up is way way way overestimated. (Starting Quotes)
I’ve learned so much through life. Starting off in Asia, the cultures, the people you meet, the poverty you see. It’s been a great education for me, and I’ve loved every minute of it. (Starting Quotes)
The U.S. has been a great friend all these years, but as soon as Africa found itself starting to move up, the U.S. is really disengaging. (Starting Quotes)
When I was younger, I had terrible skin... my mother has terrible skin. Male-pattern hair loss is starting to come in... my dad is bald. It’s so unfair; my brother’s tall, has perfect skin, great hair, but I’m like the runt. (Starting Quotes)
The starting point of great success in your life begins, in the simplest terms, when you discipline yourself to think and talk about only the things you want and refuse to think and talk about anything you don’t want. (Starting Quotes)
The ultimate starting point for planning any adventure or expeditionby far and away the greatest book on earth (Starting Quotes)
In Los Angeles, I drive a hybrid and live in a very simple home. Anything you do from carrying a canteen of water to starting a recycling program in your office makes a difference. Reusing what you already have has always been green - from clothes to boxes to glass jars from the supermarket. (Starting Quotes)
The kind of group mentality that we had lived under since the Second World War is starting to erupt, and the craving for individualism is now much stronger. It’s not as taboo anymore, as it was when I was younger. (Starting Quotes)
I would like to see this group in this Congress be starting the process to get ourselves on long term fiscal strong footing. (Starting Quotes)
It’s just this little comedy about this group of guys, and their local hangout is a pool hall, and it’s starting to get taken over by this big corporate, evil kind of guy. And it’s just about them trying to save the day and their little pool hall in the process of it all. It’s called ‘Think Tank.’ (Starting Quotes)
What Republicans need to do is to go back to their roots - starting with Lincoln - and remind the nation that they are the party of national growth, racial equality and unity of purpose. These Lincolnian themes will serve Republicans - and the nation - much better than becoming the party on the lookout for the supposed rat head of higher taxes. (Starting Quotes)
I had a dream about you starting a pet store. You didn’t have any customers yet, and I was your guinea pig. (Starting Quotes)
In high school, I decided I wanted to learn guitar, so I picked it up and starting teaching myself some basic chords and started playing with friends. Guitar inherently lends itself to be guitar music, especially when you’re not good at guitar. (Starting Quotes)
I had been wanting to give guitar lessons to girls because I feel like women tend to use their voice as the starting point for a song and learn a few chords, and then it ends there because then they just use their voice to flesh out a song. (Starting Quotes)