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When childhood dies, its corpses are called adults and they enter society, one of the politer names of hell. That is why we dread children, even if we love them, they show us the state of our decay  (State Quotes) The national security state has many unfair and cruel weapons in its arsenal, but that of junk science is one which can be fought and perhaps defeated  (State Quotes) It’s slightly complicated for people to grasp the idea of a head of state in human form  (State Quotes) When you write songs, you can’t really point out the exact thing you’re inspired by. It’s more a state or a mood or an atmosphere that you’re trying to put into words  (State Quotes) I do think it’s important to live in the present because in that way you won’t be living in a state of regret  (State Quotes) Yet, so far from laboring to know the forbidden tree of worldly pleasures and its various fruits, man gives himself up to a careless and thoughtless state of life, and yields to the lust of the flesh, not considering that this lust is really the forbidden tree  (State Quotes) When a system is considered in two different states, the difference in volume or in any other property, between the two states, depends solely upon those states themselves and not upon the manner in which the system may pass from one state to the other  (State Quotes) That the state of knowledge in any country will exert a directive influence on the general system of instruction adopted in it, is a principle too obvious to require investigation  (State Quotes) The rapid growth in many of our suburbs has spawned a booming construction industry eager to hire low wage immigrants who gladly fill these jobs, many of them happy to be paid in cash, free of federal and state taxes  (State Quotes) I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal  (State Quotes) State and local government, with financial support from the federal government, should offer a program to educate and train foster children for employment and provide them with financial assistance, as needed, until they reach age 21  (State Quotes) Everyone wants to live at the expense of the state. They forget that the state wants to live at the expense of everyone  (State Quotes) In all nations an exceptional man exists that compensates the deficiencies of the remainder. In those moments, when humanity is found collectively in a state of decadence, there always remain those exceptional beings as point of reference  (State Quotes) You can make yourself feel better about yourself if you project your shadow side, if you project your own potential for evil onto someone else. By annihilating them and, therefore, your shadow, you bring yourself into some state of purity or reformation  (State Quotes) It is obvious that taking the country from a state of war to being a lawful state won’t be easy  (State Quotes) I cannot escape the objection that there is no state of mind, however simple, that does not change every moment  (State Quotes) When we make the cerebral state the beginning of an action, and in no sense the condition of a perception, we place the perceived images of things outside the image of our body, and thus replace perception within the things themselves  (State Quotes) The modern state no longer has anything but rights; it does not recognize duties any more  (State Quotes) No movement can afford to be caught in a time warp and exist in a state of suspended animation  (State Quotes) Job creation requires a business friendly environment with a tax structure that is not punitive and a state government designed for efficient use of fewer tax dollars  (State Quotes) One of the greatest challenges in collecting child support is that deadbeat dads move from job to job and state to state. it’s hard to keep track of them  (State Quotes) At the state level, we must take a careful look at what went wrong and make sure it never happens again. The buck stops here, and as your governor, I take full responsibility  (State Quotes) The decision to join or not join a service union, political party or other organization should be left up to the individual. No such organization has the right to take money out of the pockets of state workers without their proper consent  (State Quotes) My suggestion is that at each state the proper order of operation of the mind requires an overall grasp of what is generally known, not only in formal logical, mathematical terms, but also intuitively, in images, feelings, poetic usage of language, etc  (State Quotes) Felicity, the companion of content, is rather found in our own breasts than in the enjoyment of external things; and I firmly believe it requires but a little philosophy to make a man happy in whatever state he is  (State Quotes) In this case, the particle formed has correspondingly less energy, whereas the product nucleus passes into the ground state with emission of the quantity of energy saved as gamma radiation  (State Quotes) To demonstrate this simultaneity is by no means trivial, because it may for example happen that the product nucleus always forms in an activated state at first  (State Quotes) I think a failed state is the responsibility of the people who have made that state fail, and those are generally the people of that country  (State Quotes) Things are not difficult to make; what is difficult is putting ourselves in the state of mind to make them  (State Quotes) I will go to my grave in a state of abject endless fascination that we all have the capacity to become emotionally involved with a personality that doesn’t exist  (State Quotes)
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