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State Quotes

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Self is the root, the tree, and the branches of all the evils of our fallen state  (State Quotes) I don’t know what makes a guy want to write songs and sing, but if you’ve got a message, you want to get it across. When I come up with an idea about the way I feel, I can really state it strongly in a song  (State Quotes) When I come up with an idea about the way I feel, I can really state it strongly in a song  (State Quotes) To the socialist no nation is free whose national existence is based upon the enslavement of another people, for to him colonial peoples, too, are peoples, and, as such, parts of the national state  (State Quotes) The amount of sophistication varies according to the quality of the medium, and to the state of the same medium at different times; it must be attributed in the best cases physiologically to the medium, intellectually to the control  (State Quotes) The kind of thing I’m good at is knowing every politician in the state and remembering where he itches. And I know where to scratch him  (State Quotes) All the modelling we do shows that the climate is poised on the jump up to a new hot state. It is accelerating so fast that you could say that we are already in it  (State Quotes) Canon law itself says for one case of guilt, a priest can be dismissed from the clerical state. One  (State Quotes) I would never abdicate, nor would I expect any other governor to abdicate, the responsibility to protect the people of my state  (State Quotes) I think if one wants to be in a continual state of insanity one should stay married to that writing partner  (State Quotes) I care about this state... and I feel a responsibility to get things done. If we stay healthy and play smart we can be a playoff team. I think we’re on the right track  (State Quotes) The higher one climbs on the spiritual ladder, the more they will grant others their own freedom, and give less interference to another’s state of consciousness  (State Quotes) No state should be allowed to profess partnership with the global coalition against terror, while continuing to aid, abet and sponsor terrorism  (State Quotes) There is no reason inherent in the real resources available to us why we cannot move rapidly within the next two or three years to a state of genuine full employment  (State Quotes) I believe in the separation of church and state, absolutely. But I don’t believe in the separation of public life from our values, our basic values, and for many of us, our religious values  (State Quotes) It may be a mistake, that man, in a state of nature, is more disposed to cruelty than courtesy  (State Quotes) I live a very dull life here... indeed I think I am more like a state prisoner than anything else  (State Quotes) Punk is not really a style of music. It was more like a state of mind  (State Quotes) I was talking about no nukes, the farm crisis. People said that wasn’t stuff that a state auditor was supposed to be talking about. Maybe they were right  (State Quotes) Violence is not to be undertaken by private persons. If a state or administration acts without due and visible attention to agreed international process, it acts in a way analogous to a private person. It purports to be judge of its own interest  (State Quotes) I believe the greatest asset a head of state can have is the ability to get a good night’s sleep  (State Quotes) For democrats, it’s as crucial to defend secular culture as to preserve secular law. And in fact the two projects are inseparable: When religion defines morality, the wall between church and state comes to be seen as immoral  (State Quotes) I already knew to eat clean and listen to my body, to only eat when I was in a calm mental state. Everyone knew. But when you’re fat in the head, it’s never about knowing the answers. It’s about living them  (State Quotes) Silly is you in a natural state, and serious is something you have to do until you can get silly again  (State Quotes) Dogs laugh, but they laugh with their tails. What puts man in a higher state of evolution is that he has got his laugh on the right end  (State Quotes) I have about concluded that wealth is a state of mind, and that anyone can acquire a wealthy state of mind by thinking rich thoughts  (State Quotes) My stiffest earthly assignment is ended and my major life’s work is done. My country is now free and I have been honoured to be its first indigenous head of state. What more could one desire in life?  (State Quotes) The state is or can be master of money, but in a free society it is master of very little else  (State Quotes) The actual state of our knowledge is always provisional and... there must be, beyond what is actually known, immense new regions to discover  (State Quotes) Jake was close to tears. In that moment he saw the world in its true light, as a place where nothing had ever been any good and nothing of significance done: no art worth a second look, no philosophy of the slightest appositeness, no law but served the state, no history that gave an inkling of how it had been and what had happened. And no love, only egotism, infatuation and lust  (State Quotes)
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