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I always loved art shows at schools. My friends with kids would go, and I would go with them. It’s some of my favorite art... It’s more about creativity than the grand statement of an agenda.  (Statement Quotes) I don’t love the postmodern statement: You shouldn’t be spiritual if you are the artist  (Statement Quotes) My hair is such a statement that it’s like a neon sign asking for trouble  (Statement Quotes) Whatever my party affiliation, I will continue to be guided by President Kennedy’s statement that sometimes party asks too much.  (Statement Quotes) To get nostalgic about other people’s music, or even about your own, makes a terrible statement about the condition of your life and your prospects for the future. I have no patience with that kind of attitude, whether it’s on radio or among friends.  (Statement Quotes) What this loss means will be appreciated from the statement that one bushel of wheat contains sufficient energy to support the average working man for 15 days.  (Statement Quotes) We’re all living blinkered lives, and we’re not seeing what’s going on and looking to change it. I’m not saying that everyone has to make a political statement, but we need to be more aware of what’s happening and why.  (Statement Quotes) Remarkably, [Sen. Dianne] Feinstein was reading her statement. So her mare’s-nest of inapposite words and unclear thoughts cannot be excused as symptoms of Biden’s Disease, that form of logorrhea that causes victims, such as Sen. Joe Biden, to become lost on the syntactical back roads of their extemporaneous rhetoric.  (Statement Quotes) ‘Checks are coming in the mail regularly’... or change your bank statement to whatever balance you want in there... and get behind the feeling of having it.  (Statement Quotes) Mitt Romney’s only bottom line is the one at the end of his own bank statement. The problem is that he confuses his own narrow, self-interest - and that of people like him - with the national interest. He thinks as long as we do right by the Mitt Romneys of the world, America will be just fine.  (Statement Quotes) For me, Sun Tzu’s statement that military force is based upon deception is an extraordinary statement.  (Statement Quotes) Imperfect though it may be, the Beijing Platform for Action is the strongest statement of consensus on women’s equality, empowerment and justice ever produced by governments.  (Statement Quotes) I should like to preface my remarks with a personal statement in order that my later remarks will not be misunderstood. I consider myself an atheist.  (Statement Quotes) So many people in the gay community have always asked me to come out, say it like it is, and help our cause. But for me... I think my biggest statement I could give to the world is to be strong being myself... you have to make something of yourself, and that’s what makes us strong.  (Statement Quotes) Climb Every Mountain’ is a beautiful statement of philosophy. Critics may think ‘The Sound of Music’ is saccharine, but I think it’s profound. The message, that we can’t accommodate evil, is just as important today.  (Statement Quotes) It is not difficult for me to have this faith, for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelligence - an orderly, unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered - ‘In the beginning, God.’  (Statement Quotes) Music knows no barrier of age or culture. It isn’t about being politically correct or even making a statement. Music is what appeals to the ears and touches your soul.  (Statement Quotes) Every time I rap about being a big girl in a small world, it’s doing a couple things: it’s empowering my self-awareness, my body image, and it’s also making the statement that we are all bigger than this; we’re a part of something bigger than this, and we should live in each moment knowing that.  (Statement Quotes) If a guy is intimidated by a woman in leadership, he has real problems with his own concepts of masculinity. That’s a harsh statement, but I believe it to be true.  (Statement Quotes) I have made a public statement about me and Ralph by being seen with him. I don’t need to make any other. You can live the way you want.  (Statement Quotes) Making art in America is sort of a political statement in and of itself. It’s not the best environment for that sometimes.  (Statement Quotes) When you look at guys who get recruited, most of the best athletes, they come from poor families. I don’t forget. I was a junior looking through my mother’s stuff and looked at her bank statement, and we had $30 in the bank.  (Statement Quotes) It’s a bold statement but I think people need to read between the lines  (Statement Quotes) So every time I rap about being a big girl in a small world it’s doing a couple things: it’s empowering my self-awareness, my body image, and it’s also making the statement that we are all bigger than this, we’re a part of something bigger than this, and we should live in each moment knowing that.  (Statement Quotes) You can look at a finale as chance to make an impact or a statement, to shock people or shoot a big cannon and make a loud noise.  (Statement Quotes) You never do things thinking you will make a big statement. It just happens sometimes and you are lucky.  (Statement Quotes) But, the truth is and we can argue about whether this is right or not as long as we want to, but the fact is that women really do spend more time with their families. Until I can find a man who can tell me the dates of all of his nieces and nephews birthdays and get presents out to them regularly, I’m going to stay by that statement.  (Statement Quotes) When you are generalizing, and when your goal is to malign and to say things about an entire group - there are tens of millions of Scientologists in the world - when you decide to blanket statement that ‘Scientology is evil,’ you are my enemy.  (Statement Quotes) You have to put your body on the line from time to time in order to make a statement or change a law.  (Statement Quotes) My favorite book is ‘Redeeming Love.’ It was my first as a born-again Christian, my statement of faith, and the most exciting year I’ve spent writing anything.  (Statement Quotes)
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