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Statement Quotes

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I was feeling very irritable. It was that difficult time of the month when the credit card statement arrives  (Statement Quotes) As you know, shibumi has to do with great refinement underlying commonplace appearances. It is a statement so correct that it does not have to be bold, so poignant it does not have to be pretty, so true it does not have to be real. Shibumi is understanding, rather than knowledge. Eloquent silence. In demeanor, it is modesty without pudency. In art, where the spirit of shibumi takes the form of sabi, it is elegant simplicity, articulate brevity. In philosophy, where shibumi emerges as wabi, it is spiritual tranquility that is not passive; it is being without the angst of becoming  (Statement Quotes) No statement, theological or otherwise, should be made that would not be credible in the presence of burning children  (Statement Quotes) It’s important to make a statement, but don’t kill yourself over it. You have to make an effort, but not go overboard  (Statement Quotes) Everyone declares that love is irrational, and yet everytime this statement is proven correct, they profess amazement. They seem to assume that love will make an exception in their case. It never does  (Statement Quotes) The transformation of nature, a total fusion of science, art and technology in a sublime statement of human dignity and intelligence through the settlements we build for ourselves  (Statement Quotes) To err is to wander, and wandering is the way we discover the world; and, lost in thought, it is also the way we discover ourselves. Being right might be gratifying, but in the end it is static, a mere statement. Being wrong is hard and humbling, and sometimes even dangerous, but in the end it is a journey, and a story  (Statement Quotes) How do you change what you believe when your experience has convinced you otherwise? By creating a new experience. The best way for you to get that new experience is to change your response to what happens. By the natural law of cause and effect, that new response will create new results, which you will then experience as a new reality. To reach the goal of happiness, act as though the following statement is already true: Everything that happens to me is the best thing that can happen to me  (Statement Quotes) The statement that although the past can be recorded, the future cannot, is translatable into the statistical statement: Isolated states of order are always postinteraction states, never preinteraction states  (Statement Quotes) A method of painting is a natural growth out of a need. I want to express my feelings rather than illustrate them. Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement  (Statement Quotes) True statement: Live it, love it, leave the wold better off than when you got here  (Statement Quotes) The greatest contribution jazz has made in music has been to replace the role of the conductor with a member of the ensemble who, instead of waving his arms to keep time and convey mood, is an active member of the musical statement. That person is the drummer  (Statement Quotes) The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!  (Statement Quotes) If I can make one generalised statement, and generalised statements are never entirely true, nobody wants to be talked down to, kids included  (Statement Quotes) I think that if you make a strong statement of principle, even if the folks disagree with you, people will respect you for it  (Statement Quotes) I’ll say, what makes me happy about making movies is, every once in a while through movies we find a kind of honesty. There’s an honesty in fiction that’s as effective or even more powerful than the honesty of our lives. We can find something that’s genuinely true, like a chemistry between people or a statement that speaks to an audience  (Statement Quotes) When you look at guys who get recruited, most of the best athletes, they come from poor families. I don’t forget. I was a junior looking through my mother’s stuff and looked at her bank statement, and we had $30 in the bank  (Statement Quotes) The increasing technicality of the terminology employed is also a serious difficulty. It has become necessary to learn an extensive vocabulary before a book in even a limited department of science can be consulted with much profit. This change, of course, has its advantages for the initiated, in securing precision and concisement of statement; but it tends to narrow the field in which an investigator can labour, and it cannot fail to become, in the future, a serious impediment to wide inductive generalisations  (Statement Quotes) No one individual vote, no one individual quote or no one individual statement defines me, my beliefs, or my record  (Statement Quotes) I’m against people reading statements. When you read statement, I automatically take it as though you can’t talk, and it’s not real  (Statement Quotes) It doesnt hurt to repeat here the statement, still rejected by many people in spite of its obviousness, that education is a political act  (Statement Quotes) We must never forget that people buy into the leader before they buy into a mission statement  (Statement Quotes) When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they’re not protesting. They’re not making a statement. They’re stealing. When they burn down a building, they’re committing arson  (Statement Quotes) There is no communication with any public whatsoever. The artist can ask no question, and he makes no statement; he offers no information, and his work cannot be used. It is the end product which counts  (Statement Quotes) I dance as a political statement, because disabled bodies are inherently political, but I mostly dance for all the same reasons anyone else does: because it heals my spirit and fills me with joy  (Statement Quotes) Few things in life can be so appalling as the difference between a dry antiseptic statement of a principle by a well spoken man in a quiet office, and what happens to people when that principle is put into practice  (Statement Quotes) What makes a tight circle or a tight little square box more of an intellectual statement than something done emotionally, I don’t know. Art is an essence, a center  (Statement Quotes) Art happens when anyone in the world takes any kind of material and fashions it into a deliberate statement  (Statement Quotes) It’s very hard to find men’s clothes that do what you want, especially when you go through them as quickly as I do. I need them to be flashy, but I never like to be overdressed. I need to make a statement, but I hate wearing too many clothes  (Statement Quotes) A record... is a statement, it’s its own statement, its own entity, rather than being about something else. If I was a painter... I don’t paint the chair, I would paint feelings about the chair  (Statement Quotes)
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