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Stations Quotes

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Stations and airports are rehearsals for separations by death  (Stations Quotes) Mosquitoes were using my ankles as filling stations  (Stations Quotes) The various forms of despair at the various stations on the road  (Stations Quotes) I watched her face switch among the radio stations of memory  (Stations Quotes) Take away our play stations and we are a third world nation  (Stations Quotes) The only road to the highest stations in this country is that of the law  (Stations Quotes) When lost, I look for gas stations for counsel  (Stations Quotes) Before you rob your first bank, knock off a couple of gas stations  (Stations Quotes) The little stations are very proud because the expresses have to pass them by  (Stations Quotes) High stations, tumult, but not bliss, create; none think the great unhappy, but the great  (Stations Quotes) I have two syndicated radio shows though United Stations Radio Network  (Stations Quotes) Railway stations can become growth points for the nearby villages  (Stations Quotes) A reader who quarrels with postulates, who dislikes hamlet because he does not believe that there are ghosts or that people speak in pentameters, clearly has no business in literature. He cannot distinguish fiction from fact, and belongs in the same category as the people who send checks to radio stations for the relief of suffering heroines in soap operas  (Stations Quotes) Where I grew up, we had the three TV networks, maybe two radio stations, no Cable TV. We still had a long-distance party line in our neighborhood, so you could listen to all your neighbors' phone calls. We had a very small public library, and the nearest bookstore was an hour away  (Stations Quotes) Men want sex. If men ruled the world, they could get sex anywhere, anytime. Restaurants would give you sex instead of breath mints on the way out. Gas stations would give sex with every fill-up. Banks would give sex to anyone who opened a checking account  (Stations Quotes) Music itself was color blind but the media and the radio stations segregate it based on their perceptions of the artists  (Stations Quotes) Some newspapers have a hands - off policy on favored politicians. But it's generally very small newspapers or local TV stations  (Stations Quotes) When buying a used car, punch the buttons on the radio. If all the stations are rock and roll, there's a good chance the transmission is shot  (Stations Quotes) Admiration of the proletariat, like that of dams, power stations, and aeroplanes, is part of the ideology of the machine age  (Stations Quotes) O let us love our occupations, bless the squire and his relations, live upon our daily rations, and always know our proper stations  (Stations Quotes) When the first record came out, I’d go down to radio stations pretty much every day to get the record played, and I would walk in and they’d tell us how much they loved the record, but they weren’t sure how much they could play it because they were already playing a girl  (Stations Quotes) This is a business built on promotion. We’ve been giving music away to radio stations for 30 years  (Stations Quotes) I think games are starting to branch out. It’s not just guys sitting at their computer stations. Games are so fun, that everybody gets into them a little bit  (Stations Quotes) I’m not interested in forcing my music on people, and that’s what the whole music industry nowadays is based on is forcing stations to play it, forcing people to listen to it  (Stations Quotes) I know quickly whether a guy is boyfriend material. If I can have a good time doing absolutely nothing with him, then that’s boyfriend material for me. Like if we’re able to have fun at a gas station. I’ve had some really good times at gas stations  (Stations Quotes) I’ve never come into anything successful before. I’ve always been hired by horrible radio stations with horrendous reputations and nothing to lose  (Stations Quotes) The college stations have a big voice, and I would like to become more involved with them. I would like to have symposiums with the members of various college radio stations  (Stations Quotes) I like the light that comes off metal shutters at siesta time in the summer, having a break from driving in the shops at motorway services, the odour of petrol at petrol stations, rolling down little slopes. I hate it when you tread in a puddle and the water soaks your socks  (Stations Quotes) I listen to both oldies and contemporary stations. I enjoy listening to current stuff because there’s an energy to it that’s inspiring  (Stations Quotes) When you go to cable, there are no stations and no affiliates and they allow you to do your show  (Stations Quotes)
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