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Everyone’s got different views. I think you’re better off staying within the party and prosecuting those views than stepping out of it  (Staying Quotes) I realized that I don’t like touring. I’ll never complain about it because no one wants to hear about a relatively successful musician complain about the hardships of staying in a hotel  (Staying Quotes) I don’t think I’ve ever been a huge target for the press, and I value that to a degree, because there’s a certain value for actors staying beneath the radar so they can play characters  (Staying Quotes) Knowledge is honestly everything. It’s not just books and staying behind a desk and having a diploma. There’s also traveling and knowledge about people, and what I do and scripts and books  (Staying Quotes) We are staying in basic accommodation but it doesn’t matter to me, it’s all about the experience  (Staying Quotes) A healthy person is not perfect but perfectible, not a done deal but a work in progress. Staying healthy takes discipline, work, and patience, which is why our life is a journey and perforce a heroic one  (Staying Quotes) The world is a dangerous place, full of people who don’t trust each other. This is why I am staying up in this tree  (Staying Quotes) The good news is that the comics field is small enough and informal enough that once you have made a comic, you have achieved your dreams: you have broken into the comics industry. The problem with breaking in, though, is that staying in is harder  (Staying Quotes) Staying in the present is the key to any golfer’s game: once you start thinking about a shot you just messed up or what you have to do on the next nine to catch somebody, you’re lost  (Staying Quotes) In the late twentieth century, staying sober has become just as much an addiction as getting wasted  (Staying Quotes) I think a part of being successful or trying to be successful is staying true to who you are. Be genuine  (Staying Quotes) Hollywood is the same as any other place when it comes to love, marriage, and divorce... some people have trouble staying married and some people have trouble staying single  (Staying Quotes) Let’s face it: part of being a grownup is that every day you have to choose between going out at night or staying home, and it is one of life’s unhappy truths that there is not enough time to do both  (Staying Quotes) If combat means living in a ditch, females have biological problems staying in a ditch for 30 days because they get infections.... Males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes  (Staying Quotes) Mastery, on the other hand, is being present with what is occurring, staying with it from beginning to end  (Staying Quotes) I am a committed observer. I like staying in the background and seeing what’s going on  (Staying Quotes) Reinvention is the key to surviving this fashion industry. Madonna is the perfect example of reinvention. She has taken something that is so little and turned herself into a legend by simply never staying the same  (Staying Quotes) My thing is just staying positive. Find that thing you love doing and dedicate yourself to it. You’re going to have to sacrifice a lot of things if you want to achieve the goals you want to achieve  (Staying Quotes) Action can only be understood in relation to place; only by staying in place can the imagination conceive or understand action in terms of consequence, of cause and effect. The meaning of action in time is inseparable from its meaning in place  (Staying Quotes) A woman’s place is in the home. Why should she go out and take away a workingman’s pay instead of staying home and stealing out of his jacket like a good wife  (Staying Quotes) As someone who has more than a passing acquaintance with most of the 20th century presidents, I have often thought that their accomplishments have little staying power in shaping popular views of their leadership  (Staying Quotes) I’ve noticed throughout my long life that people with vested interest in things staying the way they are regularly insist that both change and accountability are impossible  (Staying Quotes) We definitely aren’t very good at staying in one place. There’s not a domesticated bone in my body  (Staying Quotes) The most important thing people can do is refuse to have any resistance to staying connected to their source. People resist being able to attract abundance into their lives  (Staying Quotes) The law of flying was not discovered by the contemplation of things staying on the ground  (Staying Quotes) Staying at home with your kids is probably one of the hardest jobs, emotionally, physically and mentally  (Staying Quotes) I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house. So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air  (Staying Quotes) I try to stay in decent shape always. I pride myself on staying at least a month away from really good shape  (Staying Quotes) Far travel, very far travel, or travail, comes near to the worth of staying at home  (Staying Quotes) One’s attitude towards oneself is the single most important factor in healing and staying well  (Staying Quotes)
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