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I try to stay on an even keel. I get really fired up on occasion, but staying relaxed and under control bodes better for my game than getting out of control  (Staying Quotes) Staying busy keeps me away from being bored, which used to be a lot of my problem  (Staying Quotes) Wanderlust is not unheard of in our kind; it comes upon us now and then. When you can live forever, staying in one place can come to seem a dull prison after many, many years  (Staying Quotes) Instead of collecting things and staying in one space, I want to collect experiences  (Staying Quotes) For me, it’s not about building bulk in my muscles; it’s about staying tiny, strong, and lean  (Staying Quotes) I’ve always felt that if I worked hard enough and continued to refine my craft, while staying curious about our times and our world, I just might have something to contribute  (Staying Quotes) I had only two girlfriends. I didn’t have many friends because I was staying at home and dreaming - drawing and dreaming  (Staying Quotes) Unbinding the Heart really means to bring awareness to those areas we have restricted in our hearts and start to let go, open up, and practice staying open no matter what happens or doesn’t happen  (Staying Quotes) My friends and family definitely helped me with the biggest obstacle in my life, which was just staying in L.A. long enough to really give it a shot  (Staying Quotes) I’m just trying to eat healthy. That’s my biggest thing right now. Staying away from fried foods, eating more greens and grilled food, just keeping my body right  (Staying Quotes) It’s a beautiful thing to build your own fan base and pay the bills knowing that you’re staying true to your music at the end of the day. I look at life like this, the sky’s the limit!  (Staying Quotes) Taqwaa is not by praying all night and fasting all day but rather it is abiding by the commands of Allah and staying away from His prohibitions  (Staying Quotes) I am, of course, delighted but there was never any doubt about Sol staying  (Staying Quotes) A good indication that it’s not is if you’re only staying with What’s His Name because you’re scared  (Staying Quotes) No relationship is perfect. Disagreements and fights will happen. But making it through those things, staying together, makes it real  (Staying Quotes) When you love someone you do everything you possibly can to make them happy. You put effort in staying together  (Staying Quotes) It turns out I’m absolutely terrible at staying away from you. It’s a very serious problem  (Staying Quotes) I’m so proud of myself for staying clear from kids with no ambitions. If you’re not doing something productive, I’m not there  (Staying Quotes) Staying away from someone, doesn’t always mean the sad ending for it may also mean the best beginning  (Staying Quotes) I will never fall in love again. I’m sick of being heartbroken. Staying single forever is the better alternative  (Staying Quotes) I’d be more into going out if going out was more like staying home and eating pizza  (Staying Quotes) Couples who say we more have a better shot at resolving conflicts and staying together  (Staying Quotes) This summer I’m staying in shape by running laps between my desk and the air conditioner  (Staying Quotes) I love how the shorter days make me feel like I’m staying out late every night  (Staying Quotes) You’re going to be great at the staying off your feet and binge eating parts of pregnancy  (Staying Quotes) Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is a challenge. Letting go is the hard, and moving on is suicide  (Staying Quotes) Before u assume, learn the facts, before u judge, understand why, before u hurt someone, feel, and before u leave, commit to staying  (Staying Quotes) If arguments can break up the relationship easily then staying together might not be wise. The foundation isn’t strong enough  (Staying Quotes) Love isn’t constant happiness and laughs and hugs, it’s going through amazing and terrible times and staying together through it all  (Staying Quotes) In general, good tools for staying in sync just haven’t been built and made available to the world  (Staying Quotes)
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