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Congratulations on finding people who congratulate you on staying sober 24 hours  (Staying Quotes) Having a dry mouth can quickly cause bad breath. Help avoid that by staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water!  (Staying Quotes) Staying in a relationship where there’s no trust, that’s like setting sail in a boat guaranteed to sink  (Staying Quotes) The person who makes all cares into one care the care for simply staying present will be cared for by that presence which is creative love  (Staying Quotes) Thanks for coming in early and staying late because I have kids and you don’t  (Staying Quotes) The only thing I fear more than the government shutting down is the government staying open  (Staying Quotes) Staying away doesn’t always mean the sad ending for it may also mean the best beginning  (Staying Quotes) I don’t have a crazy rider clause saying I have to stay at fancy hotels. I don’t have a problem with staying at a Marriott. But I will admit that I’ve gotten just basic, regular service there  (Staying Quotes) I was ten years old in 1969, and while we lived in Arizona that year, I spent most of the summer staying with family friends in Portland, Oregon while my parents visited Spain. It was an adventure all around  (Staying Quotes) The first time I was given money to shop for myself, I was 13 and staying with my godmother in New York. I went to Clinique and bought the three-step acne programme and felt so grown-up  (Staying Quotes) I think a lot of people start out full of idealism and fresh ideas. And then a lot of times, being re-elected becomes more important than staying true to your principles  (Staying Quotes) You’re always feeling powerless in life. If you’re in an abusive relationship or working for what we call a psychotic boss sometimes the only option is to leave because you’re emotions get so entangled with these manipulative people that staying there you’re just helpless because they’re good at passive aggressive games and you’re not, so you have to leave  (Staying Quotes) What is the disease which manifests itself in an inability to leave a party--any party at all--until it is all over and the lightsare being put out?... I suppose that part of this mania for staying is due to a fear that, if I go, something good will happen and I’ll miss it. Somebody might do card tricks, or shoot somebody else  (Staying Quotes) My position is a naturalistic one; I see philosophy not as an a priori propaedeutic or groundwork for science, but as continuous with science. I see philosophy and science as in the same boat--a boat which, to revert to Neurath’s figure as I so often do, we can rebuild only at sea while staying afloat in it. There is no external vantage point, no first philosophy  (Staying Quotes) Mike Knox, I am also getting real sick of this! Your problem isn’t me staying away from your girl... Your problem is your girl staying away from me!  (Staying Quotes) Im a New Yorker. My background is in theater, so staying here, I have the opportunity to get back to that, which I would love to do  (Staying Quotes) You staying home all alone on New Year’s Eve? Unthinkable. Take my advice the countdown should be shared with someone, or it’s just another set of numbers passing you by  (Staying Quotes) In True Balance Sonia Choquette takes the mystery out of staying balanced, both physically and spiritually. She offers a clear explanation of our chakras and how they influence our daily lives  (Staying Quotes) You’re going to a bunch of auditions, and most of the time you’re just getting denied, but just staying in there and keeping my head and being determined helped. Growing is what’s challenging; you have to constantly practice your craft  (Staying Quotes) In retrospect, I went to Jane Fonda for literally everything. During Mermaids, we were staying in the same building, so she was right upstairs from me. I was in my first relationship, so I got all sorts of advice. She became famous in her late teens  (Staying Quotes) ...Had proven himself a leader of remarkable ability, a man not only of enterprising ideas, but with the staying power to carry them out  (Staying Quotes) After my father died when I was seven and my mother entered into an abusive relationship, I shuffled between houses - staying with friends, families from church, and relying on the kindness of teachers and people throughout my community to help me grow up essentially without parents  (Staying Quotes) I think the challenge is, in fashion everybody wants to get rich and famous and it’s easy to get rich and famous by being a bad person. But the challenge is to achieve your goals-whatever they are-while staying a decent human being. That’s where it came from  (Staying Quotes) I was thinking of going to college or staying in L.A. to act, and I stayed to give it a chance. I’m glad I did. I’ve had a lot of wonderful experiences - some horrible ones, but mostly really beautiful ones  (Staying Quotes) To be a success you need to have persistence of drive, persistence of vision, and persistence of action. You will be doing yourself a disservice by not staying resilient  (Staying Quotes) By staying active and learning to control negative emotions and thoughts, you can live out the rest of your life on a good note.  (Staying Quotes) It’s about having an active lifestyle, staying healthy, and making the right decisions. Life is about balance. Not everybody wants to run a marathon, but we could all start working out and being active, whether you walk to work or take an extra flight of stairs.  (Staying Quotes) I haven’t had to make a decision between ‘my brand’ and money. Everybody seems to get what I’m going for: the healthy lifestyle, staying active, being young and youthful.  (Staying Quotes) The world keeps moving, the world keeps turning, and people get older, and young people become older and more important and cooler and interesting, and actually staying the same becomes a liability, especially in the advertising industry.  (Staying Quotes) I had dropped out of theater school after six months and was just staying on my mom’s couch at home in Toronto.  (Staying Quotes)
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