Steig Larsson Quotes

Text Quotes
Friendship is probably the most common form of love (Steig Larsson Quotes)
When other people are grieving, the newspaperman turns efficient (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I’m unhappy. I don’t want to fall in love with you. It’ll hurt far too much when it’s over (Steig Larsson Quotes)
What an excellent tool the internet is for freaks (Steig Larsson Quotes)
He’s pulling the load of an ox and walking on eggshells (Steig Larsson Quotes)
A journalist finds out things by asking questions of people who know (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Men who just call to say hello generally have ulterior motives (Steig Larsson Quotes)
It did no good to cry, she had learned that early on (Steig Larsson Quotes)
But if you want to win, you’re going to have to fight (Steig Larsson Quotes)
But she wished she had had the guts to go up to him and say hello. Or possibly break his legs, she wasn’t sure which (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don’t have trust, the friendship will crumble (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I will write a couple of books and become a millionaire (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Salander leaned back against the pillow and followed the conversation with a smile. She wondered why she, who had such difficulty talking about herself with people of flesh and blood, could blithely reveal her most intimate secrets to a bunch of completely unknown freaks on the Internet (Steig Larsson Quotes)
What irritated her most was that they kept brushing off her arguments with patronizing smiles, making her feel like a teenager being quizzed on her homework. Without actually uttering a single inappropriate word, they displayed towards her an attitude that was so antediluvian it was almost comical. You shouldn’t worry your pretty head over complex matters, little girl (Steig Larsson Quotes)
No, I don’t believe in God, but I respect the fact that you do. Everyone has to have something to believe in (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Your job description as a journalist is to question and scrutinize critically-neve r to repeat claims uncritically, no matter how highly placed the sources in the bureaucracy. Don’t ever forget that. You’re a damn good writer, but that talent is completely worthless if you forget your job description (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I’ve read crime fiction all my life. A thing that’s bothered me about crime fiction is that it’s generally about one or two people, but there’s not much about society. I want to get away from that particular pattern: a lead, a supporting role and backdrop characters (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I am not altogether confident of my ability to put my thoughts into words: My texts are usually better after an editor has hacked away at them, and I am used to both editing and being edited. Which is to say that I am not oversensitive in such matters (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Writing detective stories is about writing light literature, for entertainment. It isn’t primarily a question of writing propaganda or classical literature. (Steig Larsson Quotes)
It doesn’t matter how good the enemy’s weapons are. If he can’t see you, he can’t hit you. Cover, cover, cover. Make sure you’re never exposed. (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Candy within reach and then I have to go on a diet (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Keep in mind that I’m crazy, won’t you? (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Consider this a fair warning (Steig Larsson Quotes)
She’s married. I’m more a friend and occasional lover (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Then I discovered that being related is no guarantee of love! (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Armageddon was yesterday, today we have a serious problem (Steig Larsson Quotes)
When their love was not reciprocated, it could quickly turn to violent hatred (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Plague might be a social incompetent, but he was unquestionably a genius (Steig Larsson Quotes)
There are no innocents. There are, however, different degrees of responsibility (Steig Larsson Quotes)
... you have no idea how mentally handicapped I could be if push comes to shove (Steig Larsson Quotes)