Steig Larsson Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m not going to apologize for the way I’ve led my life (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Lie rather still because this is the first time I’ve used this equipment (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Those pointless equations, to which no solution exists, are called absurdities (Steig Larsson Quotes)
We need to have a talk on the subject of what’s yours and what’s mine (Steig Larsson Quotes)
She had been sharing a house with him for a week, and he had not once flirted with her. He had worked with her, asked her opinion, slapped her on the knuckles figuratively speaking when she was on the wrong track, and acknowledged that she was right when she corrected him. Dammit, he had treated her like a human being (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Crime stories are, as you know, one of the most popular forms of entertainment that exist. If you then try to have something to say... That I have, of course (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I started to write in 2001. I wrote the books for the fun of it. It was an old idea I had had since the nineties (Steig Larsson Quotes)
In ordinary detective novels you never see the consequences of what happens in a story in the next book. That you do in mine (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I know what kind of things I myself have been irritated by in detective stories. They are often about one or two persons, but they don’t describe anything in the society outside (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Writing detective stories is about writing light literature, for entertainment. It isn’t primarily a question of writing propaganda or classical literature (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Normally seven minutes of another person’s company was enough to give her a headache so she set things up to live as a recluse. She was perfectly content as long as people left her in peace. Unfortunately society was not very smart or understanding (Steig Larsson Quotes)
There were not so many physical threats that could not be countered with a decent hammer (Steig Larsson Quotes)
The whole organization seemed to be in free fall, indulging in a collective fantasy in which experienced colleagues refused to admit that their every movement, every decision that was made and implemented, only led them one step closer to the abyss (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Nobody can avoid falling in love. They might want to deny it, but friendship is probably the most common form of love (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I abhor crime novels in which the main character can behave however he or she pleases, or do things that normal people do not do, without those actions having social consequences (Steig Larsson Quotes)
History is reticent about women who were common soldiers, who bore arms, belonged to regiments, and took part in battles on the same terms as men, though hardly a war has been waged without women soldiers in the ranks (Steig Larsson Quotes)
To exact revenge for yourself or your friends is not only a right, it’s an absolute duty (Steig Larsson Quotes)
What she had realised was that love was that moment when your heart was about to burst (Steig Larsson Quotes)
It doesn’t matter how good the enemy’s weapons are. If he can’t see you, he can’t hit you. Cover, cover, cover. Make sure you’re never exposed (Steig Larsson Quotes)
If love is liking someone an awful lot, then I suppose I’m in love with several people (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I don’t know if I want a steady relationship, but I’m terrified of losing you (Steig Larsson Quotes)
It was troubling that one of the few people she trusted was a man she spent so much time avoiding (Steig Larsson Quotes)
Their relationship was built on friendship, and in matters of friendship he was boundlessly loyal. It was a relationship that would survive the harshest test (Steig Larsson Quotes)
As the situation developed, the futility of attempting suicide in the middle of a hospital became apparent (Steig Larsson Quotes)
He often wondered whether it were possible to be more possessed by desire for any other woman. The fact was that they functioned well together, and they had a connection as addictive as heroin (Steig Larsson Quotes)
I’m aware of what you’ve done for me, and I’m not ungrateful. I appreciate that you actually showed yourself to be greater than your prejudices and have given me a chance here. But I don’t want you for my lover, and you’re not my father (Steig Larsson Quotes)
She wondered what she thought of herself, and came to the realization that she felt mostly indifference towards her entire life (Steig Larsson Quotes)
As a girl, she was a legal prey, especially if she was dressed in a worn black leather jacket and had pierced eyebrows, tattoos, and zero social status (Steig Larsson Quotes)
It did no good to cry, she had learned that early on. She had also learned that every time she tried to make someone aware of something in her life, the situation just got worse. Consequently it was up to her to solve her problems by herself, using whatever methods she deemed necessary (Steig Larsson Quotes)
His attitude had always been that if a woman clearly indicated that she did not want anything more to do with him, he would go on his way. Not respecting such a message would in his eyes, show a lack of respect for her (Steig Larsson Quotes)