Step Quotes

Text Quotes
When you pray, you know that you want something, that’s always the first step. to let yourself know that you want something, that you yearn for it. sometimes that’s the hardest thing to do. Because you have to have courage to know what you desire. You have to have courage to acknowledge that you are unhappy without it (Step Quotes)
I do not believe that I am made of the stuff which constitutes heroes, because, in all of the hundreds of instances that my voluntary acts have placed me face to face with death, I cannot recall a single one where any alternative step to that I took occurred to me until many hours later (Step Quotes)
Peace is only possible when one of the warring sides takes the first step, the hazardous initiative, the risk of opening up dialogue, and decides to make the gesture that will lead not only to an armistice but to peace (Step Quotes)
People seem to get used to anything, and it is a short step from adaptation to attachment (Step Quotes)
Take a step, breathe in the world, give it out again in story, poem, song, art (Step Quotes)
The intelligent poor individual was a much finer observer than the intelligent rich one. The poor individual looks around him at every step, listens suspiciously to every word he hears from the people he meets; thus, every step he takes presents a problem, a task, for his thoughts and feelings. He is alert and sensitive, he is experienced, his soul has been burned (Step Quotes)
With each step my heart broke for the person I would never find, the person who’d love me (Step Quotes)
Death, of course, should not be feared, but awaited with certain wonder. To die was to step across a threshold into a new world, unknown, unimaginable (Step Quotes)
Now, for the first time, he’s seeing that there really is a way out of this, and it’s all so simple. You don’t have to run away. You just meet somebody special and step sideways into a parallel universe (Step Quotes)
When you’re used to having electricity and then all of a sudden it’s taken away, you’re basically just one step from being a wild animal (Step Quotes)
They say when you really love someone, you should be willing to set them free. So that is what I am doing. I will step back and you will move on. I will let you go... Your happiness means everything to me. I will listen for your voice in the distance. I will look at the moon. I will keep you in my pocket. I will carry your smile with me everywhere, like a warm and comforting glow (Step Quotes)
With every step I took away from her, the movement at my heart and between my legs grew more defined: I felt like a ventriloquist, locking his protesting dolls in to a trunk (Step Quotes)
I learned not to worry so much about the outcome, but to concentrate on the step I was on and to try to do it as perfectly as I could when I was doing it (Step Quotes)
The intimacy that arises in listening and speaking truth is only possible if we can open to the vulnerability of our own hearts. Breathing in, contacting the life that is right here, is our first step. Once we have held ourselves with kindness, we can touch others in a vital and healing way (Step Quotes)
None of us are either all good or all bad – we’re all somewhere in between – but there comes a moment in each life when we take an important step, either toward the light or toward the dark… (Step Quotes)
Fret not where the road will take you. Instead concentrate on the first step. That’s the hardest part and that’s what you are responsible for. Once you take that step let everything do what it naturally does and the rest will follow. Do not go with the flow. Be the flow (Step Quotes)
Mortal fear is as crucial a thing to our lives as love. It cuts to the core of our being and shows us what we are. Will you step back and cover your eyes? Or will you have the strength to walk to the precipice and look out? (Step Quotes)
Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance (Step Quotes)
Sometimes when I wake up, I forget that she’s gone and then I remember and my heart drops like it does when you miss a step or trip over a kerb (Step Quotes)
The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry our their dream (Step Quotes)
Opportunities present themselves and you have to enjoy the ride. All of us get so worried about the next step that we don’t enjoy the moment we’re in right now (Step Quotes)
No first step can be really great; it must of necessity possess more of prophecy than of achievement; nevertheless it is by the first step that a man marks the value, not only of his cause, but of himself (Step Quotes)
The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others (Step Quotes)
A step in the wrong direction is better than staying on the spot all our life. Once you’re moving forward you can correct your course as you go. Your automatic guidance system cannot guide you when you’re standing still (Step Quotes)
Fear isn’t an excuse to come to a standstill. It’s the impetus to step up and strike (Step Quotes)
The secret to success, to parenting, to life, is to not count up the cost. Don’t focus on all the steps it will take. Don’t stare into the abyss at the giant leap it will take. That view will keep you from taking the next small step (Step Quotes)
Seeing yourself as responsible for the quality of your relationship, as a prime mover in your life, I think is a bold, amazing step (Step Quotes)
So, I think that’s the centerpiece of morality: Don’t lie. But to do that, you have to go a step further and find out what the truth is (Step Quotes)
Some are less giving, others are more reticent and you actually have to create for them. Others have within them the next step (Step Quotes)
Faith causes changes. Anytime there is change, there is opportunity, including the opportunity to fail. But failing can be a step toward completion of a goal. You can fail your way to success (Step Quotes)