Stephen Chbosky Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t know how much longer I can keep going without a friend. I used to be able to do it very easily, but that was before I knew what having a friend was like (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
It’s strange to describe reading a book as a really great experience, but that’s kind of how it felt (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I don’t want to start thinking again. Not like I have this last week. I can’t think again. Not ever again (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I love my mom. And this time, I told her I loved her. And she told me she loved me, too. And things were okay for a little while (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
My sister was the one who told me where babies come from. My sister was also the one who laughed when I immediately asked her where babies go to (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I was in the shopping mall because that’s where I go lately. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been going there every day, trying to figure out why people go there. It’s kind of a personal project (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I was in my bed trying to figure out why sometimes you can wake up and go back to sleep and other times you can’t (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
The sound of the radio fades to nothing because the waves just can’t reach (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
As you see the opening get closer, you just can’t get fast enough. And finally, just when you think you’ll never get there, you see the opening right in front of you (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
If it meant that I would never get to think of you that way, as long as you were happy, it was okay (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
What about when someone doesn’t need a shoulder? What if they need the arms? (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I just think it’s bad when a boy looks at a girl and thinks that the way he sees her is better than she actually is. And I think it’s bad when the most honest way a boy can look at a girl is through a camera (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
Old pictures look very rugged and young, and the people in the photographs always seem a lot happier than you are (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
It’s strange how things can change back as suddenly as they changed originally. When one thing happens and suddenly, things are back to normal (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
People who try to control situations all the time are afraid that if they don’t, nothing will work out the way they want (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I’m so sorry that I wasted your time because you really do mean a lot to me and I hope you have a very nice life because I really think you deserve it. I really do. I hope you do, too. Okay, then. Goodbye (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
Maybe it’s good to put things in perspective, but sometimes, I think that the only perspective is to really be there (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
All I could do is lie there and think about how much her voice changed when she asked me if she was pretty, and how much she changed when I answered (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
The movie itself was very interesting, but I didn’t think it was very good because I didn’t really feel different when it was over (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
As much as I feel sad, I think that not knowing is what really bothers me (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I was looking at the photographs and I started thinking that there was a time when these weren’t memories (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
And even if she says no, and really means yes, then quite frankly she’s playing games and isn’t worth the price of dinner (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
To kill a mockingbird. If you haven’t read it, I think you should because it is very interesting (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
The outside lights were on, and it was snowing, and it looked like magic. Like we were somewhere else. Like we were someplace better (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we’ll never know most of them (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
My dad said I did the right thing. I hope I did, but it’s hard to tell sometimes (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
They just knew. And I think that’s all you can ever ask from a friend (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I guess when you see somebody in the hallway or on the field or something, it’s nice to know that they are a real person (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
I just laid around in my bed, looking at the ceiling, and I smiled because it was a nice kind of quiet (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)
It’s much easier not to know things sometimes. And to have french fries with your mom be enough (Stephen Chbosky Quotes)