Stephen Fry Quotes

Text Quotes
Just as it is the love of money that is the root of all evil, it is the belief in shamefulness that is the root of all misery (Stephen Fry Quotes)
There can't be that many individual souls. Not souls like mine. There isn't room. There can't be (Stephen Fry Quotes)
It is simply a question of fulfilment. You feel perfectly alive and magnificently perfected by the knowledge that you are doing what you were put on earth to do (Stephen Fry Quotes)
A real education takes place, not in the lecture hall or library, but in the rooms of friends, with earnest frolic and happy disputation (Stephen Fry Quotes)
It is the useless things that make life worth living and that make life dangerous too: wine, love, art, beauty. Without them life is safe, but not worth bothering with (Stephen Fry Quotes)
Life, that can shower you with so much slendour, is unremittingly cruel to those who have given up (Stephen Fry Quotes)
I expected the illegible and the deeply buried in me to be read as if carved on my forehead, just as I expected the obvious and the ill - concealed to be hidden from view (Stephen Fry Quotes)
People who can change and change again are so much more reliable and happier than those who can't (Stephen Fry Quotes)
My first meeting with you only confirmed what I first suspected. You are a fraud, a charlatan and a shyster. My favourite kind of person, in fact (Stephen Fry Quotes)
There is simply no limit to the tyrannical snobbery that otherwise decent people can descend into when it comes to music (Stephen Fry Quotes)
When push-off comes to shove-off, a man must have a reason to get out of bed in the mornings, something more than the threat of bedsores, at any rate (Stephen Fry Quotes)
Nobody seems to understand that in such matters the tact and sympathy should come from the one who is about to die, not the poor bugger who has to take the news (Stephen Fry Quotes)
A university is not, thank heavens, a place for vocational instruction, it has nothing to do with training for a working life and career, it is a place for education, something quite different (Stephen Fry Quotes)
Glory never arrives through the front door. She sneaks in uninvited round the back or through an upstairs window while you are sleeping (Stephen Fry Quotes)
This is the point. One technology doesn't replace another, it complements. Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators (Stephen Fry Quotes)
Poetry is not made to be sucked up like a child's milkshake, it is much better sipped like a precious malt whisky (Stephen Fry Quotes)
It was a Tuesday in February. Many my life's most awful moments have taken place on Tuesdays. And what is February if not the Tuesday of the year? (Stephen Fry Quotes)
Mankind can live free in a society hemmed in by laws, but we have yet to find a historical example of mankind living free in lawless anarchy (Stephen Fry Quotes)
I was happy there. Which is to say I was not unhappy there. Unhappiness and happiness I have always been able to carry about with me, irrespective of place and people, because I have never joined in (Stephen Fry Quotes)
You can't just say there is a god because the world is beautiful. You have to account for bone cancer in children (Stephen Fry Quotes)
Blame, certainly, is a dish only edible when served fresh and warm. Old blames, grudges and scores congeal and curdle and cause the most terrible indigestion (Stephen Fry Quotes)
I was also absolutely convinced, if I want to put it more petulantly, that if there was a God his caprice, malice, arbitrariness and sheer lack of taste made him repulsive to me (Stephen Fry Quotes)
You can almost define a convict as one who lacks precisely the kind of wisdom and self-control necessary to derive long-term advantage from short-term discomfort (Stephen Fry Quotes)
To expect a convict to have the strength to give up smoking is to expect a leopard to change his spots, become vegetarian and learn to knit, all on the same day (Stephen Fry Quotes)
I had decided at school, when it had been borne in on me how hopeless I was at sport, that I was a useful brain on top of a useless body (Stephen Fry Quotes)
I had an honest, ordered, respectable and unexciting life to look forward to. I had sown my wild oats and it was time to grow sage. Or so I imagined (Stephen Fry Quotes)
When you do not understand how something works it is perhaps natural to question and to doubt (Stephen Fry Quotes)
My real dissatisfaction is with my dissatisfaction. How dare I be so discontent? How dare I? Or being discontent why cannot I shut up about it? (Stephen Fry Quotes)
'Could do better' is a meaningless conclusion. ‘Could be happier' is the only one that counts (Stephen Fry Quotes)
As someone who worked hard for a Labour victory in the 90s, do I regret it? Not really. It was bound to happen. And it'll happen with the next government, and the one after it. Because all governments serve us. They serve the filth (Stephen Fry Quotes)