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Set a goal, write it down, and release the outcome. Small steps make a big difference  (Steps Quotes) Remember that small steps can create giant leaps over time, so never think of any financial or spending matter as a small one  (Steps Quotes) The last word always belongs to the audience... that blessed connection... that is a most powerful feeling. One that is worth savouring on dark nights when the wind blows. On the other hand there is no way of ever knowing when one steps out into that circle, if the connection will be made. The promise is there, the hope is there, but no certainty whatsoever. Which is, I suppose, the attraction. That connection, when it happens, is magic. When it doesn’t... Turn out the lights  (Steps Quotes) Any anxious thought as to the means to be employed in the accomplishment of our purposes is quite unnecessary. If the end is already secured, then it follows that all the steps leading to it are secured also  (Steps Quotes) What we find is that if you have a goal that is very, very far out, and you approach it in little steps, you start to get there faster. Your mind opens up to the possibilities  (Steps Quotes) Tango is about feeling and sensitivity, otherwise you are just doing gymnastics. You can do all the steps but it has to have the feeling and sensitivity of authentic tango  (Steps Quotes) Writing is not magic. It’s a craft, a process, a set of steps. As with any process, things sometimes break down. Even in a good story, the writer runs into problems. So the act of writing always includes problem solving  (Steps Quotes) Certainty creates strength. Certainty gives one something upon which to learn. Uncertainty creates weakness. Uncertainty makes one tentative if not fearful, and tentative steps, even when in the right direction, may not overcome significant obstacles  (Steps Quotes) Our intuition about the future is linear. But the reality of information technology is exponential, and that makes a profound difference. If I take 30 steps linearly, I get to 30. If I take 30 steps exponentially, I get to a billion  (Steps Quotes) We come to this book because something is missing in our souls. This book will take you through the steps that you stumbled over in all your other attempts. And it will bring more than you asked for  (Steps Quotes) Fear of change is a part of the state of fear man has ever lived in but out of which he has begun to escape. Civilization might be defined indeed as the steps in his escape  (Steps Quotes) Life is either a reproducible, almost commonplace manifestation of matter, given certain conditions, or a miracle. Too many steps are involved to allow for something in between  (Steps Quotes) Now everything was changed. She walked about with cautious, anxious steps, staring constantly at the ground, on the lookout for things that crept and crawled. Bushes were dangerous, and so were sea grass and rain water. There were little animals everywhere. They could turn up between the covers of a book, flattened and dead, for the fact is that creeping animals, tattered animals, and dead animals are with us all our lives, from beginning to end. Grandmother tried to discuss this with her, to no avail. Irrational terror is so hard to deal with  (Steps Quotes) Accept false steps as opportunities to learn. It’s one thing to hate failure, it’s another to fear it  (Steps Quotes) When you’re trying to solve a problem on a new product type, you become completely focused on problems that seem a number of steps removed from the main product. That problem solving can appear a little abstract, and it is easy to lose sight of the product  (Steps Quotes) There are so many steps you have to go through to reach a high level, so youre kind of building your own, I would say, mountain. You have to go piece by piece by piece. When youre young and really ambitious, you want to jump right up. It kind of teaches you a lesson, I would say  (Steps Quotes) Indeed, the best practical reason to think that social media can help bring political change is that both dissidents and governments think they can. All over the world, activists believe in the utility of these tools and take steps to use them accordingly. And the governments they contend with think social media tools are powerful, too, and are willing to harass, arrest, exile, or kill users in response  (Steps Quotes) I plant rosemary all over the garden, so pleasant is it to know that at every few steps one may draw the kindly branchlets through one’s hand, and have the enjoyment of their incomparable incense; and I grow it against walls, so that the sun may draw out its inexhaustible sweetness to greet me as I pass  (Steps Quotes) A government should not function based on the pressures of some or others. It should try to adapt a mix of measures that fits every context and generates the appropriate steps forward  (Steps Quotes) With dancing, you have to know spatial movement with somebody. It is steps. It’s literally steps and knowing how close to be or how far away. You have to have the beat in the right place with the camera  (Steps Quotes) Most research into life’s murky origin has been carried out by chemists. They’ve tried a variety of approaches in their attempts to recreate the first steps on the road to life, but little progress has been made. Perhaps that is no surprise, given life’s stupendous complexity  (Steps Quotes) Even when governments take the right steps to reform, these can be negatively impacted by events outside their control  (Steps Quotes) In terms of my career, I am glad about the steps and moves that I have made. Because I would not want to blame anyone else but myself if anything goes wrong  (Steps Quotes) If a script is good, you are 10 steps into the part just reading it. But my choices are not all down to my taste. It is about people you have worked with before  (Steps Quotes) One key to the distinction between mystery and suspense writing involves the relative positions of hero and reader. In the ideal mystery novel, the readers is two steps behind the detective... The ideal suspense reader, on the other hand, is two steps ahead of the hero  (Steps Quotes) I went down to my baby’s house and I sit down on her steps. She said, now come on in now, you know, my husband just left  (Steps Quotes) Published papers may omit important steps and the memory of men of science, even the greatest, is sadly fallible  (Steps Quotes) My walk had purpose, my steps were quick and light, and I held firmly to what I felt was right  (Steps Quotes) Get through the agony and anger, the pain and strife, and take the necessary steps to try to change my life  (Steps Quotes) I have to strive to go two steps forward and realize that, sometimes, there will be one step back  (Steps Quotes)
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