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As you know, in the latter part of 2008 and early 2009, the Federal Reserve took extraordinary steps to provide liquidity and support credit market functioning, including the establishment of a number of emergency lending facilities and the creation or extension of currency swap agreements with 14 central banks around the world.  (Steps Quotes) We have already begun taking concrete steps to change the structure of our economy and, as we have discussed a great deal, to give it a more innovative quality.  (Steps Quotes) In this world it is not possible that everyone will follow your steps. You can’t change some one and some one will not change their lifestyle because of you.  (Steps Quotes) When I want to check out how my life’s been, I go through my albums. They steps in my life.  (Steps Quotes) My own ideas on the mechanism of catalytic phenomena were very different from those at one time commonly held, ideas which I no doubt owed to the influence of the illustrious teacher who had guided my first steps in chemistry nearly twenty years before - I refer, of course, to Berthelot.  (Steps Quotes) Friends can speed up your steps or slow down your pace. Leaders choose friends wisely; they are aware of the consequences.  (Steps Quotes) We feel like acting like a Christian, following the steps of Christ, is much more important than following a doctrine.  (Steps Quotes) When any civil government steps outside the mandate authorized by God Almighty, then that government does not have any further claim over its citizens.  (Steps Quotes) The steps were crowded with bodies then. Now they are clean and cool, like nothing ever happened here.  (Steps Quotes) The energy transition demands a clear vision of the steps that need to be taken and a stable, meaningful regulatory framework. It appears important to us to awaken public opinion to the fact that this transition will necessarily come at a cost and will, at least in the short term, involve a price increase.  (Steps Quotes) It’s like climbing a staircase. I’m on the top of the staircase, I look behind me and I see the steps. That’s where I was.  (Steps Quotes) Dreams may seem far, but the steps we take are close. Focus on these steps and watch your dreams magically appear.  (Steps Quotes) No matter how close to yours another’s steps have grown, in the end there is one dance you’ll do alone.  (Steps Quotes) If man traveled as a centipede does, rather than with two self-interested steps at a time, more common ground would get covered.  (Steps Quotes) Televisa is the largest media company in the Spanish-speaking world, and the steps we have taken, which extend the tenure of our exclusive access to Televisa’s premium Spanish-language telenovelas, sports, sitcoms, reality series, news programs and feature films, put Univision in a stronger competitive position.  (Steps Quotes) On the molecular scale, you find it’s reasonable to have a machine that does a million steps per second, a mechanical system that works at computer speeds.  (Steps Quotes) And one of our points of continuing conversation with our trading partners is the urgency of their taking steps to remove barriers to their improved growth performance.  (Steps Quotes) Once you discover that you can, then you must. And it’s not easy. You have to take direct steps. You really have to count your blessings and you have to make a decided effort to not get seduced by the blues.  (Steps Quotes) Just to take a couple steps back historically, Korea, as you can see, is located among what we call big countries. And historically we’ve always been the victim of numerous invasions and whatnot.  (Steps Quotes) Turkey and Brazil, though half a world apart geographically, have much in common. Both are large countries that spent long years under military dominance, but have broken with that history and made decisive steps towards full democracy.  (Steps Quotes) There’s a staircase on the first floor of the Capitol that I walk every day. It’s made of marble, and as you walk those steps, you think of those who’ve walked before you. You think of the challenges that the country’s faced.  (Steps Quotes) My background in financial services and my experience as a state representative have given me the ability to identify our country’s fiscal problems and find steps to remedy them.  (Steps Quotes) Dealing with a simple burglary can require 1000 process steps and 70 forms to be completed as a case goes through the Criminal Justice System. That can’t be right  (Steps Quotes) Never be complacent about the current steps; don’t agree and follow the status quo. Be determined that you are making an indelible impact with great change. Now, dress up and go to make it happen!  (Steps Quotes) The third important ingredient for achieving peak performance is attitude. Attitude is how you deal with the inevitable adverse situations that occur in the markets. Attitude is also how you handle the daily grind, the constant 2 steps forward and 2 steps back.  (Steps Quotes) Destiny is that grand orchestra on whose melodies dance steps of our life  (Steps Quotes) We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.  (Steps Quotes) The night! When the outside world is hiding in darkness, you have to turn on the light within in order to see where you put your steps.  (Steps Quotes) Designing a station with artificial gravity would undoubtedly be a daunting task. Space agencies would have to re-examine many reliable technologies under the light of the new forces these tools would have to endure. Space flight would have to take several steps back before moving forward again.  (Steps Quotes) You don’t have to go the gym - just walk 10,000 steps a day and you are activating your good genes. But do practise yoga.  (Steps Quotes)
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