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When I dance I am really meditating rather then performing for an audience. I am completely absorbed by the music and the steps I choose to respond to the music  (Steps Quotes) The secret to success, to parenting, to life, is to not count up the cost. Don’t focus on all the steps it will take. Don’t stare into the abyss at the giant leap it will take. That view will keep you from taking the next small step  (Steps Quotes) When you take dancing lessons, you learn steps and you learn steps and you learn steps. It can go on for a long time. And then one day, you just learn to dance, and it is so different  (Steps Quotes) You can’t dance until you’ve learnt steps, the things your feet can do  (Steps Quotes) ... a person who can connect with their partner, another human being who can connect with their soul? it’s not just learning steps, it’s about expressing something. I’ve found in dancing all my life that I can release something as a dancer that I can’t in any other way  (Steps Quotes) The digital premium business content model is broken and we should all be taking appropriate steps now to ensure the viability of this business is preserved by other means  (Steps Quotes) Small steps can help people make big changes to achieve what they really desire. That wish isn’t going to go anywhere unless you do something about it. Every day, just do one thing. At the end of six months, you’ll be somewhere  (Steps Quotes) The history of acceptance of new theories frequently shows the following steps: At first the new idea is treated as pure nonsense, not worth looking at. Then comes a time when a multitude of contradictory objections are raised, such as: the new theory is too fancy, or merely a new terminology; it is not fruitful, or simply wrong. Finally a state is reached when everyone seems to claim that he had always followed this theory. This usually marks the last state before general acceptance  (Steps Quotes) There are three steps you have to complete to become a professional dancer: learn to dance, learn to perform, and learn how to cope with injuries  (Steps Quotes) When a tire blows, you simply accept that this is the here and now reality of your life. You’ve lost the tire, but that doesn’t mean that you have to lose your peace and serenity. Now, serenely, begin to take the necessary steps in order the change the tire  (Steps Quotes) We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows  (Steps Quotes) I approached the bulk of my schoolwork as a chore rather than an intellectual adventure. The tedium was relieved by a few courses that seem to be qualitatively different. Geometry was the first exciting course I remember. Instead of memorizing facts, we were asked to think in clear, logical steps. Beginning from a few intuitive postulates, far reaching consequences could be derived, and I took immediately to the sport of proving theorems  (Steps Quotes) The first steps in the path of discovery, and the first approximate measures, are those which add most to the existing knowledge of mankind  (Steps Quotes) Let our lives be pure as snowfields, where our steps leave a mark but no stain  (Steps Quotes) Everyone wants to win, but I think winners believe they deserve to win. They’ve made the commitment, they’ve followed the right path, and they’ve taken the right steps to be successful  (Steps Quotes) Suicide is unspeakable, and to speak it is somehow to bring it into a human, imaginable sphere, even if only in the moment of speaking. The need to tell is both a need to tell oneself and a need to be heard... Telling and being heard are the first steps toward reconnection  (Steps Quotes) I believe that worrying about the problems plaguing our planet without taking steps to confront them is absolutely irrelevant. The only thing that changes this world is taking action  (Steps Quotes) When the father is going on in his journey, if the child will not goe on, but stands gaping upon vanity, and when the father calls, he comes not, the onely way is this: the father steps aside behind a bush, and then the child runs and cries, and if he gets his father againe, he forsakes all his trifles, and walkes on more faster and more cheerefully with his father than ever  (Steps Quotes) When you’re one step ahead of the crowd you’re a genius. When you’re two steps ahead, you’re a crackpot  (Steps Quotes) All necessary steps needed to be taken to tackle terrorism will be adopted... but we will keep in mind that a particular religion or section of society does not face problems unnecessary  (Steps Quotes) Execution really shapes whether your company takes off or not. A lot of people start out with an exciting thing and they want to take over the world, but really the people who do take over the world have a good plan of how to get there and the steps along the way  (Steps Quotes) The only time to take the step towards change is now. Even if they’re baby steps, start today! Consistency is important because you must make time to work on your goals. Even if there is little you can do, you must!  (Steps Quotes) Why does every black person in the movies have to play a servant? How about a black person walking up the steps of a courthouse carrying a briefcase?  (Steps Quotes) The cold view to take of our future is that we are therefore headed for extinction in a universe of impersonal chemical, physical, and biological laws. A more productive, certainly more engaging view, is that we have the intelligence to grasp what is happening, the composure not to be intimidated by its complexity, and the courage to take steps that may bear no fruit in our lifetimes  (Steps Quotes) It is always the first and last steps that are the hardest to take. We walk away and try not to turn back, or we stand just outside the gates, terrified to find what’s waiting for us now that we’ve returned. In between, we stumble blindly from one place and life to the next. We try to do the best we can. There are moments like this, however, when we are neither coming nor going, and all we have to do is sit and look back on the life we have made  (Steps Quotes) Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation  (Steps Quotes) I just found it interesting to talk to adults I admired, and to discover that the path they took was never all that clearly defined. It was comforting to me when I figured out that you don’t have to know what you want to do with your life; you just have to take a few steps in one direction, and other opportunities will open up  (Steps Quotes) By accepting responsibility, we take effective steps toward our goal: an inclusive human society on a habitable planet, a society that works for all humans and for all nonhumans. By accepting responsibility, we move closer to creating a world that works for all  (Steps Quotes) Beyond the emotionalism and the obvious sense of relief on all sides, I think that there is a recognition that reality may intrude, that perhaps the steps ahead and the days ahead are going to be much more difficult than one expects  (Steps Quotes) Great steps in human progress are made by things that don’t work the way philosophy thought they should. If things always worked the way they should, you could write the history of the world from now on. But they don’t, and it is those deviations from the normal that make human progress  (Steps Quotes)
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