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Stereo Quotes

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I’m a stereo and she’s just so monotone  (Stereo Quotes) We don’t have a lot of neighbors so we can blast the stereo  (Stereo Quotes) The radio is just a stereo like a house ain’t a home  (Stereo Quotes) Only a real asshole takes liberties with someone else’s car stereo. That’s serious  (Stereo Quotes) When you listen to stereo on your home system, your both ears hear both speakers. Turn on the left speaker sometime and notice you’re hearing it also in your right ear.  (Stereo Quotes) My first experience with music was my father, he was a stereo buff and he built his own little Hi-Fi center with recorders and everything and I listened to a lot of jazz, which gave me a sensibility for melody.  (Stereo Quotes) Growing up, there was always music around, whether across the street, or on the next-door neighbor’s stereo. So, as in life, music is always around, and it helps to heighten any emotion. Music is amazing.  (Stereo Quotes) This was a very typical time. I was single. All you needed was a cup of tea, a light, and your stereo, you know, and that’s what I had.  (Stereo Quotes) I wasn’t one to go out and buy a new car and stereo system and expensive clothes. My mom helped keep me grounded.  (Stereo Quotes) If something doesn’t work in my house - TV, phone, stereo, anything - I just call my dad, and he knows the answer.  (Stereo Quotes) I also mixed David Bowie’s Young Americans album in 5.1 earlier this year and it will be available very soon. Even the original stereo mixes have been re-mastered and sound amazingly good, better than ever, in fact!  (Stereo Quotes) I don’t listen to music throughout the day very often. I don’t own a record player. I don’t really have a stereo system. Most of the music I listen to these days is on the web or on MySpace pages, stuff like that  (Stereo Quotes) Headphone aren’t big enough these days. Why not just throw a couple of stereo speakers in a full face motorcycle helmet  (Stereo Quotes) My big hobby is photography. I collect stereo photographs from the 19th century  (Stereo Quotes) When he feels the world is closing in, he turns his stereo way up high. He just spends his life, living in a rock and roll fantasy  (Stereo Quotes) This is not the first time in my life where you know going into a job that you`re going to hear in stereo what was wrong with what you did  (Stereo Quotes) You turn up your music to hide the noise. Other people turn up their music to hide yours. You turn up yours again. Everyone buy s a bigger stereo system. This is the arms race of sound. You don’t win with a lot of treble  (Stereo Quotes) I love the way music inside a car makes you feel invisible; if you plan the stereo at max volume, it’s almost like the other people can’t see into your vehicle. It tints your windows, somehow  (Stereo Quotes) Why all these years have I been agreeably turning down the stereo every time the phone rings?  (Stereo Quotes) This was a very typical time. I was single. All you needed was a cup of tea, a light, and your stereo, you know, and that’s what I had  (Stereo Quotes) An action film can have too much action; picture an equaliser on a stereo, with all the knobs pegged at 10. It becomes a cacophony and is, ultimately, quite boring  (Stereo Quotes) Hollywood films are alienating to the spectator because they use too much dialogue, too much explication and leave no space for the viewer. They depress me. I use direct sound, mono not stereo. Just direct sound, so for every shot there are only two sources. Sound creates an intimate effect: the sensation to feel the place. It makes the viewer enter. You have the liberty to hear what you want  (Stereo Quotes) Sometimes in films it’s nice to have violins on either side, rather than on one side, so you’ve got more of a stereo picture with the violins. Sometimes it’s good to have the basses in the middle  (Stereo Quotes) I wasn’t one to go out and buy a new car and stereo system and expensive clothes. My mom helped keep me grounded  (Stereo Quotes) Sipping Bailey’s Cream by the stereo, trying to find relief on the radio. I’m suppressing the tears  (Stereo Quotes)