Steve Vai Quotes

Text Quotes
The only thing that’s holding you back, is the way you’re thinking (Steve Vai Quotes)
The guitar is the coolest instrument in the world (Steve Vai Quotes)
Find what you’re best at and exaggerate it (Steve Vai Quotes)
Criticism can be devastating. When push comes to shove, we are all very sensitive (Steve Vai Quotes)
The tone is in your fingers, not in your amp or effects (Steve Vai Quotes)
It is only the most elite of elite musicians whose unconventional approach becomes convention (Steve Vai Quotes)
Possessing a healthy imagination is a necessary ingredient for creativity (Steve Vai Quotes)
I loved the guitar, and I had all of this music in my head. My passion for the guitar and the ideas for what I could create musically were equal. So that’s where I was (Steve Vai Quotes)
I think every artist subconsciously wants to evolve themselves. Sometimes they get stuck in ruts because of pop culture, peer pressure, stuff like that. But what excites me most is exploring my own musical insights and expanding upon them (Steve Vai Quotes)
Besides being a guitar player, I’m a big fan of the guitar. I love that damn instrument (Steve Vai Quotes)
If you’re feeling emotional when you’re creating something, it’ll sound that way (Steve Vai Quotes)
It’s hilarious, because my guitar has what’s known as a tremolo bar or a whammy bar. And the whammy bar is probably the most alien thing on my guitar that could possibly relate to a classical guitar (Steve Vai Quotes)
My main calling in life is to seek and achieve spiritual balance, and to express that through my instrument. Everything else is here today, gone later today (Steve Vai Quotes)
The classical guitar has a dynamic to it unlike a regular acoustic guitar or an electric guitar. You know, there’s times when you should play and there’s times when you gotta hold back. It’s an extremely dynamic instrument (Steve Vai Quotes)
You know, there’s times when you should play and there’s times when you gotta hold back (Steve Vai Quotes)
I have a deep love for life and my fellow human beings. I try to understand everything that everybody does, even if it seems wrong to me (Steve Vai Quotes)
I knew that I was going to have a life as a musician, because I always felt the pull. I don’t remember ever having to make a choice (Steve Vai Quotes)
I was always one of those guys who was a seeker after truth. I want to know what’s going on (Steve Vai Quotes)
If I remain true to what’s in my heart, that’s all the success I need (Steve Vai Quotes)
It’s very hard to come across as a passionate human being in print. People can’t hear the inflections in your voice (Steve Vai Quotes)
My past is very interesting, and I treasure it, but to write about it, it’s just not on my radar (Steve Vai Quotes)
The only time I’m miserable is when I can’t keep an instrument in tune (Steve Vai Quotes)
When I was growing up, the blues did seem too simple to me. I was just a muso (Steve Vai Quotes)
I don’t think I approach my songs differently from other artists. You get a big picture of it, and you imagine the song and hear and feel it, and that big picture is like a snapshot, and it comes to you as fast as it takes to click a camera (Steve Vai Quotes)
I can tell you this: I’m an extremely passionate individual. I try to be careful how I display it because you never know how people are going to take it (Steve Vai Quotes)
I’ve been approached many times to write all sorts of books about my past and my personal life. I get interest from people who want to do reality shows, and somebody just offered me a huge amount of money to write my spiritual memoirs. I’m just not interested (Steve Vai Quotes)
I’ve learned over the years that you’re going to be most successful at the things you’re most excited to do. Every artist has a special set of tools. When you really use those tools, and you make yourself feel really good about the product you create, I think you’ll find an audience for it. I’ve been very fortunate in that respect (Steve Vai Quotes)
When you get down to it, the way that the music affects you individually is the most important thing, and when you let things like the location of a band get in the way or have an effect on your overview, you’re cheating yourself out of a really good time (Steve Vai Quotes)
I dedicated all the time I had to it. The 10 hour workout was just what I put in the magazine at the time, but for me it was every waking moment (Steve Vai Quotes)
The level of achievement that we have at anything, is a reflection, of how well, we were able to focus on it. Because the only thing that’s holding you back, is the way you’re thinking (Steve Vai Quotes)